As blockrate is capped at 50%, when do you actualy cap it ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Been wondering for the longest time how and when you can actualy cap your blockrate at 50%.

I take it it's on a sliding scale between MoB, shield spec, dex and +% pve blocking but does anyone know where you can find this info ?

Would be bad to be capping it without knowing and still going for more MoB.

I know they posted on the Herald how you can cap casting speed ages ago, but never about the blockrate and it's cap.

Any help or intel would be appreciated

Erulin the Bloody


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
This formula is from an OLD post which was on the VN boards cant remmember who came up with it (wyrd, protellect,keersdan?) but it seems abt right and iirc was backed up by logs

(((DEX*2)-100)/40)+(spec/2)+5 = blockrate

parry is calc'd the same


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
That can't be right can it ? Or that is the formula before the new RA system and before the capping ?

(((360 dex*2)-100/40)+(50/2)+5 = 45,5%

That is without MoB of which I have 4... so +16%

That would mean I'd cap my blockrate with MoB 2 (5%) ???

Btw for those that think it, I do know that 50% blockrate doesn't mean you'll block 1 blow in 2... I mean, Danos hit me 4 times in a row once and I got a screenie of me blocking Goldy 6 times in a row. So yeah, I know it's the % chance per hit. But still with only MoB 2 capping me ? And no +% pve blocking from Cata items ?

Gonna throw this one to Mythic and hope it makes the grabbag. I'm thinking alot of shieldtanks would benefit by knowing this

Erulin the Bloody


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
blockrate isn't capped at 50% I dont think, I'm sure someone said before that it depends on the shield you are using. i.e. with small shield its capped at 45% or something, medium shield higher and then large shield higher again.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Might be adjusted by shield size, but the hardcap is 50%... was on the Herald, I'll look it up and post if I can retrieve it.

Erulin the Bloody

As of patch 1.74 :

" - To address an issue where some shield users (utilizing high shield spec and high levels of Mastery of Blocking), were able to block 100% of the time, the chance to block has been modified to be capped based on the size of the shield and the number of attackers the shield is designed to block. Please note that this cap is very high and will have minimal to no effect on the majority of shield users."

All I can find atm before my ability to edit this post ends, so I'll hit edit and save.... that would ofc bring into question the formula above, so we still don't know


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
blockrate does nothing to do with shieldsize :eek7:

shieldzize only increase how much attacks u can block in one action
but doesnt know exactly how long this is .. maybe 2 sec or something

mfg ara


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Can't edit anymore so here goes :

From the same VNthread that formula comes from, 3 or 4 posts down :

""(((dex-60)/10)+(block/2)+5) up to 250 dex. There was a grab bag with the info in it within the last couple months if someone is willing to dig it up. Also the formula changes to (((dex-250)/20)+(block/2)+5) after 250 dex and adds to the first equation"

/em goes crazy with all those equasions

Erulin the Bloody

shieldzize only increase how much attacks u can block in one action

That's wrong, a small shield is supposed to be able to block 1 mob, medium 2, large 3... BUT, that only goes for BAF groups... if you pull say, the gobbo's you'll be able to block 3 of em... you pull 16 none BAF mobs at once and you'll be able to block em all. And that I know from a fact. In AC the joke at the Taskers is they come per 3, so just pull the lot of em and you CAN block em all (CAN as in you'll have a % chance to block em all)

But you could be right about size not mattering :) :) :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Can't edit again, so nerf having to search through years of VNposts :)

All I've found in a few hours of searching is a few VNboard posts about the blocking formulas or caps, but nothing official....

All I can say is : ISUWLK

Inquiring Shield Users Would Like to Know :)

Erulin the Bloody


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Found this tidbit on the herald, its only about shieldsize tho....

A: Both of these skills use dexterity, and the quality of your
shield/weapon, to create a numerical value. That value is
compared to your opponent’s weapon skill value to determine
your chances to block or parry. If the numbers are equal, your
base chance is determined entirely by your skill level. Also,
before this comparison happens, the game looks to see if your
opponent is in your forward arc – to determine that arc, make
a 120 degree angle, and put yourself at the point.

Dual wielders throw an extra wrinkle in. You have half the
chance of shield blocking a dual wielder as you do a player
using only one weapon. Your chance to parry is halved if you
are facing a two handed weapon, as opposed to a one handed

If you have multiple attackers, your chance to parry any one
attack (which is determined in part by your skill in parry)
will be divided by the number of attackers. Blocking is a
little different – your chances of blocking multiple opponents
partly depends on the size of your shield. (One opponent for
small, two for medium, three for large.) You will have no
chance to shield block any more than that number in any given
round of combat.

Im bored at work atm so ill have a look for more info


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Riddcully said:
Im bored at work atm so ill have a look for more info

MAN... ohhhh man, why do you think I finaly got round to asking this ? I started working again 3 weeks ago after 1.5 years of sickleave and 'revalidation' (sp?) So, I know the feeling :) :) :) :)

Erulin the Bloody


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Oh and 1 more thing can u post a link to base chance to block or parry being capped at 50% i didnt think it was capped like evade, 'cos its sumthing u spec for, not just get as u lvl like evade


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
Aratark said:
blockrate does nothing to do with shieldsize :eek7:

shieldzize only increase how much attacks u can block in one action
but doesnt know exactly how long this is .. maybe 2 sec or something

mfg ara

did you not read the whole thread before you posted?

Erulin said:
As of patch 1.74 :

" - To address an issue where some shield users (utilizing high shield spec and high levels of Mastery of Blocking), were able to block 100% of the time, the chance to block has been modified to be capped based on the size of the shield and the number of attackers the shield is designed to block. Please note that this cap is very high and will have minimal to no effect on the majority of shield users."


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
The cap is not 50%, it's more like 95%, and only when your opponent is dual wielding your cap gets lowered to 47-50% (halved), if you reached the cap in the first place that is.

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