Armorer skill 800+ , Tailor skill 800+



I've been reading the forum for a while, but haven't posted until now, so most of you probably have no idea who I am.

On the Excalibur server I have been raising skill on an armorer (Redlock) and a tailor (Frostie) and they passes skill 800 last week.

So if anybody is in need of crafted items from either of these, please respond to this thread or /send to either of these characters on tuesdays between 1800 and 1900 CET.

I am usually also online, doing a bit of crafting in the mornings from 7 to 8 CET.

My original plan was to not "go public" like this before I had reached skill 1000+, but my cash income has problems keeping up with my spendings on powerskilling.

I'll be posting a price list shortly, so you all wil know my price lvl, but as a rule of thumb, i charge the same as merchants.

I hope my crafting will be able to make a difference for some of those fighting for Albion.

Redlock armorer skill 815
Frostie tailor skill 819
Azzazin fletcher skill 500
Seldom weaponsmith skill 300

Florance Smitingale lvl 42 Cleric (Spellcrafter to be..)

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