new:clean studded suit MP/99, SVG TG vest MIN BID 5P BUYOUT 15 !!!
ok, here we go. auction ends thursday evening ( 19.2.).
if you dont know the stats of the items feel free to ask.
all following items are 100% qua 100% dur, and not used very much.
Dragon shadow 1h sword, str/con debuff proc
starting bid: 1p, bidding steps 300g
Icy barbed moon claw, dot proc
starting bid: 300g
bidding steps: 1000
MP dwarven great sword, sced, stats almost fitting to the first sword:
22 str
4 sword
4 parry
7% energy
heat dd proc
starting bid: 200g
bidding steps: 100g
flame wrought ring. i may comment that this will even rise in price with toa, since better jewelry may be necesarry with some artifacts in your suit.
starting bid: 200g
bidding steps: 100g
ok - i have traded my sced mp suit against a non sced clean unused af 102 studded set:
99% circlet, 99% torso, 99% boots, mp legs, mp gloves mp sleeves.
start offer: 500g
increase: 200g
last but not least a fylgia (thoose cute little pets) , forgot what kind it is and the charges are used up (but can be recharged).
starting bid: 50g
increase: 10g
happy bidding !
ok what the heck, since i will rarely play on excalibur anyway (with toa no time to get ML's etc on different servers) im also AUCTIONING:
Dragon Shadow Vest, Svg Tg vest, 180 heal proc for:
5p min bid,
1p bid increase
15P Buyout !
ok, here we go. auction ends thursday evening ( 19.2.).
if you dont know the stats of the items feel free to ask.
all following items are 100% qua 100% dur, and not used very much.
Dragon shadow 1h sword, str/con debuff proc
starting bid: 1p, bidding steps 300g
Icy barbed moon claw, dot proc
starting bid: 300g
bidding steps: 1000
MP dwarven great sword, sced, stats almost fitting to the first sword:
22 str
4 sword
4 parry
7% energy
heat dd proc
starting bid: 200g
bidding steps: 100g
flame wrought ring. i may comment that this will even rise in price with toa, since better jewelry may be necesarry with some artifacts in your suit.
starting bid: 200g
bidding steps: 100g
ok - i have traded my sced mp suit against a non sced clean unused af 102 studded set:
99% circlet, 99% torso, 99% boots, mp legs, mp gloves mp sleeves.
start offer: 500g
increase: 200g
last but not least a fylgia (thoose cute little pets) , forgot what kind it is and the charges are used up (but can be recharged).
starting bid: 50g
increase: 10g
happy bidding !
ok what the heck, since i will rarely play on excalibur anyway (with toa no time to get ML's etc on different servers) im also AUCTIONING:
Dragon Shadow Vest, Svg Tg vest, 180 heal proc for:
5p min bid,
1p bid increase
15P Buyout !