ATTN All Alts on BG's



Alright, you've had your fun, your twinked chars have left us with some uber-keeps and we've seen how 1337 your money can make you look. Now feck off back to Emain with your mains, and back to your own realms to exp. Normal RvR is very quiet lately, and finding exp groups in the evenings is even harder than usual (speaking from a mid 40's standpoint).


(p.s. I know this applies to me as well and makes me a hypocrite, but someone has to say it.)


this game will die on the english servers quick if everyone is is on alts all the time


you make it sound like work..

real rvr sucks, bg is fun, thats all i care about


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
this game will die on the english servers quick if everyone is is on alts all the time

If everybody is playing alts the server wont die =) all will just be lower level awhile =PP


thats rubbish...

Everyone is not playing their alt.
And if they are, they know when to stop...
Would you like an example, mate?
Yesterday the Hibs did a Massive attempt on our relic (easily over 125 hibs at Grallarhorn)...
In 30 minutes we had 180 people in Yggdra Forest to defend, and the low level alts could not be seen anywhere =)

/salute hibs, tho. great fun.


Altchars. imo prolonge the lifetime of the game.
So what if it takes somebody a little extra time to get the presious level 50, there are plenty of enjoyment (especially now) to play with different chars.

And for them to stay out of BGs well that is just stupid.
I play a thane as main, and although I know how to play that in RvR I do not know how to play a runie, shadowblade, zerk etc. - that is what the BGs are for - learn to play your class before you enter real RvR and get ganked cause you think a runie is your tank.


High level boredom

Don't get me wrong I haven't hit 50 with my main (I don't intend to either until the high level content is in the game, and the spec lines look like being about finished).

A lot of high levels have left this game because they outpaced the patch content (thanks GOA - not). I would rather see them playing in BG's and still playing, rather than giving up in frustration.

I would REALLY like to see these BG'S with no limit on staying. Ok when you hit a certain Realm Rank, then you can gain no more points.

That way people could have a main at 50, and alts for each of the BG's.

It would also be very nice to have a BG other than usual RvR (Emain) for those above lvl 35. Do it without rp's or bonuses so that other features can be built in. Maybe a Home Realm only fort for PvP against Realm mates (or even how about a dungeon under the tk for that?). Another possibility would be a massive fort on an island just like the other BG's, but with no doors on the gates, only rooms and corridor layouts for close quarter fighting so the tanks can get in and have some fun against each other? Short corridors with lots of 90 deg bends would help allow things to get interesting. Also, how about no mezz or root there, and when you die you return to a bind point in the arrival tk?

With no mezz or roots, battlements could be laid out so that casters and archers can range against each other, for instance.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Alright, you've had your fun, your twinked chars have left us with some uber-keeps and we've seen how 1337 your money can make you look. Now feck off back to Emain with your mains, and back to your own realms to exp. Normal RvR is very quiet lately, and finding exp groups in the evenings is even harder than usual (speaking from a mid 40's standpoint).


(p.s. I know this applies to me as well and makes me a hypocrite, but someone has to say it.)

I have to agree, but only so far as people using their 'uber' twinks and vast levels of cash to do stuff any main character could not do at these levels. Doesnt really kill off all the fun, but people seem to have absolutely no respect for those who are using their mains in the BGs. Having said that, it is helpfull to get some knowledge from these rvr experienced players, although most dont seem to want to share it, busy playing with their m8s twinks.....

Support and respect your fellow players, we will get to L50 one day aswell you know.........


180 mids went to defend? that would probably explain the half an hour we had to pointlessly bash our heads on the door of the keep in the 20-24 BG then before all your alts came back... just goes to show how many of you in that BG are mains and twinks ...i mean alts, doesnt it...


i have to agree with demerzel there
"real" rvr sucks ass, just purps gangs on ur ass
battlegrounds rock so much more.


not all that play in Bg's are alts.Some are mains and some of us have great time.

Cause you couldnt take the keep dont try lame ass excuse that it was twinks holding you off ..not unless you got lots of proof eh?

By moaning all the time that BG is full of alts and no mains etc you belittle what we mains there actually feel proud of :( Thanks.

/come get some !


wtf? a mid complaining?

we always get zerged by mids....... :p


These battlegrounds are new so its logical everyone wants to try it and play it. Give it 2 weeks and things will be back to normal pace.


Gotta laugh at the slighty whiney tone from the last few albs posting about alts/twinks in the 20-24bg's when you look at their sigs, most have high lvl chars.


Woot...alts on BGs?

Dna was few times perhaps but no more BGs for me.
Yeah my Pryd char is as good as retired.

Although u should not be saying that playing alts is causing
problems to get a grp or any other. If people wants to try something new I surely am glad if they choose to play alt more than if they choose to change game and leave as many has done from EU daoc recent times :-<

Well all the fun in your travels and don't think yourself first always or atleast think others aswell before telling them what to do :m00:



Re: Re: ATTN All Alts on BG's

Originally posted by old.Eeek

Doesnt really kill off all the fun, but people seem to have absolutely no respect for those who are using their mains in the BGs. Having said that, it is helpfull to get some knowledge from these rvr experienced players, although most dont seem to want to share it, busy playing with their m8s twinks.....

well, like i said yesterday in my group, i have no problem with noobies, but i do have a problem with uber noobies :p
(of course this was a joke :)

what i ment: this may your main char.. BUT
-camping bridge to pull guards all the time IS stupid
-camping ON the bridge to kill ONE middie once in a while , while we get killed all the time IS stupid
-doing nothing while i charge a group of 4 middies (and mezz 2 of them) IS stupid (group stood a bit further watching at me while the 2 others killed me)
-hitting the mezzed one as first target IS stupid (i cant mezz em all you know)
-i forgot the rest but there are more of this things :p

for example: i was in a full group and met a group of 4 middies....
we werent able to kill em with that full group, (hitting mezzed, bridge.. blabla they got away), i met them later, teamed with a sorc... we killed em... just with some teamplay


T E A M W O R K !

Well i have to agree that if there are a lot of twinks/alts plaing in Bg1 then they better go learn some tactics in *real* rvr for a bit then come back.A lot of flaming /purple weapons flying around but with no real *intelligence* behind them . :moo:
Ive seen so many groups charge and when the thane etc gets two or more albs on him,the rest of group run like scared schoolgirls at the first look of a willy :p

Come on guys lets get some team work! By all means make sure a healer gets away etc but rest of you need to charge and not just ae the mezzed albs/hibs all the time.

Hopefully Bg2/3 is diffrent...pleeeaaase tell me it is ! :D


Took me 10 mins running around the 20-24 BG before I saw an alb in full black plate set, and a kobold with flaming axes ...


i got to say i enjoy the low bg more then to play with my main in emain, althoe i will pass the bgs quick and then i will return to emain, the area in emain as for rvr is boring so why not play where i find it fun to play :)

Mousah MOO
pikeman at 48
<Dragon Knights>

Mouselito SnipermOO
sniper at 24
<Dragon Knights>


I honestly don't understand what the fuss is about...

First I see ppl complaining that everybody else is playing their Alts, then I see ppl complaining that in the BG's there are alot of Uber player Alts (with flaming swords etc...) , what the hell is wrong with you ppl ???

What's the big deal of playing with our Alts ???

Because now that i know how to play the game I shouldn't go to the BG's with my alt, because its unfair to the newbies that have a main char there ??? what about when I was a newbie getting ganked every single time in emain by higher level mids that had played before in the US server ??? did I whine ? did I cry out for: "hey...thats not fair go back to the US servers or go kill some purple con monsters and leave us alone!!" ?


I got tired of playing my merc...wanted to change a bit, started playing with my alt in the low level BG. Having lots of fun, to bad its going to end very soon due to the realm pts :(

PS: Server going to end ??? only if we register a abnormal increase of WHINNING MIDS, HIBS and ALBS

Memnock -> level 44 Merc
Naite -> level 23 Inf


Bah, im bored senseless with my main chars, months to level them up and its dull. Why level them? to get on an even level with the bad guys, to end the purple death problem

Now BGs are here, folks can push a char to 20+ in a few days, and have fun as a totally new class, without having to wait 45 or so levels before they can hope to compete with that char in mainline rvr.

Its hardly suprising that peeps wanna play the game in the BG rather than the sad sad bordem of levelling to 50th.

Ill even throw in a comparison here, in one power hour of UO, one of my chars jumped 4.1 in magic resist, from 89-93, it took me 4 hours to gain a bubble at 47th.

Bettlegrounds may yet save DAoC but i doubt it.


It's funny all these people who try and tell everyone how to play this game, I didn't realise you were paying for my DaoC account.


Who cares if some players in the BG are twinked. Is a lvl22 steaming around with a veeeerrrryyy purple flaming lvl45+ sword going to do anymore dmg than a lvl22 with a player crafted orange cons sword???? I doubt it, in fact, gimme the orange cons weapon anyday :p

And not only that, most chars at lvl20+ should be in a guild that can provide them with a set of hand me down weaps/armour or know a high lvl guild crafter able to equip them well.

It seems you are whinging that the BGs are full of lvl50 alts. So what, just cos they are lvl50 alts, doesn't make them uber in any way. Plus the BGs are top fun, I personally would like to see more people there, twinked or not :)


Re: Re: Re: ATTN All Alts on BG's

Originally posted by Dalby

well, like i said yesterday in my group, i have no problem with noobies, but i do have a problem with uber noobies :p
(of course this was a joke :)

what i ment: this may your main char.. BUT
-camping bridge to pull guards all the time IS stupid
-camping ON the bridge to kill ONE middie once in a while , while we get killed all the time IS stupid

I hardly use the bridges. Nice spot for a assassin to camp.

I like to take the untraveled route myself.


Alts in BG damn Id hate to play with ur mains :p
Fact that over half the ppl suck,, hardly any1 ress/heal/buff.

Ill quote Caildia after a session in BG:
"If U didnt wanna heal, why the fuck U choose a Druid"

Still makes me laff that :D

And no i aint moaning bout being killed ALOT (lol) in BG half the fun when I charge a grp of 8 orange/reds with my lvl 20 NS hehe

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