Mushy Peas
Cloak Auction, all uniques !!!
Starting price 100 gold and bid's increase are 25 gold !!!
All Items has a Sellout CLAUSE of 500 gold, first who bids 500 gold on an item gets it!!!
Auction Ends Wedensday 25th 22Cet
Vote for items a,b,c and so forth
A) Str 12 Dex 10 Energy 7% matter 5%
B) Hits 28 Con 18 Pie 15 Crush 4%
C) Thrust 4% Str 16 Hits 34 Matter 5%
D) Hits 28 Pie 13 Str 15 Crush 6%
E) Hits 18 Crush 5% Pie19 Thrust 5%
F) Crush 4% Pie 16 Dex9 Matter 7%
G) Dex10 Pow 8 Slash 5% Thrust 3%
H) Hits 17 Heat 5% Energy 8% Supp 2
I) Qui 9 Body 2% Crush 8% Pie 16
J) Energy 8% Hits 20 Heat 3% Pie 13
K) Spirit 5% Thrust 3% Pie 15 Pow 7
L) Dark 2 Pie 24 Hits 28 Spirit 2%
M) Dex 15 Con 13 Slash 4% Hits 31
N) Spirit 5% Crush 4% Hits 40 Runecarve 3
O) Pie 10 Str 16 Heat 7% Qui 9
P) Energy 4% Bonearmy 4 Hits 11 Pow 4
Q) Hits 25 Pie 16 Supp 3 Matter 5%
R) Str 12 Spirit 5% Hits 14 Supp 3
S) Pie 22 Con 13 Cold 3% Body 3%
T) Dark 4 Hits 16 Cold 5% Str 6
U) Hits 22 Body 8% Slash 5% Str 7
V) Summ 4 Thrust 5% Pie 10 Crush 2%
X) Hits 33 Matter 7% Dex13 Qui 7
Y) Hits 12 Energy 3% Dark 3 Dex 21
Z) Bonearmy 3 Pow 8 Cold 2% Thrust 3%
1) Pow 7 Str 13 Dex 13 Hits 18
2) Str 15 Hits 35 Energy 6% Qui 4
3) Con 19 Str 18 Hits 21 Qui 4
4) Cold 6% Pow 6 Slash 3% Body 6%
5) Crush 4% Pie 21 Hits 26 Pow 4
6) Hits 28 Energy 5% Dex 16 Str13
7) Slash 7% Hits 28 Pow 4 Pie 13
8) Spirit 4% Body 4% Thrust 2% Pie 24
9) Pow 1 Cave 3 Pie 6 Energy 1%
10) Body 6% Str 15 Hits 30 Heat 6%
11) Crush 6% Str 15 Hits 22 Pie 18
12) Crush 6 % Hits 25 Str 16 Dex 13
13) Dark 5 Heat 3% Dex 6 Hits 4
14) Demolishing Gem Str 12 Con 4 Hammer 4 Matter 5%
15) Bladeblockers Wrap(Ring) Str 7 Dex 7 Cold 5% Parry 4
16) Jarala's Mug (jewel) Axe 3 Hammer 3 Con 18 Body 4%
Bids in here Plz
Mushy Peas//Shadowflame Of LoM
Starting price 100 gold and bid's increase are 25 gold !!!
All Items has a Sellout CLAUSE of 500 gold, first who bids 500 gold on an item gets it!!!
Auction Ends Wedensday 25th 22Cet
Vote for items a,b,c and so forth
A) Str 12 Dex 10 Energy 7% matter 5%
B) Hits 28 Con 18 Pie 15 Crush 4%
C) Thrust 4% Str 16 Hits 34 Matter 5%
D) Hits 28 Pie 13 Str 15 Crush 6%
E) Hits 18 Crush 5% Pie19 Thrust 5%
F) Crush 4% Pie 16 Dex9 Matter 7%
G) Dex10 Pow 8 Slash 5% Thrust 3%
H) Hits 17 Heat 5% Energy 8% Supp 2
I) Qui 9 Body 2% Crush 8% Pie 16
J) Energy 8% Hits 20 Heat 3% Pie 13
K) Spirit 5% Thrust 3% Pie 15 Pow 7
L) Dark 2 Pie 24 Hits 28 Spirit 2%
M) Dex 15 Con 13 Slash 4% Hits 31
N) Spirit 5% Crush 4% Hits 40 Runecarve 3
O) Pie 10 Str 16 Heat 7% Qui 9
P) Energy 4% Bonearmy 4 Hits 11 Pow 4
Q) Hits 25 Pie 16 Supp 3 Matter 5%
R) Str 12 Spirit 5% Hits 14 Supp 3
S) Pie 22 Con 13 Cold 3% Body 3%
T) Dark 4 Hits 16 Cold 5% Str 6
U) Hits 22 Body 8% Slash 5% Str 7
V) Summ 4 Thrust 5% Pie 10 Crush 2%
X) Hits 33 Matter 7% Dex13 Qui 7
Y) Hits 12 Energy 3% Dark 3 Dex 21
Z) Bonearmy 3 Pow 8 Cold 2% Thrust 3%
1) Pow 7 Str 13 Dex 13 Hits 18
2) Str 15 Hits 35 Energy 6% Qui 4
3) Con 19 Str 18 Hits 21 Qui 4
4) Cold 6% Pow 6 Slash 3% Body 6%
5) Crush 4% Pie 21 Hits 26 Pow 4
6) Hits 28 Energy 5% Dex 16 Str13
7) Slash 7% Hits 28 Pow 4 Pie 13
8) Spirit 4% Body 4% Thrust 2% Pie 24
9) Pow 1 Cave 3 Pie 6 Energy 1%
10) Body 6% Str 15 Hits 30 Heat 6%
11) Crush 6% Str 15 Hits 22 Pie 18
12) Crush 6 % Hits 25 Str 16 Dex 13
13) Dark 5 Heat 3% Dex 6 Hits 4
14) Demolishing Gem Str 12 Con 4 Hammer 4 Matter 5%
15) Bladeblockers Wrap(Ring) Str 7 Dex 7 Cold 5% Parry 4
16) Jarala's Mug (jewel) Axe 3 Hammer 3 Con 18 Body 4%
Bids in here Plz
Mushy Peas//Shadowflame Of LoM