Autharian jokes



Prolly old, but here goes

The Queen's Chastity Belt!

King Arthur was in Merlin's laboratory where the great wizard was showing
him his latest creation. It was a chastity belt, except it had a rather
large hole in the most obvious place which made it basically useless.

"This is no good, Merlin!" the King exclaimed, "Look at this opening. How is
this supposed to protect my lady, the Queen, when I'm on a long quest?"

"Ah, sire, just observe," said Merlin. He then selected his most worn out
wand, one that he was going to discard anyway. He inserted it in the gaping
aperture of the chastity belt whereupon a small guillotine blade came down
and cut it neatly in two.

"Merlin, you are a genius!" said the grateful monarch. "Now I can leave,
knowing that my Queen is fully protected."

After putting Guinevere in the device, King Arthur then set out upon a
lengthy Quest.

Several years passed until he returned to Camelot. Immediately he assembled
all of his knights in the courtyard and had them drop their trousers for an
informal 'short arm' inspection.

Sure enough, each and every one of them was either amputated or damaged in
some way. All of them, except Sir Galahad.

"Sir Galahad," exclaimed King Arthur. "You are my one and only true knight!
Only you among all the nobles have been true to me. What is it in my power
to grant you? Name it and it is yours."

But, alas, Sir Galahad was speechless.


hehe, you even managed to refrain from putting a :eek: at the end ;)

Gangster No:1

Not strictly Arthurian, but a good DAoC joke never the less:

How many tanks does it take to change a lightbulb?


2 To do it and 10 to stand around saying "I could solo that".


LOL Gangster.

Reminds me of the "who can do the worst job of soloing a lesser Teletubby" contest I was having with a paladin the other day.

Tanks. Soloing. :( :eek: :rolleyes: :sleeping:

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