Artifact information thread

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
hello all

just a constructive thread.

Has anyone found any new triggers... or artifact event info that isn't "commonly" known to gamer?

for example:

Band of stars: The yellow con snake tha makes it pop has a wierd behavioural pattern. If damaged , it will run inside one of the two Tombs to make Then main mob spawn.
What i have found extra is that a lill bit to the NW of the tomb closest to the first Sethian encampment (stone of atlantis arti) between the pillars there and close to the third tomb there are some snakes outside. Sometimes i have found the same snake there , so after DoT or debuff it doesn't charge but stalls there... Haven't figured out if chissy spawns in the are there.

Healers embrace cloak:
How to solo it as a cleric.
Get buffed up, get neutral faction to mau, as soon as mesudasbastet passes the camp smite em, then you just keep running around in the camp till all chasing lions have aggro on the camp enhabitants. From there on, wait a bit then run up to Mesud who will be fighting campers too and just wack em as much as possible, smite etc... will help... the more mobs from the camp that are on him the better nukes etc... will land.

Cyclops eye shield:
Killing all Cyclopses below the floating temple will make sure that NONE of th statues add. You have to kill Kertoum before they repop or you will get the baff as soon as you have repop down stairs..

these are a few exemples...

just wondering if any of you found anything?

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004

Last nigh we happen to encounter a new way of Cyclops eye shield

First time i saw it happening.

While killing the mob in front of the ramp ro head up....
We noticed that one of the NORMAl mobs was carrying the cyclops eye shield.

Not Kleps, KLope, Named, or not Kertoum even

After killing the cyclopse we got the msg the Shield droppped.
I think most ppl received credit also...

just nice to know, three ways of spawn atm.

also a small note on the repop timer of these mobs...
It seems, beceided the odd normal pop, Most of these cyclopses wander in frm the NE part of the island. So not a real normal pop, they wander in... slow... and every morning (in game ) a new batch seems to replace the lost once.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
such a constructive thread and ppl still feel the urge to flame ^^

bracer of Zo:
fg with a few adds can easily do this
what you need is 2-3shieldtanks preferably pallys for agrookeepers reaver for damage etc mayb an extra merc for damage
2-3clerics atleast one with fop
2theurgs (hey even roll some lvl20theu alts)

only put a fop up (no healfield, no deter field)
order of killing the mobs: casters-healers-tanks and keep commander as last one(very important)
have all the tanks assist on one pally and have the theurgs assisting too for endless petspam
the other pally goes on the other caster while the others are bashing the other
8thwave:(fun starts here) abolishers are the casters
9th wave:nullifiers are the first to kill, make sure the taks get a good agroo lock on all the mobs: bof at start let pallies FH and when FHs are blown start healing
sequence your bofs and FHs and let the theurgs spam like hell on assist
10th wave: just one mob but you need to kill it fast so the encounter wont bug. thast why you need atleast 2theurgs
use high bonus to hit styles such as backslash etc

the encounter is active when the triton announcer is there. however you can only trigger the encounter 10minutes every hour.
after finishing the encounter the announcer will despawn and to my experience it takes 2-5hours to respawn
whatever you do do not start the encounter without having 2therugs or loads of fire power, its not worth the risk of bugging it
PS its a pure melee encounter, starting from wave 8 you wont be able to damage them anymore with spells

jacinas sash:
what you need is a good kiter(or small kitergrp) and a treb and then a fg with tanks and therugs.
pull Cyreth with a treb described in teh following thread:
basically the his guards will come instapwn the trebcommander, ress him after a minute and by then cyreth should have arrived
nah have your kiter aoe pull him and his guards and the moment he pulls the main grp should pull Cyreth out of teh grp while the kiter drags all guards around GG and AG
a good mins with sos could do it by himselve but its rather tricky as you need to re agroo the mobs from time to time or else they will go back to cyreth and wipe the mainforce
think the safest way to do it is have sosmins+sorc+cleric in one grp kiting the mobs to aerus village
some of his guards do hard bolts wich will kill you if you aint carefull
Cyreth on the otherhad is a tuff mofo with lots hps so you will need a good petspam on it and a few pallies to keep teh agroo. also he hits 500-1k damage as i remember, so you might want to bring some good healingpower ;)

but the tuffest part is keeping his adds kited, practise it a few times and sooner or later you will figure it out

other workin tactic is pulling him with all his guards to aerus village and have them bash the village guards. help the guards(buffs healing) who are killing his adds, let the guards who agroed cyreth die and try to pull him out of teh village as soon as most of his adds died.
if you got add agroo run with it to one of teh exits to get a guard agro him after you died
remeber all to bind in aerus
while teh last of his adds are slowly dieing start making work of pulling cyreth out of teh village, let him kill teh last guard who he is fighting and then engage him and pull em out
its a fun tactic and if you manage to pull him out in time he will drop the belt
however you wont receive credit(atleast from my experience)
another VNthread :

hope this will be of any help to someone

PS if anyone is doing jacinas soon let me know i still need credit ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Done him (zo bracer) loads of times with just 1 theur and never bugged... it only seems to bug if you have detfield on.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
nice one... haven't given it any thought in guild tbh, none have mentioned it on our list... we just leave it there...

but a verry nice trick indeed.

It seems that a couple of those quests follow the same line of strategy, lol .
-"need a hand" >>>> pull the enemy mob to NPC.. they will help :)

egg of youth
jashiant sash, or whatever
two of the stories in the dream sphere may do the same trick.... dunno :)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Red HATred said:
nice one... haven't given it any thought in guild tbh, none have mentioned it on our list... we just leave it there...

but a verry nice trick indeed.

It seems that a couple of those quests follow the same line of strategy, lol .
-"need a hand" >>>> pull the enemy mob to NPC.. they will help :)

egg of youth
jashiant sash, or whatever
two of the stories in the dream sphere may do the same trick.... dunno :)
One thing to remember is that when you pull an encounter mob to a haven prepare for all there to join in I know I would and some mobs have a nasty habit of agro'ing anything in thier path.

I suspect it is not nice coming back from dinner and finding yourself dead after leaving your char in game to get RA's back up and soembody elses mob kills you.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Tay said:
One thing to remember is that when you pull an encounter mob to a haven prepare for all there to join in I know I would and some mobs have a nasty habit of agro'ing anything in thier path.

I suspect it is not nice coming back from dinner and finding yourself dead after leaving your char in game to get RA's back up and soembody elses mob kills you.

aye, true. That is a pain. Better AFk in the vinvinity of a guard-pop spot or something, hehe.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
some of the guards in havens are utterly useless, i have died many times standing right next to guards with mobs beating on me in toa, either i smell REAL bad or summat is up.

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