TV At last the Old Republic gets linked into the New Republic...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
19,742 something fully sanctioned by George Lucas. It happens in the latest Clone Wars TV episode, spoiler tags inc...

They finally introduced the Mandalorians as a full blown race with thier own system and make mention of the wars that the Mandalorians fought against the Jedi in the days of the Old Republic.

Most interesting though, a special lightsabre is used by the Mandalorian leader of Death Watch. He says it was stolen from the Jedi Temple during a Mandalorian attack, the only time they ever attacked the temple was during the opening trailer for the Old Republic MMO afaik! :D That means they are finally linking the histories of both Republics together in an a totally authorised and meaningful way. I really hope Lucas gets behind Bioware for the MMO, they have done some wonderful things with the Old Republic lore already and have made the Star Wars universe all the richer for it.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i really hope i find that pound coin i lost down the couch


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
If you switch the dark chocolate for white in a lion bar ?

it turns out shitty as hell!!


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
If lucas gets more involved we'll be seeing retarded lizard men that live under the sea and speak like a bunch of ***** about meesaaa.

I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

Teddy bear umpa lumpas? Oh he's already done that.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I didn't say involved, I said behind the project. :p If he does give it his full backing then we may get more crossover history in the Star Wars stuff being made for TV. None of that hurts the Old Republic MMO.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
The article you linked says that Lucas has basically taken over on the clone wars, and is now telling them what stories they can and cannot use, and how to portray things.

So he is involved, and heavily.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The article you linked says that Lucas has basically taken over on the clone wars, and is now telling them what stories they can and cannot use, and how to portray things.

So he is involved, and heavily.

Could you be more obtuse? He was always involved in Clone Wars as a senior consultant and always had final say on the direction the series took. He has no such role in the O.R. MMO and this would mark the first time that he has shown any real interest in the O.R. lore. The Mandalorians are an invention not of George Lucas's making, the name and the armour are his but only in relation to Boba Fett's look. However the race and the entire backstory of the Mandalorians were developed by other writers who made the O.R. graphic novels.

Now Lucas is signing off on and actually interested in having the Mandalorian's (including thier backstory) in what is HIS TV series is a massive thing, it is the first time that Lucas himself has allowed a proper link between the O.R. and N.R. to be included in one of his Star Wars TV/Film projects. Why is he doing this? Simple, the O.R. MMO will be massive and the Mandalorian's are right at the very core of that game, by referencing what is going to become effectively a canon peice of work (whether he likes it or not) he helps make the Star Wars universe backstory all the richer. Which in turn makes him richer. ;)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not being obtuse, I read the article you posted, and it states that Lucas is now in control of the stories.

edit:// and that is not a good thing, the guy lost the plot long ago. Leave the star wars universe to other writers.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I'm not being obtuse, I read the article you posted, and it states that Lucas is now in control of the stories.

edit:// and that is not a good thing, the guy lost the plot long ago. Leave the star wars universe to other writers.

I never said he wasn't involved with the TV series at any stage or implied otherwise, that is where you are being obtuse. You are picking up on something I never said, I merely pointed out that this marks the first time that Lucas has taken lore from the KOTOR graphic novels and the stories/games written off the back of those and referenced them in a meaningful way in a one of his own Star Wars TV/Film projects. That is something most O.R. fans have craved for over a decade as the lore from the O.R. is so much stronger with several major factions and massive armies full of Sith/Jedi/Mandalorian's.

Lucas is not directly involved in the O.R. game in any shape or form, you can be sure though that he has seen the strength of story in Bioware's KOTOR games and the trailer/vids for O.R. MMO which has made him see which way the wind is blowing. The Mandalorian's are about to become a pivotal force in Star Wars lore, not because Lucas wanted it but because Bioware and the writers of the O.R. graphic novels / books made it happen by telling brilliant stories.

Lucas can not ruin the MMO, he isn't involved at that level. However his backing and willingness to allow O.R. backstory to crossover into the Clone Wars TV is a blatant sign that he is now ready to reconcile both sets of lore and acknowledge the contribution of dozens of writers over the last two decades. It all helps the O.R. trust me, if it becomes view as canon then everything else that follows has to follow the lead that has been set instead of writing conflicting stories and confusing fans.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
For a good read on how the Star Wars lore developed have a look at this...

Star Wars Expanded Universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lucas laid the groundwork with the original 3 films but the entire backstory (and potentially futurestory) has been fleshed out by 100's of writers over a couple of decades. Why hasn't Lucas acknowledged, accepted and referenced it sooner? You would have to ask him but my guess would be money and pride, the money because only his Star Wars is 'official' Star Wars and pride because the stuff written by other people has been so much stronger than Lucas could or has ever created. So why change now? He doesn't intend to make more films and the royalties off a huge MMO are potentially vast, wasn't WoW taking well over a billion dollars a year in subs? Lucas is a **** but he ain't daft. ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Another Mandalorian episode this week and one more next week. I really hope we get to see a Basilisk war droid in action. :D

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