ARR's DAOC ML Helper


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Notice this is first release of the utility, there are possibly bugs- so I'd like to know if there are any, and how did the bug occur (detailed steps help me to isolate the bug).

Description of the program
Similar to my earlier utility (ARR's DAOC Artifact Helper), but this time only for master levels.

Q: Hmm there is no support for German language?
A: Yes the utility supports (for now) only English.

Contact Information

You can send questions and suggestions for the program to


Size: 1 737 KB

MD5: 8e9fe692cdc8262622d55dd0ade9c93c

Release history
1.0.0 First test release


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
ML - steps done - Missed by chatlog scan

ML1 - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 -

ML2 - 5, 7, 8 - 5

ML3 - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 -

ML4 - 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - 10

ML5 - -

ML6 - 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 - 3,6,7,10

ML7 - 1,7,8,9,10 - 10

ML8 - -

ML9 - -

ML10 - -

Used this chatlog
*** Chat Log Opened: Wed Jun 21 21:52:31 2006

[21:52:31]  To stop logging, type /chatlog again.
[21:52:37] You are currently working on the following quests:
[21:52:37] On step 3 of quest 'Let Sleeping Serpents Lie (Epic 9)'
[21:52:37] What to do: 'Gather a group of 6 to 8 allies and travel to the island in the middle of the long lake at the west end of Skona Ravine.  /Use the Dagger-shaped key to enter the dungeon. Defeat the Seithkona assisting the Red Daggers.'
[21:52:37] On step 7 of quest 'Conspiracy: Finding The Keeper'
[21:52:37] What to do: 'Defeat Rugak to free Keeper Iraeda.'
[21:52:37] You have completed the following quests:
[21:52:37] Infestation, completed.
[21:52:37] Sacrifice, completed.
[21:52:37] Tartaros' Gift Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Hunt for the Haje-Uraei, completed.
[21:52:37] Ritual, completed.
[21:52:37] Deserter, completed.
[21:52:37] Offerings, completed.
[21:52:37] Efreet, completed.
[21:52:37] Battler Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Fortress, completed.
[21:52:37] A Gift of Love Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Ring of Dances Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Shades of Mist Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Eerie Lightstone Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Welcoming for a Warrior, completed.
[21:52:37] Carved in Bone (Epic 1), completed.
[21:52:37] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[21:52:37] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[21:52:37] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[21:52:37] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[21:52:37] Rebellion: Introduction to the Cause, completed.
[21:52:37] The Bear Hunter (Epic 2), completed.
[21:52:37] Rebellion: Answering the Call, completed.
[21:52:37] Rise of the Vendo (Epic 3), completed.
[21:52:37] Vendo Vendetta (Epic 4), completed.
[21:52:37] Rebellion: Spreading the Word, completed.
[21:52:37] Once Burned, Twice Shy, completed.
[21:52:37] Rebellion: Among the Dissidents, completed.
[21:52:37] Vendo Vengeance (Epic 5), completed.
[21:52:37] Rebellion: The Race to Hagg Dalur, completed.
[21:52:37] Searching for Skelder (Epic 6), completed.
[21:52:37] Conspiracy: Dark Development, completed.
[21:52:37] Visions of Red (Epic 7), completed.
[21:52:37] Fjalar, completed.
[21:52:37] Nagoltooth one drop, completed.
[21:52:37] Conquering Twilight, completed.
[21:52:37] Conspiracy: Rite of Binding, completed.
[21:52:37] Ragnarok Now (Epic 8), completed.
[21:52:37] Conspiracy: Forging the Key, completed.
[21:52:37] Conquering the Sea, completed.
[21:52:37] Scalars Encounter, completed.
[21:52:37] Crossing the Chamber, completed.
[21:52:37] The Lava Bridge, completed.
[21:52:37] Pillars, completed.
[21:52:37] Facing Typhon, completed.
[21:52:37] Stand Fast, completed.
[21:52:37] Pick Your Poison, completed.
[21:52:37] Chaths's Test of Strategy, completed.
[21:52:37] Storms, completed.
[21:52:37] Masters of the Desert, completed.
[21:52:37] Ghillan, completed.
[21:52:37] Lost Goddess, completed.
[21:52:37] Portal, completed.
[21:52:37] Blood, completed.
[21:52:37] Oasis, completed.

*** Chat Log Closed: Wed Jun 21 21:52:39 2006
I can understand if the step 4.10 and 6.10 are missing as I don't have ML2 on this char yet, but rest of the step should be there. If they are not, then some steps might not have a questlog entry.

->> Spelling error on ML2.5, thats why it's missing.
[21:52:37] Chaths's Test of Strategy, completed.
ARR's DAOC ML Helper.ini said:
MLStep15Name=Chath's Test of Strategy
MLStep15String=Chath's Test of Strategy
MLStep15FullName=ML2.5 Chath's Test of Strategy

- Very nice how compleeted ML1 collapse into only one row as it's done already.
I think it would be better if you end up at top page when using link for the compleet ML1 , as theres a possiblility to browse from there to each step.

- the green colour on 'YES' are hurting my eyes abit, thou that might only be due to I'm used to look at FH green. To bright??

Another nice prog to add in DL aRRchive :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Txs mate Joohl again for your reports to my utility. I'll have a look at it, and have new version of the utility avail promptly.

Btw the game does clearing of the steps of the ml, when you get it done. Hence the quest log will not be very long. Say you get master level 1 completed - all the master level 1 quest / bg steps will be cleared from char's quest log.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Version 1.0.2 is now avail for grabs.

Size: 1 737 KB


MD5: 925fee05fae193bb316a12730fa6d32e

Version history
+Minor listview tweaks.
!Minor .ini file corrections.
!Fixed little error in logic of scanning the chat log file.

P.S. in some ml6 bg steps there might be that there's no quest log entry after all (I need to verify this ingame - basically I copied from VOS the step names to .ini file (and they are scanned when you hit the scan log button in this utility), and they 99% match the ones in quest log. Tho some data in VOS is 1-2 years old at least..).

.10 steps are marked as completed to quest log only if the whole ml is done (including trials).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2005
i dont mean to be a dick.. but typing /master ingame is alot quicker then this... and works just fine...


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Girafmad said:
i dont mean to be a dick.. but typing /master ingame is alot quicker then this... and works just fine...

Use quest log then :D this utility is to help one to figure fast what ml steps are missing + you can save that info to text file for later reference (handy if you got many alts).


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Ixoth said:
Use quest log then :D this utility is to help one to figure fast what ml steps are missing + you can save that info to text file for later reference (handy if you got many alts).

he does has a point ixo, ure other "helpers" were of greater value.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Biohazarddk said:
just of curiosity, what programming-language are u using? :)

Visual Basic 6.0, has been always my favorite programming language to do nice little utilities like this - fast.

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