Armsman TL report.




Some interesting suggestions in the latest Armsman TL report down at the bottom that might be of interest to many classes.

I like his proposals for making Protect useful in RvR and the slow weapons vs pbt issues speak for themselves.

I'd be suprised if anything in the report even gets remotely looked at by Mythic though :rolleyes:


Wyvernfang being parry-reactionary would stink. How many armsman specced thrust and didn't know it was aimed at rogues, for goodness' sakes?

Madonion Slicer

How many armsman specced thrust and didn't know it was aimed at rogues, for goodness' sakes?

he he i know one that did and he made this post he he, but he did it for the Polearm damage not the 1h Styles.

Sorry that just read as funny to me knocking thrust for armsmen and Kag is a thrusty

:clap: Some nice stuff in that report but as if any of it will see the light of day


Indeed, 50 polearm 50 thrust and completely happy but as madonion said, I did it for the polearm damage, I never use the thrust styles.

I think the TL's point though is that we should be able to if we wanted to.

Im more interested in his points of parrying/blocking and using protect in rvr.

Though the polearm styles fixes are long overdue.


Originally posted by Kagato.

I like his proposals for making Protect useful in RvR and the slow weapons vs pbt issues speak for themselves.

Think the protect-issues needs solving, very true, but ofcourse in all 3 realms.

About the PBT.. Well, I don't think it needs fixing. If, for instance, you are a theurg and specced in a 6 sec PBT then you should at least gain benefit of it.. Just use a fast weapon then against a PBT-caster.

I don't think it's even remotely fair to change PBT because some tanks can't land an attack on 'us' because they are carrying the wrong weapon..

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. Ofcourse we all look from our own perspective, but a tank can easily use another weapon to penetrate the PBT. If you gimp the PBT some classes will suffer even more. Imagine a theurg who specced in a 6 sec PBT. That's lvl 45 earth-line, which leaves around 28 open for another spec-line. He's already severly 'gimped' on its own, but a great group asset. If you change PBT the theurg will be even more gimped.


imo the pbt thing shouldnt be changed cos as puppet said if u spec pbt u spec it to protect u, and thats what it should do.

or when grpd coordinate urself so if for example there is 1 polearmsman and 1 2h, u let 2h hit unstyled 1st and poler follows up straight after..

another option would be to switch s/s which is why u have it in the 1st place, less offence but u eat thru pbt esp with jambiya/sabres etc.

p.s. if grpd with a theurg MAKE him/her give u haste, its their job!!!!111 :D


Its not just slow tanks that suffer for it on the other hand, its a pain in the ass for archers too.

But your quiet right im never in favour of nerfing any class, personally if theres a balance issue i'd rather they improved the other classes to compete then get out the nerf stick.

I was thinking more for solo siturations though as I tend to avoid the zerg.

When grouped I tend to let a weaker/faster tank scout or whatever initiate combat and take the pbt then go in for the big hit suprise after when possible.

Personally i'd be happy if they'd just fix Poleaxe.


well thats the cost for using large weapons, as u hit hard but slow.. u could also choose to hit quickly but for far less dmg..

1 on 1 situations v a runie, and especially a warden u need to use s/s.


Yeah runies can give me trouble, got the drop on one once at 49 and killed her in 3 attacks, 1 pbt'd the 2 that landed though was enough to kill. But it was only through having enough hit pointsto shrug of the spells to get back in range after being rooted.

If they spot you first though your going to have trouble, and s/s wont get you any closer to them any faster to stand more chance. Can't wait for the cheaper RA's, can get level 4 detirmination for only 2 more levels of what it costs now for level 3.


Heh, wyvernfang based of parry? Use slash or crush if you want to use parry styles, don't make even more styles useless for the ones who can't parry..


such crap report.
he wants to change almost every style in a any time styles or close to it.

"Issue: Most Epic Armor suits are plagued with bonuses that exceed the caps. The Epic armor of the Armsman, when measured in a Spellcrafting context, is one of the weakest Epic Armor sets. "

what an einstein, like there is 1 decent epic armor atm

"Issue: While the damage for increased crossbow proficiency scales well, the weapons short range and long load time leaves most armsman feeling that the crossbow skill is simply there to hold left over points that did not fit into parry."

No tnx, i don't wanna see scout wannabees aka Treniel

"Proposal: Completely alter the class specific Realm Ability of Armsmen. Ideas are numerous, including a "double hit" RA, a passive or active to-hit bonus RA, or an RA to drop PBT."

Woah, he's realistic ! an RA that drops pbt of an enemy :rolleyes:


"Proposal: Completely alter the class specific Realm Ability of Armsmen. Ideas are numerous, including a "double hit" RA, a passive or active to-hit bonus RA, or an RA to drop PBT."

Great idea! And sorcerers can get a passive RA that resets remezzing timers! Mwahaha.

Armsmen should also get an RA that allows them to ignore resists, AF, hit points...


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