Attck Towards Midgard!



Well actually no but i got your attention. :p Sure this should be in the mid/pryd section but this way i get more info.


RvR/PvP quality? Please do give reasons.

Higher levels of play? ANy problems killing mobs etc.

1h or 2h? Shield any good or will some points in parry be enough.

Tell your tale! BE a helpful person! :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Tell your tale! BE a helpful person! :D

Start a Skald :D

no seriously, thanes are great in PvE, but where it matters, atm they are lacking in RvR.

unless you are with a skald, you will struggle to chase down opposition.

We are affectionately known as The Mezz Breakers From Hell" even tho only dumb thanes do this using Command Mjollnir spell line.

we hit hard as equivalent warriors with our Str buff and Damage add, and get some nice caster interupter and assasin unstealthing instas :D

Our Stormcalling line is great for Keep Defence and Offence.

We fear Thrust Polers and Spearoes almost as much as mezz

Most thanes will tell u to get 42 Shield style, Slam for the stun, but if you are in a good RvR group with a good healer, the healers AE 11 second stun is far superior, hence making 2H thanes such as myself viable in RvR.

Sure if you are into duels, go get Slam, as its best use is in very small skirmishes.

No one in their right minds can say Slam makes didly squat difference in a huge Zerg skirmish or a relic raid.

DO NOT plan to spec beyond 48 in stormcalling as the 50 Str buff is redundant, we are capped at +50 str and that can be obtained from the 41 Str buff.

if you spec shield, I advise to spec to 42 or 35.

If you wanna go 2H, max hammer to 50, btw using engage the Block triggered 3 style combo of Revenge|Thor's Answer|Mjollnir's FUry is an unbelievable chain and if all 3 hit, the opposition is D E A D (discounting insta heals and stuff)

all in all its a fun class to play, but IMO for RvR skalds are better


Speccing in shield doesn't mean you can't use 2h weapons. I'd strongly recommend hammer as your weapon: good quest hammers at lvls 10, 24 and 44, good styles, no armour based resists. My thane at lvl 48 has 39+10 hammer (+11 with 1h), 48 SC, 14 parry, 35+ shield. Rest of my points are all going to shield, for that slam style.

Usually in RvR I use my 2hander, only to whip out the shield if I need to engage an archer. Pairing with a skald as a thane works amazingly well if you can get the co-operation to work. Can take 3-4 people groups if they don't con above you and you have some luck. Also I use the shield if I'm solo and don't know who might be stalking me, taking out the 2h to melee if I get to suprise someone.

With this template you might occasionally drop below your level in hammer skill, but shouldn't be a problem really.


You've forgot the lvl 40 epic... :) Great hammer that one... Kill crabs in three-four hits, two with the proc, and crits....


So is there a reason why thanes use a hammer? Or is it justs because everyone wants to be Thor :p


crush damage is a good choice for RvR. At worst, armors are neutral to crush; many are slightly or very weak to crush damage. (especially scale and plate armor)

For what it's worth, the guy who said skalds are better in RvR... well, he din't tell no lie...
Thanes' stormcalling just does not do enough damage imho. As a minstrel (unspeccable shield, no parry, just evade II) i have beaten thanes in straight melee. Their instas + melee vs my instas + melee.

That said, thanes don't suck in RvR by a long shot, so play whichever appeals to you rather than the one that's more uber in RvR ;)


Just my point. I'm not into RvR yet, not even close, just still (after over four months, if not more, of gameplay) having fun with the game. So the hammer is only a "needed" choice if i'm going for uber RvR, in wich case i shouldn't play a thane at all? So clear.. :p



Hammer is the most superior weapon in midgard hands down, both in RvR and PvE.

Skalds are more fun in RvR imo cos they can actually solo and dont rely on other classes as much as thanes do.

it all depends, Skalds both group very well in RvR AND solo well.

Thanes ONLY group well, they are the solo RvR gimps of DAoC.

Thanes are very rewarding in good RvR groups, and thats when I have best RvR, esp in a small group of me, Skald (Usually Stormsteel) and healer (Usually Raenolf or Carrot).

me and Storm have taken out groups of 4 even cons and 6-8 blue cons before, cos of the raw attack power we wield together.

Combine Skald speed, mezz, shouts and thane insta bolts and insane alpha strikes and you got a great combo for interupting casters, unstealthign assasins, mezzing the tuff guys and delivering a lot of damage on the move.

dont be put off by my earlier post, Thanes are fun but we need some attention, since day 1 Thanes as a class have been ignored by Mythic as we ere percieved as a balanved class (we were pre 1.48). Things have moved along so much, and most classes have had a lot of tweaks and improvements, seems Mythic are leaving thanes behind, and the gap is starting to show.

(before the pure melee classes and dual wielders start flaming me, I NEVER said other classes dont neeed attention, nor did I say thanes need attention more than other classes, just saying we need some attention, along with other classes)

Lets hope Mythics promise to work on Melee classes in 1.52 is upheld


So what your saying is that speccing in sword or axe is useless? Is the difference really THAT big?


its not the damage, its the styles

Hammer styles are superior to Axe styles by a long shot.

Mythic have done some changes in later patches and are still working on more, but Hammer styles are superior.

Saying that Axe styles are ok, and Sword styles are terrible for non rogues (hell not that rogues ever use sword styles anyway)

Just pick whichever, they are all viable, just hammer is supeior ATM.

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