ATTN [Cerebus]



I have no idea what that means, my sig is the work of Gef who won the right to put whatever he wants in it.


it says "That joke wasn't funny at all!" in rot-13


I think this quote by Dave Barry, my favorite writer, explains why I
often wear my underwear on my head when I go to work:

All you have to do to see the accuracy of my thesis is look around
you. Look, in particular, at the people who, like you, are making
average incomes for doing average jobs -- bank vice presidents,
insurance salesman, auditors, secretaries of defense -- and you'll
realize they all dress the same way, essentially the way the mannequins
in the Sears menswear department dress. Now look at the real
successes, the people who make a lot more money than you -- Elton John,
Captain Kangaroo, anybody from Saudi Arabia, Big Bird, and so on. They
all dress funny -- and they all succeed. Are you catching on?
-- Dave Barry, "How to Dress for Real Success"


i cant believe it really means something... and someone here could translate it o_O


ROT-13 is an encryption scheme , used regularly on news.

Rot-13 is probably the most basic type of encryption. It just rotates the letters in the alphabit by 13 characters. Since the alphabit is 26 letters it just moves letters to a new letter. It isn't really an ecryption type, it is just kidda a way you can keep msg's from less net swavvy people. Also it is used sometimes to keep info some people might not want to know hidden, for example the ending of a movie might be in rot-13 so people who want to know can read it, and those who don't can watch the movie themselves =)

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