
Yay, after 8 Loooong months and 35 Days played, I dinged 50 last night
Thanks to all that helped me get there, especially Rasputin, Dayne, Antraxy, Lucias, Gwendolyn, Vasili, Arneduck, Torrent and of course Ahunter
Also, thanks to Verush, Salice, Damionus, Randalthor, Quilli, Cannor, Calidorm, Kheeli, MacDark, Vincible and anyone else I forgot from BEA!
(Oh and Shree of course
(I would add Nala and Cher too, but they defected to other realms, so I must kill them now!)
Oh and Invisibl for the last 4 levels too !
Sorry if your name is not on the list, it doesn't mean I don't wub you, it's just I frogrot to add you to the list!!!!!
Now, off to the Battlefield and keeeeel Middies (and some Hibs)
MON THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!