ATI RADEON 9200 [problems with SI]



ok, i have this "kickass" card, ATI radeon 9200 128 MB..
but still.. when i log on to SI i get grafic problems, the trees all dissapear and the sky gets all messed up.
this happend after i installed new drivers i found on the ATI page btw. before that SI was normal, but the game ran real SLOW, wiith huge screen lag. so with 2 drivers (winxp driver, and ati website driver) SI is still messed up.
i dont have thsi problem on original DAOC though, it runs nice and smooth and so does other games. but SI runs either really slow or messed up gfx.

help me please


I have the same problems but with the GeForce 4 TI 4600 card and the FX 5600 card. All new updated drivers.

I am running a Lanparty NFII Ultra mobo with the drivers that came with the board.

I just built the pc and it runs smooth in all other applications so appart from DAoC.


old drivers not removed correctly probably, or just duff set of drivers.

Its always drivers <sigh>, and seeing as your problem started when u installed new drivers...

Tesla Monkor

I had problems with SI after installing the newest ATI Cat drivers. (3.7 at the time). This was a clean windows install.. no other drivers had ever been installed.. In the end I went back to 3.2 and it runs smooth.

New drivers doesn't mean better, I fear. :)

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