Savage Epic dur 100%
Frozen Tundra Walker's Mantle
lvl 50 cloak
con/str 13 heat/cold 8%
2 charges str/con buff value 75
Dommels Incendiary Seal
lvl 50 neckie
con/str 10
2 charges dot value 64
Omni Bloodhide Leggings
af 102 leather leggings
con 12 heat/cold/matter 7%
lvl 47 melee health buffer
100% con 97% qua
Kobils Fiery Seal
lvl 40 neckie
dex/qui 10
1 charge dmgshield 5
Serrated Wrap
lvl 50 ring
sword/h2h/hammer 2
con 6
Soulbound Necklace
lvl 50 neckie
aug/cave 3 piety 12 spirit 10%
brilliantFuliginuous Tiara
clothcrown af 50
dex/pie 15 power 7
lvl 49 healthregen proc value 52
con 100% qua 93%
brilliantIcebound Effluvium Hammer
hammer/stormcalling 3
cold 6% piety 22
lvl 50 DD value 95
16.2 dps con 100% qua 90
shimmeringYellow Diamond Staff
usable by spiritmaster
summoning 4 piety 18 power 7
Focus summoning 50 lvls
3 charges DD value 331
dps 16.4 con 100% qua 90%
Immolated Dragonfire Cleaver
axe 3 quick 15 heat 10%
lvl 50 DD value 95
dps 16.2 speed 4.0 con 100% qua 91%
luminous Cleaving War Hammer
left axe 3 slash 4% crush 6% charisma 10
15.8 dps speed 3.1 con 100% qua 92%
Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak
lvl 50 cloak
hits 54
Cloak of the Bloodwolf
lvl 45 cloak
stealth 4 charisma 6 dex/qui 9
Cloak of the Dragonwolf
lvl 50 cloak
charisma 15 str/con 7 spirit 10%
shimmering Golden Alloy Hammer
mend/aug/cave 3 dex 18
lvl 50 DD value 95
16.2 dps speed 3.4 con 100% qua 90%
Glacial Diamond Ring (got 2)
lvl 50 ring
power 8 dex 21 crush 8%
Etched ice Bracer
lvl 50 bracer
power 7 dex 18 thrust 6% hits 40
Protectors Jewel
lvl 44 jewel
shield 4 matter 2% dex 10 energy 5%
Bodymender Cloak
lvl 49 cloak
dex 10 mending 4 hits 12 aug 3
Ends sunday 17 aug, reserving right to not sell any item if i think bid is too low.
Frozen Tundra Walker's Mantle
lvl 50 cloak
con/str 13 heat/cold 8%
2 charges str/con buff value 75
Dommels Incendiary Seal
lvl 50 neckie
con/str 10
2 charges dot value 64
Omni Bloodhide Leggings
af 102 leather leggings
con 12 heat/cold/matter 7%
lvl 47 melee health buffer
100% con 97% qua
Kobils Fiery Seal
lvl 40 neckie
dex/qui 10
1 charge dmgshield 5
Serrated Wrap
lvl 50 ring
sword/h2h/hammer 2
con 6
Soulbound Necklace
lvl 50 neckie
aug/cave 3 piety 12 spirit 10%
brilliantFuliginuous Tiara
clothcrown af 50
dex/pie 15 power 7
lvl 49 healthregen proc value 52
con 100% qua 93%
brilliantIcebound Effluvium Hammer
hammer/stormcalling 3
cold 6% piety 22
lvl 50 DD value 95
16.2 dps con 100% qua 90
shimmeringYellow Diamond Staff
usable by spiritmaster
summoning 4 piety 18 power 7
Focus summoning 50 lvls
3 charges DD value 331
dps 16.4 con 100% qua 90%
Immolated Dragonfire Cleaver
axe 3 quick 15 heat 10%
lvl 50 DD value 95
dps 16.2 speed 4.0 con 100% qua 91%
luminous Cleaving War Hammer
left axe 3 slash 4% crush 6% charisma 10
15.8 dps speed 3.1 con 100% qua 92%
Enraged Wolf Pelt Cloak
lvl 50 cloak
hits 54
Cloak of the Bloodwolf
lvl 45 cloak
stealth 4 charisma 6 dex/qui 9
Cloak of the Dragonwolf
lvl 50 cloak
charisma 15 str/con 7 spirit 10%
shimmering Golden Alloy Hammer
mend/aug/cave 3 dex 18
lvl 50 DD value 95
16.2 dps speed 3.4 con 100% qua 90%
Glacial Diamond Ring (got 2)
lvl 50 ring
power 8 dex 21 crush 8%
Etched ice Bracer
lvl 50 bracer
power 7 dex 18 thrust 6% hits 40
Protectors Jewel
lvl 44 jewel
shield 4 matter 2% dex 10 energy 5%
Bodymender Cloak
lvl 49 cloak
dex 10 mending 4 hits 12 aug 3
Ends sunday 17 aug, reserving right to not sell any item if i think bid is too low.