Assassin patch remember



The assassin changes where put in place for disguise which never came so can infs still got 2.5 spec points.

Nightshades shadowblades got the shitty end of the stick and still do

Version 1.46


This version has some updates to the Assassin (Shadowblades, Nightshades, Infiltrators) classes, which should make them much more forgiving when it comes to training. We gave some of the classes additional abilities and all received a variable number of extra specialization points to give each of the Assassins a different "feel".

- Shadowblades have been given more hit points (as befits the more fighting-centric ethos of Midgard), as well as have had their specialization points raised to 2.2 per level.

- Nightshades now have a new line of level-based combat shout direct damage spells (in addition to the normal direct damage spells they already had) that they can use during combat to increase damage. They have also had their specialization points increased to 2.2 per level.

- Infiltrators have had their specialization points raised to 2.5 per level, a significant jump. This makes it possible for them to train much more in many more skills than they previously could, and have the chance to be much more well rounded.

In all three cases, existing assassin characters will be granted the spec points they "should have" gotten based on the new number of spec points per level.

Besides any additional needed balancing of existing abilities (poisons, damages, etc.), which will be done as necessary, this makes assassins complete except for the disguise skill which is still to be implemented. Disguise will be primarily an RvR-centric skill - our current plan for disguise is that all three assassin classes will be able to disguise: Infiltrators by an ability/skill, Shadowblades by a magical ability, and Nightshades by a spell. Thus, please note that we have removed spell points from Shadowblades, as the "spell" they will use to disguise will be an ability and will not require spell points.


Recently more and more people have been telling me that once they get a few Realm ranks NSs are the best assasins. I assume this is down to Avoid Pain (and to a lesser extent Wild Arcana) which is not available to the other 2 assasins. This is something I was not previously aware of.
It sounds like it might be the equaliser (or even more).
Is it possible our spell casting abilities have arrived via the back door?


Only albs have insta whine.
The cast time on Hib whine sucks!!
and with the interupt code as it is you can't get more than half way through casting it before some highlander sneezes in your direction and your stat screen spams purple for 3 minutes.


Infils get something better then ap tho. They get af specbuffs from their bots + healproc buffs :eek:

(btw I read somewhere that an infil and a NS with same stats hit the same mob but the infil did more dammage, not shure what was up with that tho but there were some tests :) )


all it means peps is ns's get screwed once again...nothing really new in our spell damage does much damage ...plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Warloc 50eld
Revelation 50 hero
Isam 50 druid
Warsong 50 bard
Waylander 50 ns


Originally posted by iziz-minx
The assassin changes where put in place for disguise which never came so can infs still got 2.5 spec points.

Nightshades shadowblades got the shitty end of the stick and still do

Sorry, but PLEASE read through those notes yourself. CAREFULLY.

It does NOT say that Infiltrators got 2.5x spec points due to disguise being implemented.

It does NOT say that Infiltrators would be required to use spec points to get the disguise ability/skill.

What is does say is:

- Shadowblades have been given more hit points ... <and> 2.2 per level.

- Nightshades now have a new line of level-based combat shout direct damage spells ... <and> 2.2 per level.

- Infiltrators have ... 2.5 per level.


It then goes on to say that the only thing not implemented for assassins is disguise in a completely different paragraph, but not once does it mention requiring speccing to receive.


when u all ns will stop to use shout to unstealth infil n try to pa n bs and after in the fight use the spell u will see the difference...

till u keep lame side with DD n /yell

u deserve to die

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