


When you do a full respecc does it give you the auto trained stealth points or do yu just lose them ?


If you autotrained you dont loose them, if you didnt autotrain you dont get any extra


if you respec stealth at lvl 40, you will have auto trained to 40


so basicly if ive put some stealth points in for the BG's then i respecc stealth @ 40 i will get autotrained points for free


????? if u respec stealth at 40, you will automatically receive stealth at the lowest it can be, e.g 10, but this is not autotrained or free points, it comes automatically out of your availible points pool, there is now way at lvl 40 to have less then 10 stealth, so the game takes that amount of points out of your pool.



If you respec at, say 50, all your points will drop.

You will then be left with Stealth skill of 12. this ammount, is what you would have if you had auto trained all the way.

when you respec, it calculates the ammount of points it removes, and it will remove everything down to the highest level obtainable with autotrain.

This means, that if you autotrained to 50 in stealth, the points you _would_ have spend upping stealth to 12, you instead used for something else. Therefore, you will have the points available to you.

However, if you didnt autotrain, you wouldnt have spend any extra points, and thus, you will not gain or lose any points.

The respec system is almost flawless. You cant exploit it in any way, except one.

For example, if you are a mercenary.

Mercenaries auto trains in slash, but not in crush.
If you leveled up as a slasher and respec to crush, you will lose the points from autotrain, because you didnt auto train slash.
If you leveled up as a crusher, and respecced to slash, you would gain the points from autotrain if you respecced.

Conclusion is, that as long as you dont respec FROM a skill your class autotrains in, TO a skill you dont autotrain in, you will have excactly the same ammount of points available.

Hope it helps
(contents may be subject to change due to ignorance, but i would bet quite alot on this version)

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