Assassin proof



In my quest to become more assassin proof I could use a little info from seasoned veterans.

Basically I noticed that it is possible to actually resist the snare effect from an assassin's poison weapon, I'm assuming that the correct resistance for this is body?

So raising body res to say 25% gives me a 1/4 chance of resisting right? But is this dependant on the strength of the poison and the envenom skill of the assassin?
Anyone have any idea what the actual chance to resist posioned weapons really is?

I have also read that the snare effect only lasts until you get hit again in melee, so you could just take your posion hit then wait to be hit again and then run off?

How exactly do poisioned weapons work, are they a 1 shot deal eg does the posion wear off after 1 hit?

If the blades stays posioned for a few hits then the wait to be hit again tactic isn't going to work.

Also am I correct in assuming that assassin's are using snare posions or are they in fact using str debuff poisons to effectively slow their prey?

Any info here would be useful, thanks.


Level of player is usually the main determinant in spell resists like DD and AoE's, surely its gotta facture in poisons.

Because currently a assasin with 50 env can lace a weapon with LifeBane and hand it to another non assasin to use.

If it was not player level based this would mean any grey con that could get his weapon laced with a level 50 poisons and manage to hit nme of much higher con could do insane DoT damage.



Yes but assuming both attacker and defender were the same lev what effect does the level of body resist have on posion resist?


Again I am speculating here buddy, but for Mez the appropriate resist is supposed to reduce the time of the Mez by the percentage of the resist you have, so I would assume it woudl reduce the time of the snare/DoT???


I don't usually use Snare to be honest mainly DOT poison and weakening or disease

Weakening lessens str so wicked on tanks or rangers, especially rangers or hunters with all those arrows as they become encumbered and can't move anywhere same with tanks

As for disease well disease slows people as well and it also lessens stats wicked for killing wizzies and such

Usually its like this for me

-Get into position fast or if they are running in front of their line of run

-hit 6 WHAM PERF, DOT Poison AWAY
-quickly hit 3 STICK!
-Hit 7 Creeping death usually hit with second sword for disease
-Hit 8 Stunning Stab
-hit 4 and 5 repeatedly for Garrotte and Achilles heel which YES u guessed it slows u down!

And most peeps usually dead in 3-5 hits, high tanks usually longer

The problem is most peeps are so disorientated by the first couple of strikes they twist and turn totally bemused at what just happened, so u get loads of hits off before they even get their sword out and start hitting

And wizzies well they are fooked if I get them by surprise even quickcast doesn't work as I hit them so fast! 2-3 hits dead

Kill most blues and low yellows in one hit!

So hope that helps in understanding the Assassin Class


Keep in mind that resist, whether they're body, cold, heat, spirit or whatever, never give you a 'chance to not get affected at all'.

Body resistance gives you resistance against the effects of poison. A resistance of 25% reduces the damage you get with 25%. It does not give you 25% chance of getting no damage at all.



Dunno about that, I got attacked by an sb and ran off, looking at the text it said quote:- 'you resisted the effect', must have been the poison as I successfully ran off.


There is a chance to resist anyway, whatever your resists stats, what Kelmon is saying is +resists do not increase your chance to resist, just decrease the effect of the damage/snare/whatever u get.

Right Kel?



So the amount of body res has no effect at all on your chance to resist, it simply decreases the damage?

Its possible but seems very silly, has anyone got any 'proof' to back up this statement?


when you hit someone with a weapon or a spell the (-123) is the resistance amount...

Complete spell resistance is based on monster level vs player level for PvE and I think it's level vs level for RvR.

How it works for stuff that does no damage is anyone's guess (if it does at all)


currently mezz resists dont work, they do not reduce the timers

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