arrrrgggghhhhhhhh...not again!!


Lamia Acerbus

I know the bane of everyones life and the killer button, it is deemed in the old tales that this wil kill you eventually!!

The windows key....whose bright idea was it to leave it in such a vunerable place!! One simple slip or even look at it and *WHAM* game gets disconected!! I cannot wait until my adapter for ps2 pad comes and i can keep away from it as much as possible.

There must be a way to turn this off in game or somewhere as it is such a deadly button, no warnings whatsoever and no doubt I shall die (in a bad place to ld) on my latest press of it, thats about the 10th time of accidently even going near it today. :(


Pull it off your keyboard or neuter it by cutting the pointy end off :)


as a old school daoc player i havent had it on my keyboard for 2+yrs =)


For Windows XP:
  1. Start the Registry Editor (Run > regedit.exe)
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Keyboard Layout
  3. Create a new Binary Value. (Right Click > New > Binary Value or Edit > New > Binary Value)
  4. Name the new binary value Scancode Map
  5. Double click on Scancode Map and enter the following: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00
  6. Close the Registry Editor.
  7. Restart Windows.

    Nabbed from here.

    Warning: I take no credit if this messes something up :p

    Edit- Although, I've done this, and it works great. You get to keep your keyboard looking whole, too :p

    Edit2- "Warning: I take no credit if this messes something up... It shouldn't, if you do it exactly as detailed above."

Lamia Acerbus

Warning: I take no credit if this messes something up :p

*starts to look worried now* That could be the code to turn my computer into bomb to bring down all the FFXI servers for all I know, as you are really an industry spy for Sony. However I shall give it ago and see what happens. :) *tries to remember to back everything up and where I left all my utility cd's like windows*


Originally posted by old.tRoG
For Windows XP:
  1. Start the Registry Editor (Run > regedit.exe)
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Keyboard Layout
  3. Create a new Binary Value. (Right Click > New > Binary Value or Edit > New > Binary Value)
  4. Name the new binary value Scancode Map
  5. Double click on Scancode Map and enter the following: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00
  6. Close the Registry Editor.
  7. Restart Windows.

    Nabbed from here.

    Warning: I take no credit if this messes something up :p

  1. pff.. so neandertalish to do it like that. Just take something and pry out the key and no more problems.


i angrily pried off my windows keys one afternoon after LDing in daoc over a year ago, only problem with the gaping holes in your keyboard is that food and shit seems to get in there more easily...

turned your keyboard upside-down and shaken it recently? i found a 5p in there last week oO


Just pull it out. Always works, tis a useless key half the time anyway.


Or, you could use my high-tech solution, and save yourself the hassle of mutilating your keyboard with a screwdriver, resulting in primal grunts and a very nasty looking 'board.


But then there's a big gaping hole in the middle of the keyboard, for cake/biscuits/syrup/coffee/paper/eggs/milk/burning hot tar to get into.

Not good.


keys work well too, so long as they arent the roundy-ended ones

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