Arsehole of a week, so far.



I'm having something of a shit week.

Thursday night, I reboot my box and it refuses to go back into XP (it sat at a black screen after the XP logo appears for the first time). I start fretting and boot into 2k for the first time in months. The PCI RAID controller wasn't installed in 2k and I couldn't find the floppy with drivers on it (and it wasn't on the 2K cd, either) so I had to make do without 2 of my hd's in 2k. By this time, I had resigned to the fact that I would have to reinstall XP, so this didn't bother me too much.

So, I reinstalled XP (I turned my room upside down and found the RAID controller's drivers during the install - you know when you know you've seen something recently and can't for the life of you remember where? :/) and installed all devices (the onboard RAID controller on my mobo was installed during the XP install) etc... I installed the PCI RAID controller, and neither of the hd's connected to it showed up in explorer. Strange. I thought, as I remembered them popping right up after installing the drivers previously without the need for a reboot. So i reboot, thinking not much of it, and I'm presented with the same fucking black screen that I saw before all this started. I powered down, ripped open the box, disconnected all 4 60gb hd's, plugged the top one in and went though until I found it was the last one that had died. I booted with it plugged in and realised that it was infact whirring it's little guts out when that black screen appeared (damn things are so quiet). I turned it all off and went to bed at this point.

Wake up on Friday morning and realise that my DSL modem had disconnected itself about 2 hours previously. Try and reconnect, I get "Error opening port". I phoned ZenADSL, and they said that something needed resetting at the local exchange and they'd get in touch with a BT engineer ASAP and it should be fixed by early afternoon. The BT engineer contacted me mid-afternoon to say that he was going to reset something then and there and wanted to know if the flashing red light on my modem changed at all as he was doing it. It didn't. He said he was going to reset something else and would call back.

That was on Friday. Today is Monday. Zen is closed at the weekends so there was approximately fuck all I could do about it. I tried ringing every BT number I could get my hands on, but was told by every one that it was Zen's problem and not BT's. I argued that it was equally a BT problem as it was one of their engineers that didn't call back and/or fix the problem after it had been passed onto them by Zen. Didn't help.

0930 - Anyway, the issue still hasn't been resolved (this is being written in a weird, pseudo pre-emptive stylee). I'm waiting for Zen tech support to call me back... Ho hum.

1000 - "We're having problems with our office network, please call back in 30 minutes..." Grrrrr

1100 - "Should be fixed by early afternoon..."

1600 - "A BT Engineer will be out tomorrow morning between 8 and 10am..."


1200 - Grrr, it's fixed! I'm back! Turns out the modem was borked, wasn't taking any power from the USB port of something.

Huge routing problems though. :(

Oh, and the HD was fine too, I ran the IBM Drive Fitness Test on it and it had some problems that it sorted. :)


Yessss, it just got better when I saw the thread. :)

But before that, it was a regular shitter of a couple of days. :(


Zen are pretty crappeh.

We've had probs for nigh a month, and only recently when we kept emailin did they give us an idea what the prob was.. turns out it was line noise ;(

Testin da Cable

eep that sucks mate :( glad we managed to make you feel a teensy bit better though :)


I know I can always turn to this place and it's lovely shades of green to make me smile. ;)


or possibly make you feel violently ill :)


Like your deformed avatar, Mank! Change the proportions and make it better! Please! :(


currently in the process of finding something better... might as well drop it actually :/


I have managed to shift from complete happiness as I watched the latest episodes of buffy and drank tea, to hate and rage as today is complete poo.

Uni is a total farce and the e-mails I have been avoiding proved why I had been avoiding them. Gah and parp.

caLLous, I was going to come in here to cheer you up but instead I shall beat my drum to your tune.

And if my washing machine doesnt turn up tomorow people are going to start getting hurt.


Zen support does indeed suck. The number of fucking times I've rung them during the day and get an answerphone saying that they are open 9 till 5 and to ring back then.

I just ring the sales number - always someone there


Ooh, you're so, like Neanderthal, Embeh. :)



you don't seem particularly happy still :[


Happiness is restored (in part at least)

Bad luck on Zen though, try someone else? :(


i could not b arsed to read your essay mate, but unlucky anyways!!!


Originally posted by SomeGuy
Like your deformed avatar, Mank! Change the proportions and make it better! Please! :(
It was you! You started a conversation about avatars in my "pit of oblivion" thread! :eek:

Out! Get out! :eek:


This almost makes me glad I dont have DSL and/or loads of gear in my PC.

As I say, almost.


Um, thanks Munkey... I'm sure the majority of us with eyes and the ability to use them may have noticed this already...

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