Aroon Strategy in Galla.



Ok I have seen 3 raids in a row die to Aroon. We need new tactics imo.

Heres how all 3 raids went:-

a) drudges pulled.
b) drudges killed in order.
c). Raid leader spams CG loads of times with 'DONT KILL SCORN'
d). Raid kills scorn drudge
e). Repop kills raid.
f). Raid releases as its all dead in pile under Aroon with no hope of ever being rezzed :(

Ok first question, does the raid (or some nob who cant read) actually kill the last drudge? Every time I hear lots of shouts of 'ffs who killed scorn' etc. are people actually so stupid as to do this, im always on my way to Aroon when this happens.

Is there anything we can do to stop this happening? Other than using the cg / party leaders to spam 'dont kill scorn' (which isnt working)?

Perhaps we could make a clear no pb/aoe rule for this encounter, spam 'DONT USE PB/AOE' well in advance.

Could we get one trusted group to take the scorn drudge off to a corridor and quitely engage it while the rest of the raid goes for Aroon?


He's definately being killed. and I think its pboe thats doing it. I've only been on 1 or 2 raids where he hasnt been killed


it was me, soz :(
oh wait... i'm a warden. guess it wasn't :D


i guess if 1 hero pulls him away and keeps him busy you should be able to do it.

only the peeps not reading /cg are a prob imho :(


Originally posted by old.0xygen
He's definately being killed. and I think its pboe thats doing it. I've only been on 1 or 2 raids where he hasnt been killed

Yeah im guessing its the pb. These mobs seem quite vunerable to spells, once I get a lock on the correct one it only takes about 4 dd's to floor it. Guess it only takes one trigger happy pb to end the raid.


Xfear typt 40 times: NO PBAE NO PBAE!!!

I was yelling it in main: NO PBAOE FFS !!!!!!!!

Had to message 5 bloody chanters to stop the pbae crap! Then some ars stil did pbae imo bann those people from the raid who cant read.

Gonna watch next time what ars nukes him down if it happen did not c it now cause i was already kissing the ground :)


get their names and exclude from the lotto - problem solved



Any we wonder why we havent killed final encounter yet :eek:
Make Galla raids invite only tbh. And only invite 1fg guild groups from known and respected guilds.
Yes its leetist, but tough shit tbh, nothing to stop other people making thier own raids.


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Any we wonder why we havent killed final encounter yet :eek:
Make Galla raids invite only tbh. And only invite 1fg guild groups from known and respected guilds.
Yes its leetist, but tough shit tbh, nothing to stop other people making thier own raids.

In a way I agree, but then small raids take soo much longer to kill everything and your not gonna get final encounter down with a handfull of guild groups.

I think galla should start with a round of simon says, where everyone who doesnt follow the raid leaders instructions fast enough gets booted :D


At least 2 times we got wiped when I led the killing of Aroon, killing all the drudges was not the fault.
When you first pull Aroon he prolly says something like : Aroon scans his surroundings and finds no guards, he summons his drudges.
The drudges pop and the whole Aroon circus starts.

One of the times those drudges spawned again, I also led the charge on Aroon.
I saw this blue lettered msg appear and those drudges popped again, I could however in the far distance ( on the hill to the hallway) make out the last Drudge from the first pop.

The last time we killed Aroon, I also led the final charge on Aroon.
This time the last remaining drudge was much closer to Aroon, the middle of the room on the x-road. Aroon did not speak his scannning for guards msg.

This leads me to the conclusion that when the zerg engages Aroon the last drudge has to be near him or he will pop them again.
This means the last drudge CAN not be allowed to die but also has to be CLOSE to Aroon.
Guidelines on vnboard suggest the same thing btw.


Great, that makes sense then.

I did have my suspicions that it wasnt the raids fault on two of the occasions, as the pop seemed a bit too quick after killing the second to last drudge. Missed the broad, but that explains a lot...

Concusion I guess is that to be safe we need 1fg to engage the last drudge both for the purposes of making sure that it isnt pb'd to hell and back when its turn comes and that its in clear view of Aroon while he is being killed.


Make Galla raids invite only tbh. And only invite 1fg guild groups from known and respected guilds.
Yes its leetist, but tough shit tbh, nothing to stop other people making thier own raids.

Well i pmed 1 chanter from llaw arion after he ignored 40 times spam of xfear and me yelling it to stop.


Originally posted by Ximadir
Well i pmed 1 chanter from llaw arion after he ignored 40 times spam of xfear and me yelling it to stop.

Who said llaw were a respected guild ? ;)


how to solve problem.

Say to them. Whoever attacked Scorn does not lotto for any items. Tell them "player X" (preferably a bit fat firby with a glowey weapon) is going to stick to scorn. If anyone goes near scorn and hits him they forfeit lotto and will get screamed at very loadly.

Get "player X" to record names of the peeps that cant read and take a screeny of them whacking scorn and add to this post....

Peeps will then start getting the message that you do need to be awake to kill a few of the galla mobs (not all though!). Aroon is one of them.


Make Galla raids invite only tbh. And only invite 1fg guild groups from known and respected guilds.

go back about 6 months and look at what you said when I sugested a similar thing for my legion raid formats. You quite literally ripped my balls off and you were totally and utterly 100% infuriated by the very idea of this.

I always was ahead of the times!

Elitism is a good thing btw (as long as you are discreate)



Originally posted by censi
go back about 6 months and look at what you said when I sugested a similar thing for my legion raid formats. You quite literally ripped my balls off and you were totally and utterly 100% infuriated by the very idea of this.

I always was ahead of the times!

Elitism is a good thing btw (as long as you are discreate)


Actually Censi you described what you had in mind very poorly, so no wonder people got upset about it. (although i understood what you had in mind and explained it that way)

I know myself and Xan think the same way as you do about certain raids and so on, and as you can see in that thread later on, when you explained it in a good way, most people agreed.

Btw you should read up this thread, shows how good it can be to give everyone a second chance.

here it is


as long inv-only does not collide with ffa-raids there should be no problem imho ;)


Why don't we just skip the drudges altogheher?

Theory on prydwen: Let some mobs stay alive close to Aroon, and cause him not to pop his drugdes.

Go have a look at VidX's post.... Or if you're too lazy, i'll quote:

"I ran an idea past Cina earlier in regards to Aroon, but we would need to test it. Each Galla boss has the ability to do a sort of Call For Help, calling all the mobs in the surrounding area to them. Galladoria bosses currently have a habit of not letting those mobs train back to their spawn points, this is commonly seen to be done by Geomancer and Sporite.

Also, according to the baf code, more than 8 people will result in a pull of 4 mobs if there are 4 available, and any special attacks or tricks will only be applied by the mob that is pulled.

Now, taking the Aroon case:

There is an area shaped like a + to the east of Aroon, it has normal mobs in it. What I propose to test is that we leave 2-3 of these mobs alive, and we clear all the other mobs in the area except Aroon. Now, someone will disband and suicide on Aroon, hopefully causing him to call those mobs from the + to him, and hopefully they won't train back.

Now, pulling one of those mobs should then result in Aroon baf'ing with them. We saw today that it is possible, however it was about 8 mobs instead of 3 I noticed before I did an emergency /quit that Aroon was on 40% health and hadn't spawned any Drudges, so we will need to test to see if ti can be done."

Worth a try IMO.


Good one, indeed worthy of a try.
And a lot faster/safer if it works.


as for invite only raids, are there enought guilds willing to get 1FG to galla to make a total of what, 5-6 fg's? or just invite ppl from the specific guilds and form groups from them?

anything below 5fgs can take most bosses i guess, but should take pretty long time no?


even when i explained it in a good way he didnt agree with it.

but thats ok, I was just taking the opportunity to give xan a good jab to the ribs.


Invites to go to a Hibernian dungeon aint really a great idea u know.. ever tried it on a Muire Tomb raid? ;)


The thing about last drudge having to be close sounds very likely.

It's not like 1-2 chanters can solo them - so most of the raid wipes have been because of "bugged" repop.
And take your useless whines somewhere else Xanthian.


Originally posted by old.Mitsu

And take your useless whines somewhere else Xanthian.

QQ its called sarcasm but if you want to start a flame war feel free.

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