


Looking to buy masterpiece AF102 chain leggings. Give me a price, people :>

Jarahl Valinor

MP whining again... Im getting sick of it... Ask some other person, I got better things to do with my time, other than sitting and crafting for MP's... *sigh*


Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
MP whining again... Im getting sick of it... Ask some other person, I got better things to do with my time, other than sitting and crafting for MP's... *sigh*

who is whining ans where in this thread did any1 specifically ask you to make the order??

Jarahl Valinor

You should try to live my life m8... All armor crafters ever get is : Can u make me full suit of MP AF 102 ?? Im getting sick of it... Weapon crafters, Tailorers and Fletchers can go down to 98% sometimes, but if u say you got some 98% qua piece for sale, you just get a "lol" back in ya face... I picked the wrong trade skill im afraid =(


Actually, I quite understand that the time required to produce an MP suit is huge. I have slowly collected an MP AF102 chain set over many weeks, and I am now missing only one piece. I am not asking for a set; I am asking for a single piece, and hoping to pay cost price + 500g for your time. OK? Excuse me for asking crafters to craft....
Christ, before SC you whinged that crafted armor didn't sell because everyone needed magic stats on their armor. Now that SC did come out you whinge that 'everyone' (yeah, I'm sure people walk into camelot with 10plat and broadcast for MP AF102 suits all the time) wants masterpiece?

Oh, and the bits they want will craft in half the time for you 1100+ guys next patch. How about then?

Oh, and permit me to laugh at "weapcrafters, tailors and fletchers can go down to 98%"...
God no, of course they can't. More people will pay 2plat for an MP longbow or jambiya than will pay 10plat for an MP AF102 chain/plate suit. And if you think 98%qua weapons sell easily - rofl, ask Mishy or Pin how well they sell 98'ers... :rolleyes:


I will give it ago, as i'm still skilling at moment, (on 1075 so far) so I'll give it a try soon.

Also if as a crafter you keep getting orders/requests all you simply have to say is sorry, i am not taking orders at this time ;)


He seems to want an endless stream of 99 and 98%qua orders. Crafting purely for profit, anyone? ^^


Um no, Jarahl is just trying to craft without having to spend HOURS to make a relatlively tiny profit on one item.

If he wanted to profit he'd never make any armour at all - since the diamond seal trade is far more profitable as you well know :)

And if someone was to walk into camelot/wherever and expect to buy a AF102 100%qual chain/plate suit for 10plat Id laugh at them. Double that would be closer to the average cost!

Jarahl Valinor

Draylor, you are one of my kind :) I will however appologize to LandShark, wasent my intention to blow up like that, you just have to understand that the business for crafters are pretty shitty, since everyone wants "perfect" items, and lets admit it, in the real world, nothing is perfect, so why should it be in this game? However Draylor shares my believe, and I 100% agree with what he says... Btw LandShark, your last post is stepping a bit over the line, why shouldnt crafters profit from crafting ? How else should they fund their crafting? Its pretty lame that we have to go to DF, buy seals, Hinget and then have the resources for making our services to the Albion community possiple... However, that is the "world" we are living in, guess I just have to live with it...

LandShark, I appologize for my behavor before tho, I was being kinda rude... If I get time to actually craft, I will maybe give the legs a shot, for an hour or 2... :)


Yeh, hardly anything wrong with crafting for profit; but crafting for profit means you are a slave to the customer, or at least you are if you want to make any profit.
Anyhow I also apologise, and if you turn up some MP legs, i got 4plat with your name on it ^^
(unless you get it first try in which case I'll have to rely on your honesty not to charge me 4plat) ;)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Christ, before SC you whinged that crafted armor didn't sell because everyone needed magic stats on their armor. Now that SC did come out you whinge that 'everyone' (yeah, I'm sure people walk into camelot with 10plat and broadcast for MP AF102

Oh dear, some people are somewhat misguided...

I've been screaming this to everyone as loud as i can and i will scream it again:


And what is everyone doing? Ordering 1-2 days before patch...

There are only a few sensible people who came to me in advance... and they have their 99-100% stuff ready.


I'm so damn sensible I had most of my suit over a month ago; then my guild armorcrafter moved to Camlann and has since not been seen for several weeks.
Hence, I'm only looking for some legs.
Or did you think I had planned to only have one masterpiece part, and that i was not only stupid enough to use only one MP part but also to make that part the 2nd most expensive part?
And FYI this post = 2 weeks in advance of SC patch....


Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
You should try to live my life m8... All armor crafters ever get is : Can u make me full suit of MP AF 102 ?? Im getting sick of it... Weapon crafters, Tailorers and Fletchers can go down to 98% sometimes, but if u say you got some 98% qua piece for sale, you just get a "lol" back in ya face... I picked the wrong trade skill im afraid =(

Okayy... you just stated you know nothing :)

If i say i got a qua 98 bow for a lvl 50 scout, he'll start laughing.. cos that isn't good enough.

Ppl pm'ed me about MP-bows, instruments, staffs... and sure hell i wasn't gonna sit 24*7 making MP's without profit, so i charged what i did.. and people seem to be okay with 1.5-2.2p for a masterpiece ...

My advise to you is to make a price for the fullset MP chain (or whatever) .. and overchage a bit.. make sure you wont waste your time..

If people wont accept your prices, they will go elswhere, tuff luck


Those prices dont seem too bad Cowled - since people really only need 1 weapon.

I still wonder how many people will buy a 100%qual set of chain/plate with prices that will have to be in the region of 20 plat.


Hi Chera :)

Sry I have been away so long, but I got the Camlann virus real bad, and have also been badly distracted by RL issues.

If I find the time to go online this week, I will give those leggings a try.

I will give u a send if I make some, and then we can work out the details afterwards.

If u allready have got a pair by then I can probably find some other buyer.

Oh, btw u will offcourse still get the special Guildie price :)


Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
Weapon crafters, Tailorers and Fletchers can go down to 98% sometimes, but if u say you got some 98% qua piece for sale, you just get a "lol" back in ya face... I picked the wrong trade skill im afraid =(

Sorry. NEVER sold a 98%, except in the 4 days I was doing random quality items. Can't sell them at cost.

The question I get 90% of the time is 'how much for a MP?', when answered 'average is around 3plat, could be less, could be a lot more', most settle for a 99%.

Oh, and this post is less than 1 week before SC comes in. As far as weapons orders from me goes... I'm taking orders for MPs now at 250g + 50g/retry. In a week (if I get swamped due to SC and new weapon types), expect this to go up substantially.

(Oh, I'm also playing to have fun with my Infi, not just playing to spend 100% of my time crafting weapons - only so many hours a guy can take of that... I think 34 was all I could manage)


Well lately (when I was still playing) I did some orders and saw that the amount of MPs is still very low if the item ain't grey. I got a lot of 99%ers though. One thing is for sure I would never craft for a steady price because I can't trust that I get it before the given price. I would either have a huge loss of a huge profit.

I wasn't a crafter who was well known so I wasn't buggered a lot (only at times when I did /setwho trade people would find me). And indeed the occaissional how much would a MP cost me is annoying. Like people can tell when they get a MP...


Originally posted by Khalen
I wasn't a crafter who was well known so I wasn't buggered a lot ...

Hmmm, maybe that was a typo, or maybe you did mean we're getting ass-f*&^%ed all day.


Ehm no... I got like 2-5 orders a day (mostly low items) but they weren't people like who say: MP NOW!!!

No actually they were polite to me, asking me if I could make them a weapon and some not even pushing me when I was in emain for example that I had to make it now.

Maybe you just attract the wrong kind of people :p If one person would indeed do that constantly it's a simple thing to do /ignore ...
People need to ask politely and give me the change to do what I want and when I want... If I craft tonight it's tonight and not this afternoon.. simple as that.. And I don't take aggressive measures to get orders they fly by themselves sometimes when people start to know you (telling their friends how cheap I got that from ...)

And for the people who moan I get spammed so much, ask yourself a question why? Maybe you got so anxious at earning money you want every order? Maybe you play a bit too much with /setwho trade? Or maybe you let people know you too much? (like posting on forums a lot with items you had for sale?)

Maybe a good thing is if you do /setwho trade you are eligible for getting orders and when you aren't you won't reply to orders? Maybe that a good idea? :)


Sorry Khalen, it was a joke... 'buggered' isn't the word you meant to use.

Anyway, I'm not bugged too much for orders, but I expect to be swamped when SC comes in.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
I'm so damn sensible I had most of my suit over a month ago; then my guild armorcrafter moved to Camlann and has since not been seen for several weeks.
Hence, I'm only looking for some legs.
Or did you think I had planned to only have one masterpiece part, and that i was not only stupid enough to use only one MP part but also to make that part the 2nd most expensive part?
And FYI this post = 2 weeks in advance of SC patch....

hmm.. i didnt mean to attack you personally since you're actually one of the few that did it right. :) My flame was targetted at the general populous that now begins to ask for MP's and expects a full chain or plate suit of MP's for like 3-4 plats....


Heh, Ill post my tale of 200+ attempts and around 8 plat spent so far in trying for MP plate sleeves to educate the masses :)

Jarahl Valinor

Well well well... This thread has become a personal fight between us crafters, nice :) To answer Cowled, Pin and all the others who suggest I just stock up on MP's and 99%'s, My point was : Why do us crafters HAVE to make perfect/nearly perfect items ? It seems wierd, cus nothing in the real world is perfect...

Ohh and Cowled thanks for attacking me, just cus im an armor crafter and not a fletcher... All I know is that the weapon crafters from my guild gets this msg alot more often than me "How much is [inset weapon name here here] first try?"...

Anyways, my whole point was from the beginning : It seems unfair that us crafters', who worked really hard to max our trade skills and spend tons of money on it (think im up to about 25-30p cus of the last few blue item skilling), are to sell only 29% of our crafting range (94-100%, and im using 99-100% as an option).... Anyways, I dont really care... People can order from me what they want, but I dont have the time for MP tries im afraid...


I'm not fighting I'm trying to help... and telling about my own discoveries...


an intresting point to make here is that 99% items are better for s/c then mp`s dont ask why but there was some disscusion within our guild last nite

for more info
on another point any item a crafter makes has an equal chance to be anywhere between 94-99 with prehaps an 100-1 chance to be a mp in my time (short as it is 4 weeks or so ) i have made 6mp`s items and 1000s of other % items
its a wonderful feeling to make a mp :) :) :)


Originally posted by wildiearly
an intresting point to make here is that 99% items are better for s/c then mp`s dont ask why but there was some disscusion within our guild last nite

Huh? Okay if that's the case I'll swap you all my 99% stuff for your MP stuff. The 99s are better, you know!

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