AS-Level Computing - Your input may be helpful!



I'm currently writing a program to help with tradeskills for my AS-Level computing and I have a few questions which it would be helpful if anybody answered:

1. Have you ever took up a tradeskill on Dark Age of Camelot, and if so, which one?
2. If so, what is your current level of it and what is it?
3. If not, why have you not taken one up yet?
4. Do you often sell your products to other players?
5. If so, do you find it is difficult to determine the price at which you should sell your items?
6. Do you use tradeskill tasks frequently?
7. Do you think that an application which generates prices of items at different qualities and shows which items you should make at certain levels to gain maximum experience would be useful to you?

thanks in advance.

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by NetNifty
1. Have you ever took up a tradeskill on Dark Age of Camelot, and if so, which one? Nope, not yet
2. If so, what is your current level of it and what is it?
3. If not, why have you not taken one up yet?
because I'm waiting for spellcraft ;)
4. Do you often sell your products to other players?
5. If so, do you find it is difficult to determine the price at which you should sell your items?
currently N/A.. but since I'm pretty lazy when it comes to this sort of thing, I guess I might
6. Do you use tradeskill tasks frequently?
7. Do you think that an application which generates prices of items at different qualities and shows which items you should make at certain levels to gain maximum experience would be useful to you?
Yeah, I guess so.. I'm really lazy at working stuff like that out (which is why my equip is currently twice over cap on int, and not anywhere near cap on resists and con/hp).

OK.. so perhaps not the most useful of answer sets.. but it's data, you get marks for collecting it, even if it's useless :p


1. Yes - fletching with weapon-making as a sub-skill

2. 550 fletching 340 weapon-making

3. -

4. quite often

5. yes

6. never

7. definitely


1. Armour
2. Armour: 472, Tailoring: 230ish I think
3. na
4. no
5. this is why I don't sell to others, too much hassle working it out.
6. until 400 yes :) I'm poor :(
7. yep


1. Armor
2. 1000 Armor
3. -
4. Yup
5. Nope
6. No
7. Already have use one for prices, and a spreadsheat for gains and common sense on what to skill on..

There's loads of programs like this out on the net, like Parsecs Nifty Crafting Cube, Keltois Spreadsheet and Motogs crafting calculator.. If you're looking for more "indepth" features go as on this board : (it's forum :) )

Madonion Slicer

Gibberash that is easy when ever you make something for Otro or Eiis the price is 0g and 0s with 0c, and that goes for quality 94% to 100% in any material.

Cheers Buddy :D ;)


1. Weaponcraft
2. Weaponcraft, 530
3. If not, why have you not taken one up yet?
4. Occasionly
5. In game, yes, out of game, no, I have a program that tells me all the prices :)
6. No
7. No, due to already having one (Crafting Cube)


1. Tailoring
2. 563
4. Not very often
5. Not really, i have a list that gives me cost and i add depending on customer but always only a negligable fee.
6. No
7. It's not hard to work out yourself but i would look at it.


1. Yes.

2. Fletching, 550ish.

3. NA

4. Rarely

5. Cost + 20% ish.

6. Never.

7. Include spellcrafting/alchemy :)


1. Yes, fletching
2. 625
4. Occasionally
5. No
6. No
7. Possibly, but I tend to price based upon who I'm selling to. :p


Originally posted by NetNifty

1. Have you ever took up a tradeskill on Dark Age of Camelot, and if so, which one? Yes, tailoring.
2. If so, what is your current level of it and what is it? 481
3. If not, why have you not taken one up yet? n/a
4. Do you often sell your products to other players? no
5. If so, do you find it is difficult to determine the price at which you should sell your items? n/a
6. Do you use tradeskill tasks frequently? no
7. Do you think that an application which generates prices of items at different qualities and shows which items you should make at certain levels to gain maximum experience would be useful to you? sure, whatever.

thanks in advance.

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Danyan

7. Possibly, but I tend to price based upon who I'm selling to. :p

Is that free to me then? :clap:


Oi Net get your arse back online.

1. tailoring
2. 70 :) got bored and havent got the patience for it so i guess i dont really have an active tradeskill :)
3. lack of patience
4. no
5. n/a
6. no
7. might be useful

adrianicus 50 sorc


Originally posted by AdriXavier
Oi Net get your arse back online.

heh. im at school now and im playing camlann for the time being :)

thanks for all the replies so far :)


1. I have
2. I'm Tailor, 1102 skill or so.
3. -
4. No, not really. None wants to buy tailored pieces (until spellcrafting). Used to sell some amounts of low level stuff though when I was sitting at Gna training.
5. Not after I was able to decide prices I wanted for certain qualities. I made myself excel sheets with all items making costs etc.
6. I did when I started but not as much as I could had?
7. Prices might be tricky, I might not want to use the prices program would give. Sometimes I want to use prices for tries when making high quality stuff and sometimes just set percentages. As for program suggesting training items, sure.


you actually to do programming in your AS-level computing course?

We got to build an access database built around a fictional hospital lending items to fictional people with fictional addresses and names



Originally posted by NetNifty
I'm currently writing a program to help with tradeskills for my AS-Level computing and I have a few questions which it would be helpful if anybody answered:

1. Have you ever took up a tradeskill on Dark Age of Camelot, and if so, which one?
2. If so, what is your current level of it and what is it?
Weaponcrafting at 1019
3. If not, why have you not taken one up yet?
4. Do you often sell your products to other players?
5. If so, do you find it is difficult to determine the price at which you should sell your items?
6. Do you use tradeskill tasks frequently?
7. Do you think that an application which generates prices of items at different qualities and shows which items you should make at certain levels to gain maximum experience would be useful to you?
Think it initial is important, but after the first two tiers you pretty much get the picture :)

thanks in advance.


To Madonion

thx for that ezy guide 2 pricing Mad - will so my best to remember it when I'm crafting for Otro and Eiis :p


1. Yes
2. Fletching 520
3. N/A
4. Only when asked
5. Not really I pick a spot about half way between cost and npc prices.
6. Never
7. Yes although we cant use it yet without a 2nd PC or until patch 1.59a hits and we can alt-tab


1). Yes, Tailoring.
2). About 600, and its still tailoring.
3). NA
4). No, free to guildies.
5). NA / yes
6). Yes (when my first char was under 30).
7). Yes (if only to make sure I wasnt getting ripped off when ordering an item).

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by NetNifty
1. Have you ever took up a tradeskill on Dark Age of Camelot, and if so, which one?
Yes. Armourcrafting. But I gave up pretty early.
2. If so, what is your current level of it and what is it?
A massive 120
3. If not, why have you not taken one up yet?
4. Do you often sell your products to other players?
Nope. No demand for crafted bronze boots
5. If so, do you find it is difficult to determine the price at which you should sell your items?
Not really. I use the spreadsheets from the tradeskills site
6. Do you use tradeskill tasks frequently?
7. Do you think that an application which generates prices of items at different qualities and shows which items you should make at certain levels to gain maximum experience would be useful to you?
Yep. As a customer I want to get a fair price.

thanks in advance.
You're welcome.


Originally posted by SilverHood
you actually to do programming in your AS-level computing course?

We got to build an access database built around a fictional hospital lending items to fictional people with fictional addresses and names

yup, but the computing i do is more computer science :) the access databasing sounds like the ICT course.

Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
What do you program in? Delphi?

nope, we get to choose between Pascal or VB, havent really decided on which to use yet, but i'll probably use Pascal cos its portable :)


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Is that free to me then? :clap:

Of course. :D

nope, we get to choose between Pascal or VB, havent really decided on which to use yet, but i'll probably use Pascal cos its portable
ahaha... hahaha... hahaha. Pascal isn't portable really, just people like to say it is because once upon a time back in the 70s it was. :p It's still better than VB though.


1. yes ArmorCraft / Fletching
2. 106x Armorcraft
3. -
4. yes
5. no
7. already exists


1. Yes, weaponcrafting.

2. 1084.

3. -

4. Almost every day

5. No, have made a price list, selling at fixed prices.

6. Not anymore, but did up until skill 650.

7. Not anymore. :)

Teh Fonz!!1

Believe me, Pascal is NOT portable.

I have it installed on my PC at home and I tried to take it with me on the train, absoloute nightmare...



lol, seriously tho, i got GNU pascal running on my windoze and amiga boxes and i can compile on either and it runs fine :) slight modifications are needed for the turbopascal we use at school tho :(


1. Yes
2. Tailoring, 550
4. Frequently
5. I usually just add a 10% charge on top
6. If low on cash yes
7. Aye :)

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