Armsman aid in the time of need


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
I just watched Kagato's movie and I'm gonna make an armsman! xD

Could you happy albs out there post which artis are available as polearms? think i read somewhere that malice could be activated as pole :eek7:

And maybe you could post which other artifacts and drops are nice for the goold old arms :clap:

Thanks for now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
ello there, well pole artis r mallice (sucks imo) and spear of kings and i think bruiser, well for other artis i would go for usual ones GoV, madening scallars SoM, and dream sphere, for drops i would go for mama infused defender as a shield and battler plate sleaves rest u sc to fit your template, squise in winged helmet if u can for melle absorb, and i would go for a nice thrust pole with haste proc or clerity proc and thats it.
Happy lvling :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bruiser : Crush Polearm, handy to have for door bashing and sieges, but useless at all other times, its alot of trouble to get for something with such limited use though.

Spear Of Kings : Slash/Thrust, its ok, thats all there is to it. cheap and nasty it'll do the job, my first ToA template used it, and I hated it, stats are mediocre, the proc is ok but nothing to write home about, and it will only help you if it procs right at the begining of a fight, which rarely happens, if it procs half way through, its to late to make a differance as the effect is not drastic. The buff is nice but again, only mediocre, compared to other artifacts its very poor.

After 1.78 Malice and Battler will become Polearms as well, you cannot activate them yet as poles.

They can ONLY be Slash damage though.

Which quite frankly, sucks. But its up to you if you think they are worth resorting to slash damage for.

Polearm choice in artifacts is very very poor alas, which is why I am using RoG Poles at the moment and in the video.

Im hoping they will let Malice be a crush polearm, that would be very nice and theres no reason why it shouldn't be, but I wont hold my breath.

Until then i'd suggest worrying about armour artifacts more then polearms, as a top ML drop or ToA RoG pole will serve you far far better and will often have better speed (SoK/Malice/Battler are all 5.6, havent checked Bruiser).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
Thanks for the link, had no idea that thread was about armsmen ^^
It had some good tips, and now i know more about the complicated spec system (made me change my spec) and got some good items out of it, lots of arguing though :)

MY spec will be 50 pole 38 crush 43 pole (changed crush from 50 to 38 when i was informed about how it owrks with +skill) this was not originally to copy you, Kagato ;) I just got thinking of how benefitting it must be to, instead of using slam, use the crush anytime style to get nice positionals

Out through the thread i was very happy about being able to use malice..... Until i got to the point where i was informed that it cant be crush (omg nerf, 2hand and 1hand can be crush but not pole :eek7: )

My main issue now is a nice heal proc BP and some nice pole, going to check ME now but all you nice ppl out there, feel free to post some nice ML drops or something.
Kagato: that 6.10 BP is nice (looked it up on VoS ad saw the heal proc) just a shame about the shield skill
Got some nice tips for accessories out of the temp Sethnaket made.

Now ofcourse i wont tell my opinions in that argue, to not bring up the closed thread again :m00:

nerf too many images


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
After spending some time talking to my good friend Joe the market explorer I found a few good poles:

Parry 3
str cap 9
dex cap 9
melee speed 2
melee dmg 1
style dmg 1
20 sec dot with 64 dmg per tick

hits 80
slash 6%
matter 6%
dex 22
hit cap 40
end heal proc value 40

quick 15
str 15
spirit 5%
energy 5%
melee speed 2%
quick cap 10
lifedrain proc: 65

body 8%
heat 8%
str 24
melee speed 2%
str cap 8
end heal proc 40

would any of these be good enough to use in a template?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Drucken said:
After spending some time talking to my good friend Joe the market explorer I found a few good poles:

Parry 3
str cap 9
dex cap 9
melee speed 2
melee dmg 1
style dmg 1
20 sec dot with 64 dmg per tick

hits 80
slash 6%
matter 6%
dex 22
hit cap 40
end heal proc value 40

quick 15
str 15
spirit 5%
energy 5%
melee speed 2%
quick cap 10
lifedrain proc: 65

body 8%
heat 8%
str 24
melee speed 2%
str cap 8
end heal proc 40

would any of these be good enough to use in a template?

One of the most vital details is Speed, as speed directly effects your damage, (rule of thumb, the slower the better, assuming you can compensate with haste buffs etc).

However assuming there all the same speed the last pole with str cap and melee speed bonus looks nice on paper :)

Personally I use Alacritous polearms, but they tend to be rare (cause I buy them all :p ).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
They sure are rare, all I could find was thrust poles with haste proc : /

I guess I'll leave the pole for now then... and get on with the other items.

what would you say the minimum speed should be? the forth pole has 5.5 spd, so does the third and second while the first has 5.9 spd

isnt it possible to get heal proc from alchemists on crafted armors?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
No, best alchemists can do is Ablative aura tinctures.

Personally I wouldn't go faster then 5.6, 5.8+ is ideal.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Personally i would try for an alacritous proc on BP instead of a heal proc (especially if kagato is hording all the alacritous poles :) ), the proc stacks with haste pots/theurg haste etc and gets u swinging pretty damn quick (think ive got 2h battler swingtime down to abt 1.8s with proc/pot and toa spd)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Riddcully said:
Personally i would try for an alacritous proc on BP instead of a heal proc (especially if kagato is hording all the alacritous poles :) ), the proc stacks with haste pots/theurg haste etc and gets u swinging pretty damn quick (think ive got 2h battler swingtime down to abt 1.8s with proc/pot and toa spd)
Unfortunately im also hording all of the good quality alacritous BP's....



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
We will see a merc being replaced by a polearm arms soon?

Wouldn't this be a nice change hehe

Well suppose all classes can be good if they played by someone that knows his class. Know when to attack, when not to do it etc.

Got to say the only arms i ever made didn't make it passed Keltoi...but still got 1 slot open. Suppose going 50 isn't the prob these days...but arti's & ml's are the real pain... :p ow...and being invited by a group probably the hardest of it all.

Anyway...good luck to all the arms out there (and other unpopular classes).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
Let the armsmen back into your hearts maties, its not too late yet


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Kagato said:
Unfortunately im also hording all of the good quality alacritous BP's....


Here's the reason no-one rolls armsmen, finding any gear requires scamming kagato's account (not that i'm suggesting anyone attempts this ofc) :fluffle:

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