Arrrrrgh... to post or not to post...



That is the question... feel like it but all I seem to do is piss people off with my largish amounts of posts on these forums. As some might have noticed I have posted very little lately, wondering if I should keep it that way.


Post as much as u want i miss seeing your funny pic hehe :D


TBH I dont care how much you post providing it's constructive to the conversation.

The people who should shut up are those who post stupid pointless GOA/MYTHIC/DAoC/Class flames and insulting/ignorant replys to genuine arguments.

All I can say to them is put some thought into it and stop acting like a pre-pubecent teenager with to much angst.. (unless you are one, but then please identify your self)


Ask yourself one question........

Do you really give a shit about what people, you'll never meet, think about you?

Just keep posting whatever you want, if people are getting pissed off with you, just post more messages. :)


Go make some quality strategy post SFXman, would love one of those out of your hands.

About solo PvP for sucky PvP-solo classes like most non-stealth/range classes.


about having fun while leveling to 50.. "How not to get bored when leveling to 50 in a reasonable time" by SFXman, menace of the BW boards

:clap: :m00: :clap:


I think it's time once again for a 1v1 against SFXMan. Classic :D


Your frequent posts are like a kinda white noise..takes a while to notice its gone


Post post!

That thing about poster-types was meant to be a friendly dig (at least I hope it was - if it wasn't then whoever said it needs treatment)

And the postsTooMuch personality is nowt like yourself anyway... you post alot but that's cool, you don't troll the boards and flame people for trying to post.

Bring back the SFXman! I'd much rather have sometimes inane, sometimes thoughtful, often amusing posts by the bucketload than a lot of the other whiney gits.
:clap: :clap: :clap:


See the thing about my post "ideology"-in-a-sense is that I will post a fairly long, constructive and good post if the thread really does need one, but if you take a look at the majority of threads... this is most often not the case. There have been various scout-related threads around and to those I am very happy to post everything I can to help individual person asking for opinions/help. Then again we have the oh-too-common threads which have been posted numerous amounts of time (search optino available, not that hard to use either :rolleyes:) and the threads which simply have no thought what-so-ever behind them (usually the NERF-THIS-CLASS-NOW or DAMN-GOA-YOU-SUCK etc.), to these I post a short and simple comment which I do try to not have flaming content in... finally (probably some more) there are the let's-have-fun posts which are good to lighten up the atmosphere around here, which at times seems to heat up quite a bit, and in these I generally either add a similar funny link/funny comment/funny picture etc. or I just say how great the original "funny-thing" was. But anyhoo... I guess I might aswell go on posting, and seriously... even 30 posts a day doesn't really take up much time, after all at least I am on my summer vacation and have plenty of spare time (this will change in august when I begin my final year of high school).


Originally posted by Fingoniel
That thing about poster-types was meant to be a friendly dig

I first posted the link and I wasn't getting at anybody in particular as I could see myself in there as well. The whole SFXman thing was started by someone else though and I think it was done purely in good fun.


Welcome back... we've missed you.

And I would love to learn why you are called SFXman... is it 'cos you like loud noises? Or is it 'cos you could not spell S*X??


About the nickname... dates back to when I was something around 7-10 years old, and it was given to me by my cousins friend in this little program he made for DOS. It asked my name and when I typed it, it said "soundeffectsman!" (in finnish)... this originates from me playing some games without sounds and making my own :D

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