Asheron's Call 2, Two weeks down the line


Brannor McThife

Ok, now for a decent comparison. ;)

The graphics, although awesome, means that your system, however powerful, will come to a screeching halt as soon as you have 30-40 people near each other. Forget Relic Raid size armies, that'd just never happen in AC2.

One thing I really like, and many others I know that have played from DAoC, is the skins. Armour skins, weapon skins, shield skins. Just so much variety; probably adds to the lag issues. I can't say how much I like seeing huge varieties of weapons and particle effects.

Ok. "Fellowships", or groups as we know them. 9 People, not 8, not 10, but 9. Guess they think they're like LotR or something, go figure. You can set the loot/XP thing when you create it, and it shows the XP split in the table. But this split ignores your level if you are within 5 levels of the leader. So a Level 49 can group with a level 44, but they get EQUAL shares of XP.

Now, another issue, is their version of kill tasks, known as incursions. These have minimum levels, like the well know "Fetich Spawn Incursion". Basically, these work that you find a special creature with a little key over the top of it, in this case, a "Bound Fetich Spawn", kill it, and receive the Incursion quest where you have 1 hour to kill 10 of them. Different incursions require different numbers of creatures. Basically, a Level 50, can powerlevel a level 19 (minimum level for Fetich Incursion) by having the level 19 sit ANYWHERE on the same continent. Which is just silly, since a Fetich Spawn Incursion, gives 63,000 XP, which is level 19-21, and 21-23, 24-25.5, etc. Absurb.

What is nice, is that you know exactly how much HP you have, how much damage you do, how much HP the creature has, etc.

Another nice thing, is that you can, with time, try out lots of various setups on your way to 50. I have tried various attacks and found I didn't like them, so I untrained them and trained something else. But, from what I've heard, once you hit 50, you're pretty much set at that.

Now, my biggest disappointment, and something I wasn't aware of until it happened. Once, when levelling my infil on Prydwen, a certain well known cleric was starting a mincer. He joined our group, and basically did the battery act, but we needed him to be backup mezzer, he refused, so we kicked him. He then brought his level 50 alt around and started to slaughter the spawn, over and over, including anything we tried to pull. We asked him to stop, he wouldn't, so we (notice WE) reported him and he got a warning. Problem solved.

Now, in AC2 a few days back, I was in a group with 4 others. The XP split was hitting us two high level people a little, due to the above mentioned split, as we had 3 people near our lower limit. A total stranger arrives and asks to join, the others tell him we are full and I told him it was just that we didn't want the XP to be come even worse, otherwise myself and the other person would leave. He starts lecturing me about rather having fun and that if you aren't 9, you should invite anyone that needs a fellowship. Um. Ya. Anyway, he logged out, and as he did, I told the group, that I'd bet he is going to log in a level 50. As predicted, he did. He brought this big dragon with and started to kill anything, even saying that we'd get no XP cause he's going to do so. I go to the "Request Assistance" and figure, since they have ingame support, they'll help us out quick and we'll get back to killing and having our fun. 5 minutes later, I get a response from the Admin that he is fully within his right to do just that. :puke:

Apparently, in AC2, there is no such thing as killstealing, nor is it against the rules to deliberately drag mobs onto other people. So, if a little kiddie wanted to throw a tantrum, he can easily go sit in the lowest dungeon, and kill everything and anything that other people try attack, and the admins will do NOTHING about it. Isn't that fun?

That, unfortunately means that I probably won't buy AC2. The fact that someone else can have "fun", by actively ruining my game without the admins doing anything is absurd.

Tonight, at around 19H00 the "fellowship" chat system stopped working. WTF?! You simply couldn't talk to your own group. :clap:
You could use the normal chat, but with a normal chat that has like a 200 meter range, you can imagine the spam between groups. Also, there is no chatgroup system. You have /cg which is a global chat, /cr which is a region chat, normal speech, and /f for fellowship. Wierd. Anyway, it took them 4 hours to realise the problem and do a "fix". :rolleyes:

Soloing is actually fun, since it becomes a challenge for some classes. Also, the different attack styles for a ranger with the bow are nice. The speech of many bipedal creatures is nice to. But as I said, with all those sounds and graphics, it's no surprise that people get a LOT of lag when another group enters range.

So all in all, a nice game for PvE, the engine needs a lot of work, and they need to seriously rewrite their Code of Conduct. Not to mention speed up their official forum.

Would I buy the game? Maybe, if they fixed the Code of Conduct and improved the speed of the gfx engine to allow more tweaking.



You have much experience of levelling on Excal?

I never had a problem with exp-stealers. EVER and I've played on Excal since release.


Originally posted by old.Lythande
I've played on Excal since release.

ditto and I have had problems with leachers

oh and I agree brannor, downloaded AC2 yesterday and tried it out, it is actually daoc-friendly

/g goes to fellowship and /gu goes to allegiance ;)


Tried Ac2, didn't like it so quit. Been playing Planetside beta these last days. Altho it's a completely diiferent type of game, I can't deny the fact that it pwns atm imo...


there´s realms in AC2? ;)

on dawnsong server


Tried the AC2 Beta gave up MS approach to MMORPGS was like MMORPG for the console market , praps they want it for the Xbox, now I would like to see a comparison with EQ2 beta when that comes out...


tried AC2 for 2 hours the gfx were nice

the character models were the worst i`ve seen and the way your character floats along because they got teh rate of movement in relation to the rate your legs moves is just plain annoying

seemed very shallow all in all and the crafting system was stupid



Originally posted by Draigo
Tried the AC2 Beta gave up MS approach to MMORPGS was like MMORPG for the console market , praps they want it for the Xbox, now I would like to see a comparison with EQ2 beta when that comes out...

Couldn't have put it better myself.... AC2 is pants - simply eye candy for children. They have NO idea what an MMORPG is all about and have simply lost the RPG element.

I prepared a rasther in depth (ha ha ha ha) review of AC2 when I first got on the beta long time ago which I'll post a link to here:

It's a site I made called Honest Reviews - just toying with whether I have enough time to dedicate to it to make it functional - there's a review of AC2 on it under the reviews / A section.



Lol i have also played AC2 and yes it is crap. Far to few people on it and rofl that floating thing is bloody annoying


nice review

the unspec-respec thing is a bit stupid imo . it lessens the distance between the statwhores that spend tons of time finding the best template and your "average player" who can do the exact same thing.


Actually, I've just started on DAoC (still on free month) after 4 months of AC2, so I feel compelled to stick up for it a bit. It is very much a MMORPG-lite, designed for the less hardcore player.

The Good things:

The first 30 levels are great fun. Nearly all of the content at the moment is for these levels. If you powerlevel to 40, you'll miss the best bits of the game.

Its got a map. (For goodness sake, I nearly fell off my chair when I realised DAoC had no in-game map!)

The moving around is very quick and easy, much faster than DAoC. Floating issues aside.

The graphics, as said before, are excellent. This game has some of the best eye-candy out there, if your system can hack it.

The Bad things:

The chat. Biggest priority at the moment for the Live Team is sorting out their fubar chat servers. Its gone far, far beyond a joke now, and they know it.

The level 45+ game is boring and repetitive beyond belief. No variety of monsters to hunt, and only a couple of weekly repeatable quests that soon get old after the fourth time.

Crafting is a complete waste of time. The best item you can make is only suitable for L39 and below. Too time consuming and frankly pointless. The Live team know this, but are at a loss what to do about it. Not scheduled for some love until October iirc.

PvP is unbalanced and tedious. The classes with a ranged stun win 95% of the time, and battles become who can get the stun off first wins.

The skill trees for some of the classes are messed up. Eg- for a Tumerok mage, a base skill does weap dmg +200 pts maxed out. A skill higher up the chain that you get later does the same amount, and adds nothing. What is the point of it? They are reworking some of the skills, but it goes pretty deep, and they've only got limited resources.

There is supposed to be a massive patch coming later in May that will add 45+ 'Epic' content, and fix some of the skill trees, and the thought of this patch alone is keeping a lot of people in the game that would otherwise have quit, (myself included!). In general, every game gets old sooner or later, the problem with AC2 is that it's the former. 3-4 months of fun is all it offers at the moment. Less if you're a powergamer who will level to 50 in a month. DAoC certainly appears to have a LOT more to it.

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