Arti loosing dur


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
Lo guys

was hoping for some quick help here...

First, i repair my stuff at smihts when it is at 97-99 in qua, so most of my gear normally around 100 &...

But on my caby, first time i seen this onmy chars, my traldors is loosing dur, tho at all time havent got under 97 % in Con, it looses 1 % in dur when i repair on 99 qua...

I never seen this on my other artis on pally etc..

some help ??



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
This happens. Items do not last forever and it is just chance that this time you repaired it on 99% it was at the point of losing its durability. If you have never seen an item lose durability before where have you been?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Made a guide on this before, should be correct:

When something reaches 70% con, you will ONLY; i repeat ONLY lose +skill and +focus stats. For example, a staff with +3 magic skills, 2% cast speed and 5% wtfpwn will ONLY lose the +3 to magic skills and magic focus when it reaches 70% con. You CAN use /use and /use2 abilities on all artifacts and items at 70% con.

Knowing that;

Items: (ie cloaks/belts etc)

*NEVER, EVER, EVER repair items UNLESS they have +skill or +focus on that is vital at your realm rank. A 70% con Ancient Copper Necklace will STILL give you 4 x 10% resist, even if in your chat window it tells you it is "badly in need of repair".

Weapons: (ie crafted/malice/battler etc)

*Repair these on 97% con. This gives you the most amount of repairs. As con decreases on weapons, the damage you can do with them also decreases, therefore you MUST repair. Eventually, the weapon will be on 70% con and 0% dur, and will be useless. This you cannot avoid.

Staffs: (ie tarts/sotg etc)

*Repair at 97% for most efficiency. You will lose focus on the staffs at 70% con, so they will die eventually :/

Armour: (ie crafted/GoV/GSV etc)

*As con decreases on armour, your AF will decrease. This means you will take more damage. Repair armour on 97% con. This gives you the most amount of repairs. As with weapons, one day your armour WILL be useless (70% con and 0% dur). Nothing you can do about this, but when that happens (takes ages), there are plenty of other TOA hauberks that make great templates.

I hope this has cleared some things up. Follow my guide and the dur loss on items really won't affect you that much. If, for example, you are a cleric. You won't have to repair armour as much as tanks, and losing +skills means nothing anyway once RR puts rejuv near/over 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
i have seen item loose dur... just never artis that are repair all the time when con is at 97 %... NON of my others arti lost any dur


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
All items, includint artifatcs loose durability when repaired, nomatter if they are on 99% con or on 90% con when you repair them. The reason you might not have seen it before is that some items(and especially artifacts) start at higher than 100% durability(you cant see that they are above 100% though, it will show as 100% untill it gets below 100%) so what you are seeing are totally normal and working as designed


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
oki thx, helped abit :)... but still never seen it on my artis on pally only on traitors on caby :/


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
eggy said:
Maybe, dunno, I repair at 97%.

nahh i've played as a necro , got staffs down to 70% after that i usualy chuck them and get new ones , focus is defo gone at 70%


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Nice site. If correct, repair MP armour/staffs/weapons when it hits 98%.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
The reason your paladin's artifact havnt lost any dur, is that items can have higher dur than 100%, it just doesnt show. The higher quality the item is, the more dur it has.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
eggy said:
Nice site. If correct, repair MP armour/staffs/weapons when it hits 98%.

the dur loss was at one point "amount of con repaired +1" - not sure if that's still the case. All MP items have >100 dur so you won't see the durability losses to begin wth.

To have your items live longest you want to repair at 70%, however if it's a weapon or armour that means 30% less damage or 30% more damage taken on that armour piece - not ideal... 98% is better than 99% for keeping durability (will last 1.5 times as long) but means you'll be doing 2% less damage.

The focus bonus is affected by the condition - 70% no focus, between 70 and 99 it's a %age of the normal bonus (spells will cost more with 80% condition staff than with a 100% condition)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
To have your items live longest you want to repair at 70%

I don't quite understand...items (ie cloaks etc) lose no bonuses other than +skill, so why would you ever want to repair them?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
hmm dur on my Ancient Copper Necklace is at 75% should i never repair that item again? ever? what happens when con goes under 70% ie. 30% shouldnt i repair it then either? :m00:


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
eggy said:
I hope this has cleared some things up. Follow my guide and the dur loss on items really won't affect you that much. If, for example, you are a cleric. You won't have to repair armour as much as tanks, and losing +skills means nothing anyway once RR puts rejuv near/over 50.

Small correction here: The +rejuv skill is useless once you reach more then a 47 modified rejuvenation-skill. This is the highest level BASELINE heal a cleric receives (Minor baseline heal). Spec-heals have no variance whatsoever anyhow; and to get 0 variance you only need to have the same level of rejuvenation-skill as the spell-level of the baseline-heal.

However if you have 40+5 rejuvenation the variance is SO small its hardly noticeable and not worth repairing for (IMO!).

In the 'old' days it was worth capping +nurture/enhance to get a better benefit out of your baseline-buffs. However if you buff with 35+1 enhance AND +25% buff-bonus (which you should do as RvR-cleric) your baseline-buffs will cap anyhow and there is little need to get any skills on enhance nowadays. For clerics there is a reason to include +smite if you want to get better damage on your baseline-smite (LOL) but practically speaking nobody cares about Smite-damage when you rejuv/enh-spec.

For a primary healer I would repair once armour is on 92-94% or so; do not repair ANY jewelry (or cloak) unless it has +skills as Eggy explained and you be fine.

Common example: The necklace with 4x 10% resists you should NEVER repair. Then it will NEVER degrade (as the CON loss stops at 70%)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
the dur loss was at one point "amount of con repaired +1" - not sure if that's still the case. All MP items have >100 dur so you won't see the durability losses to begin wth.

To have your items live longest you want to repair at 70%, however if it's a weapon or armour that means 30% less damage or 30% more damage taken on that armour piece - not ideal... 98% is better than 99% for keeping durability (will last 1.5 times as long) but means you'll be doing 2% less damage.

DONT EVER repair at 70% con if you want your item to last.

Every con on a item you repair that is below 90% will cost 2 durability
to repair.

Example: Item con 83%

Dur cost = 1 (base cost for all repairs) + 7*2 (what it takes to reach 90% con) + 10 (what it takes to reach 100% con)

So that will cost you 25% durability.

Whereas repairing from 90% con will cost you (1+10) 11 Durability.

Please se the following graph from the DAoC Item Decay page:


Apart from the above, follow Eggys suggestions and only repair armor and
weapons with +skills or focus on it. Dont ever repair a gem/jewel/belt/cloak
that does not have +skills on it.

Then look at the graph and decide how long you want to keep your item.
If you intend to keep it for a long time and dont mind a bit lower efficiency,
repair at 90% con for maximum durability of the item.
If you want to go fotm on the repair side, repair at 97-99% con and it
will last a fair amount of time and you will have a high efficiency rating.

Ohh, and just to make the durability clear, all artifacts and MP items of
highest tier materials (ei lvl 51 items) start at 150% durability.
Dont ask me where I found this, I am just wery wery sure I am correct.
(Found out when I was into servant necros a while back and did some
research, please correct me if I am NOT correct on this issue since it was
a few patches back.)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Puppet said:
Small correction here: The +rejuv skill is useless once you reach more then a 47 modified rejuvenation-skill.

Hence why I said with RR it is pointless as rejuv will reach near 50 xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
this is a serious problem for casters, since staves degrade per spell cast, they go down faster than anything else, and u lose focus below 95%con (tho some ppl runs with staff at 70%.. who needs power uh..)

i do same and repair when it comes somewhere betwen 96-98.. sometimes i miss it and have to repair at 92 or so (notice am suddenly burning power) but heck it goes down _fast_

read somewhere rumours about mythic elaborating some quests to recover artifact durability.. but apparently it was bs :d

ps: sorry for intruding ur hive am bored :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2005
well there are some rumours that there is a dude somewhere in ToA and u give ur broken arti to him and he gives u back ur arti repaired BUT lvl0 ...

prolly some VNboards bullshit tho


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
I read something long ago that repairs from crafters where better then merchants repair (lower dur lost). But i might be wrong on this one.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 25, 2004
oki cheers... hmm is there a different betwen player repair and smith?

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