I'm just wondering if theres any palamino-capable (XP) mobos out there which sport an isa slot, as i need one for my modem. Obviously it would need to be up to standard in other areas, the epox kt266a board looks quite nice but alas no isa slot.
Since there is no pci/external modem in the same league as my pace 56 voice internal ISA, getting an ISAless board would not only mean shelling out more cash, but also at least +15 ping or so.
Such is the price of technological change in the pc market... gain in most areas but fall back in others, legacy support both holds back development but also helps people like myself. No doubt a few years down the line we will all be forced to use cordless optical mice with crappy control, no floppy drive to boot off when our hd gets fucked up and the removal of addon-graphics chipsets.
But back to the point in hand, do such (quality) boards exist? I know you could get some of the decent tbird boards with an isa slot, what about XP?
Since there is no pci/external modem in the same league as my pace 56 voice internal ISA, getting an ISAless board would not only mean shelling out more cash, but also at least +15 ping or so.
Such is the price of technological change in the pc market... gain in most areas but fall back in others, legacy support both holds back development but also helps people like myself. No doubt a few years down the line we will all be forced to use cordless optical mice with crappy control, no floppy drive to boot off when our hd gets fucked up and the removal of addon-graphics chipsets.
But back to the point in hand, do such (quality) boards exist? I know you could get some of the decent tbird boards with an isa slot, what about XP?