AU has 3 spaces now ...


Zag Barr

Concerning the <Black Falcons>

I spoke to some members, and was told that them joining is unlikely - since they have an allince with some other guild. Haven't spoken to Hatjitaji yet, since he is never online, when I think of it or have time to talk ...



To make everything clear

<Black Falcons> will not join to AU in the near future( i never say never :D )

At this moment we have discussed all the possibilies in a big alliance and all the possibilities in our current alliance. maybe we do not get as much info as in AU.. but we do have fun and enjoy our current alliance with <Legion of Darkness> which are our best friends since the beginning of retail and the early stage of our guild..

We do respect AU very much and see it as the heart of albion. we will greatfully help out in any raids and defenses... just need a /send to one of our members online

To make it short. All Albion Guilds have an alliance in defending our realm and conquer hibernian and Midgard's land... dont think we need the /as command to have that :)

just our oppinion.. to make any speculations clear

greetings <Black Falcons>

Zag Barr

That's what I heared from your guildmembers. Thanks Hatj for making it official :)


Well 3 spots free, come and join if you wanna be part of it :) We are communicating with 2nd alliance also (and they organise their own things like raids etc. also already). We can use any hand against the enemies from the other realms. We must prevail! :)

Madonion Slicer

Contact Zlair or Feyd both lvl50's of the <Red Dragons> i am sure they would be very interested to here from the AU


IF a guild decide to join.
Speak to anyone speciall in game or post here?

Zag Barr

Originally posted by old.Zerathol
IF a guild decide to join.
Speak to anyone speciall in game or post here?

Post here would be good.

If you dont want to post, speak ingame to Herbal, Kahlen, Daivana, Arthwyr, Filip, Belthazor, Sewen, Wegde, Judas me or any GM really, who's guild is currently in AU.


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Contact Zlair or Feyd both lvl50's of the <Red Dragons> i am sure they would be very interested to here from the AU

Plz don't... we r too small to contribute ;)

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