Ok, there hasnt really been much of a discussion about these new Athlons so I thought I may as well start one.
All though Athlons are very pricey at the moment, toms hardware guide said that they managed to over clock them to 750mhz with no additional cooling!! But the only problem right now is you have to crack open the Athlon case and do abit of DIY soldering.
Although this is the case at the moment, he did mention that there would soon be cards that you can plug in to the internal connector to overclock it.
So I'm thinking it might be a good idea to invest in an Athlon NOW before AMD change the design like intel did with their Celeron 300a to prevent your from overclocking. And everyone know's Athlon beats the pants off the PIII anyway
http://www.tomshardware.com checkout the Athlon overclocking bit.
[This message has been edited by Nige (edited 06 September 1999).]
All though Athlons are very pricey at the moment, toms hardware guide said that they managed to over clock them to 750mhz with no additional cooling!! But the only problem right now is you have to crack open the Athlon case and do abit of DIY soldering.
Although this is the case at the moment, he did mention that there would soon be cards that you can plug in to the internal connector to overclock it.
So I'm thinking it might be a good idea to invest in an Athlon NOW before AMD change the design like intel did with their Celeron 300a to prevent your from overclocking. And everyone know's Athlon beats the pants off the PIII anyway

http://www.tomshardware.com checkout the Athlon overclocking bit.
[This message has been edited by Nige (edited 06 September 1999).]