Attention MIDS and HIBS ... the screenshots you all want to see



ok, so should I link all my screenies of dead hibs and mids? Grow up ffs.


i do :)
Just look around in the forum

Go Go Ebeneezer & Barbar .. 0wnage huh!!:D


Originally posted by -Dreama-
ok, so should I link all my screenies of dead hibs and mids? Grow up ffs.

You got many of those? You're sick :p


maybe it was his 1st rvr kill :) .
i think everybody musta been chuffed the 1st time they got a kill in rvr :)


I think it has something to do with cheating saxo using a selfmodified daoc version or so ^^

(dunno if it's true )


saxo might be a tit or not, i dunno ;)
but i know ebeneezer is


Ebenezeer I have loadsa things I wanna say, but I couldnt be bothered to offend u, till I read your other arrogant to some it up :

u r a Geek!

and wot that abstract 'ebenezeer' bullshit is all about, we'd rather not know.:puke:

But I will gank u this weekend !


It is prolly becaus Saxosergio spams any hib/mid corpse with /laugh till his macro dies. Ebe just returned the favour.:D


Originally posted by old.LandShark
saxo might be a tit or not, i dunno ;)
but i know ebeneezer is

Speaks a guy who has been ganked :clap:

I'm not a serial dancer...Saxosergio is...ergo Saxosergio is the tit, not me.


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
Ebenezeer I have loadsa things I wanna say, but I couldnt be bothered to offend u, till I read your other arrogant to some it up :

u r a Geek!

and wot that abstract 'ebenezeer' bullshit is all about, we'd rather not know.:puke:

But I will gank u this weekend !

First up...nothing arrogant about my post. Provocative yes, arrogant no. Please quote me if I'm arrogant and says things like "I'm great you're shit" etc. You cannot do it as I'm not arrogant. Get your facts straight.

Second, geek?? Well maybe. I have a doctorate in mathematics from Oxford, so in many eyes yes I'm a geek. In more reasonable and intelligent eyes however, I'm just a good mathmo. Fuck knows how some alb baiting on some forum makes me a geek though. Please enlighten me, oh master sage.

Third, you don't appreciate the subtlety in my character name. I suggest you buy an album by the band Shaman (clue there :rolleyes: ) and listen to the track Ebeneezer Goode.

Finally, STFU about ownage:

You're a good fighter mate. Don't bring yourself down by crass remarks.

The whole thread is about Saxo being a knob dancing all the time, something far more astute individuals like Arya can pick up upon.


haha, and are you "huh?, wtfs this post about" albions thick as shit?

good dancing eben, im yet to see that saxo punk in emain, but when i do he will drop like a retarded alb ;)



Originally posted by old.neenee
haha, and are you "huh?, wtfs this post about" albions thick as shit?

good dancing eben, im yet to see that saxo punk in emain, but when i do he will drop like a retarded alb ;)



Another voice of reason on the boards.


Ebeneezer, grow up. Are you obsessed by saxosergio or what ? The red shoes post and now this one makes me think you are on a personal cruisade against him. Saxosergio is a member of Exiled and after a few posts from him that made me frown I spoke to him regarding his posting here and the contents of his posts. As you might have noticed he is Spanish and his English is not that good, posts therefore came over a little harder then they were intended to be. Saxosergio is still reading these boards btw but he does not reply anymore at your attempts to mock him, instead he dances on corpses and laughs at you. And hey if someone posted things like you do about me i would probably laugh at the guy too. People dance on my corpse in emain too, so be it. Most amusing is it when green cones dance on you who werent even remotely involved in killing you but hey, I can live with it, maybe you should learn to live with it too.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
instead he dances on corpses and laughs at you.

and everyone else he comes across. He's the only alb/hib/mid that does this serially. Consequently he is the only person I'll flame...until of course he improves his RvR conduct.

He should take a leaf out of some of his realm mates books. Cutting Edge have been roaming your frontiers regularly recently and having some great fights with your realm mates...just read the threads. The fight finishes and there's a bow/salute whatever and move on. That's what it is all about.

Call it a personal crusade if you like. My point is this: live by the sword die by the sword. You know fine well he dances and laughs far too much. So I reserve my right to give it in return and post nice screenies here too ;)

There's no way you can defend his actions so don't even try.

Shame really, as you yourself personally fight with honour and behave impeccably...with of course the one exception of the futile defence of your friend's actions.

As GM of a guild, which presumably he is in too given you party a lot together, you should perhaps ask him to review his conduct. I think most people prefer bow/salute, and can even tolerate one dance or laugh, but spamming is lame.

The ball's in his court...


Haha Ebene... quite funny, srry about that was a little drunk last nite :puke:

let me point out that my aoe does more damage:cool:

And I can't wait to bolt your blue ass:p

P.S. respect I have a maths degree too:D

but no matter what u say I cant stand Shaman !!!

Neptunes / N.E.R.D. now that's music:cool:


Originally posted by old.Zoyster
Haha Ebene... quite funny, srry about that was a little drunk last nite :puke:

let me point out that my aoe does more damage:cool:

And I can't wait to bolt your blue ass:p

P.S. respect I have a maths degree too:D

but no matter what u say I cant stand Shaman !!!

Neptunes / N.E.R.D. now that's music:cool:

Hehe no worries mate. Good to see you're one of the good guys after all :D

Looking forward to our next in-game encounter.


i thought the only ppl who danced on corpses were the lvl 10s who are too low to go BG?


I'll only ever jump/spam laugh/whateverrrr if you've done it to me before.

Other than that I'll do nothing, or bow or maybe even blow you a kiss if you're a good looking lady alb/hib*

*I need to get out more.


Why even bother about spamming emotes, do a salute and a bow for a nice fight, A laugh (not with corpse targeted) if something really funny accured, there is just one person at this time that have, so to speak, earned that respect from me, Atrox, you are the one. As I tend to run solo alot between Alb pk and amg I tend to get wacked by stealthers alot, cant say I have gotten any respect from those (tend to stay a while before releasing to see any emotes)

Nuff said and hope ppl can learn that spamming emotes is just a waist of time (my opinion)

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