ATI Radeon 7500 - WXP - DAoC



This pb isnt solved at all, nor by Mythic then GOA.

You log in, the game freeze after 30 seconds.
Rightnow! tools doesnt provide any help on this despite mails etc. (evidence..)
IGNVault tech.forums as well (no reply saying : hey this nasty things finally solved !).

Have tried :

* Many OS (XP/2K/98/Me)
* Many chipset (Via/Intel)
* Many drivers (from various web site, including WDM, omega etc.)
* Many forums
* Many misc.conf (like unactivate all D3D functions ..blablabla .. 16M colors instead 32 ..blablabla.. BIOS AGP/write mode settings ..blablabla..)
* Many DAoC clients (UK beta, UK live, FR live)

And still no way out.
The pb comes from DAoC client obviously (all other game tested with are fully functionnal, from AOK to Quake, including TR* and emulz).

As Kemor sometimes zones here also, maybe he could ask Mythic if they found a way out to this ? Cos they dont answer as well and blast the nasty : ask RightNow! sentence.

Cheers !


How much memory do you have?
I had similar problems and doubled mine to 384MB. No hang-ups after that.

old.Solomon Kane

I'm running a Radeon 7500 / Win 98 / 1.3 Athlon / 256mg ram - no problems here.


i am having the exact same problem. and its starting to annoy me now as i cant play daoc PLS HELP

this is all i can find on the us site and hmm doesnt help either

If the game loses focus from the operating system at any time you will crash immediately. Any one of a million types of programs running in the background can cause this to happen. Listed below are just a few of these programs that you should be aware of:

Any instant messenger program (AOL, ICQ, MSN etc.)

Any type of network performance software such as Windows Network Booster Printer software that may sit in the system tray and communicate with your printer such as LEXMARK software Net Nanny and similar net surfing monitoring products.

To resolve your crashing issue first attempt to disable this software.

If crashing continues an uninstall of the offending software may be necessary.


Ok - I have 7500 / AthlonXP 1400+ / 512Mb DDR / SB Live!5.1 running W2kProf.

Using the drivers version Ive got the crashes down to once every couple of sessions (typically Ill play for a couple of hours in a session), I get both immediate reboot & the odd blue screen when zoning / quitting. Newer versions of the drivers
give me big problems (it all goes a bit 'max headroom' - ie the sound goes into a loop & the machine locks up solid).

I found a big improvement in stability when I made sure all the cards used a separate interupt (you should be able to do this in the bios, or by moving the cards about in slots) and also making sure that I had the latest chipset drivers for the mobo, particuarly the APG interface & the latest SB Live! drivers. Ive just replaced my primary HD, which went bad over last weekend - yet to see if this makes any difference.

Ive got the 7500 mildy overclocked, this seemed to have no effect on stability ; when I tried overlocking the cpu I found that the crashes in DAoC where slightly more common, so I put it back how it was.

Dont think that this is a DAoC problem, leaving the system running 3Dmark 2000 also causes blue screens after a while. My guess is that its a low level driver / timing problem.


i used to have the probs in 3dmark about 3 months back, that turned out to be my motherbard and CPU both fried. Sicne then using generally the latest drivers, all my other games are running absolutly SWEET, i got this pc set up as an internet server as well and it hasnt crashed or locked up. the only time it seems to lock up is when triing to play doac.
I had a real bitch of a time getting all the interups set correct on this machine 3 months back and using duel boot atm.(win 98 and XP) But once it was all set up i havent had a major prob till i tried to run doac again.
Athlon 1700+
Ati radion
sonic fury sound card
Using Gfx driver


Available RAM : 1024 Mb

I have off course closed before launching DAoC any running pgm (including IM, Network scanners etc.).

Changing interupt .. hrm I wish I knew how to swap this AGP card to another AGP slot ???

The heat is not too high in the box, and monitored in real time.

Theres still no solution, from GOA, US forums etc.

Thanks anyway.


Yep there is a Real problem with the drivers for these Radions 7500. I found i could play doac when i used the really old driver, But when i upgraded the driver, Crash in 30 secs. every other game i play is great. But i started to play an old game of mine X-byond the frontier and guess what , It actually crashed but the cool thing, when i rebooted and got back into windows xp, Lo and behold it goes with a nice big msg box. There is a problem with the driver for the radion 7500 / or it might be faulty. At last an actuall msg actually blaming something usefull. After a little diggin around it seems that Ati have missed something in the Winxp driver ( the only XP driver they suport ) and that something is what DOAC uses so it might not be Doac to blame.
Oh after 8 days goa havent been much help so looks like i will have to phone ATI soon and find out if they know about this problem. If you get any luck with your radion, pls let me know as so far i have Reinstalled 2 operating systems. Dowloaded and installed more drivers than i can think about and all that has done is to make me loose hair.


No way out mate, whatever the OS is, I have tried so far WXP,W2K, W98 and WNT.

GOA/Mythic dont and wont give any information about this problem, which is unsolved still the begining.



yep you are right, All operating systems wont work if you use the latest ati drivers for that operating system. I found that if i used the Cd drivers on win xp and 98 ( The NOT SUPORTED ONES) I could play doac for a while ( eg the last 2 months) but as soon as i put on the "correct drivers" All my other games love it and Doac Crashes and burns very very fast. Oh that other game crashed because i corrupted a file in ms media, How that caused my at driver to screw up im not sure. Oh well. Looks like i best start saving up for a better gfx card. I hope you have more luck than i am.


Hmm i found this recent update to the Rightnow section of the US doac site.

While using a Radeon based video card, I am getting some graphical corruption.

<->While using a Radeon based video card, I am having some graphical glitches when playing Dark Age of Camelot. Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?<->


If the problem still persists with the most up to date official drivers from ATi, then you may want to try the following:

For our Win9x users, you can try the "BETA" 4.13.7184 drivers. This driver can be found in the ATi downloads section at

Alternatively you can try the "BETA" 7185 drivers. This driver can be found at "Only tested using Win9x."

Please be aware that these drivers are not officially supported by neither ATi or Mythic Entertainment. Mythic Entertainment will not be held responsible for any errors that may arise on your home computer after installation of any beta drivers.

For our WindowsXP users, you can try the "BETA" 4.13.7184 drivers. This driver can be found in the ATi downloads section at

Please be aware that these drivers are not officially supported by neither ATi or Mythic Entertainment. Mythic Entertainment will not be held responsible for any errors that may arise on your home computer after installation of any beta drivers.

These drivers fix many known problems with ATi cards and DAoC including: vanishing paperdoll, graphical sky glitches, double character vision and more. Please note, this is not a %100 fix, but the effort continues to resolve the issues. We are working closely with ATi regarding this matter. More info to come.

I have installed the beta Winxp driver and guess what, I actually played for 2.5 hours without a glitch. So this beta may be a great help. It seems to have cured my crashing in 30 secs, So i dont know if you have tried this one, if you havent give it a go. Oh i still havent had a reply from the Euro rightnow as any type of sultion to my prob.


thx Fat, gonna try those when I have time


np. they seem to work for me but only one prob. Doac runs at 2 -3 frames a sec sometimes and can be a real pain but at least you can actually play it ( a little )

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