Armor Factor.



Was thinking about different armor types, the plate of Albion has the highest absorb 35% or something but has the same af like the midgard chain witch has absorb 27%. This is the armor we do not yet have af 102 nethrenium or what ever the metal is called.

So if the AF is the same its equal chance of hitting someone wearing chain, as it's to hit a plate wearing char. So lets think a bit, when i miss you, its not only a swing in the air, you have stepped aside and out of my weapons path.

Do you as a plate wearing moron get and penalties for wearing plate cept its heavy...

It would be more fair the lighter armor you wear the easier it should be do parry block, since you have more movement in a leather armor then you have in a fullplate armor.

I have in reallife used both fullplate armor, chain and studded armor. And my experience is that is was hell of alot easier to swing a sword in the chainmail, than in the platemail.

So is it only a benefit to wear heavy armor, since a warrior will only get lesser af when wearing leather than chain, so he dies faster in the leather cause its easier to hit him...


I'd guess it's only beneficial since I never heard anything else.
Good point though :m00:

- Pathfinder -

This isn't AD&D :) Forget any attempt at realism :)


Well it would be more fun, if you could move faster in lighter armor, then a kobold warrior in leather armor would be a really deadly enemy.

But say, a warrior could get evade IV, but it would reduce the heavier armor you wore, say that evade would not work at all in plate, in chain evade I would work, in studded evade II, leather/cloth evade IV would work, this would bring out more in fights.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Fafnir
I have in reallife used both fullplate armor, chain and studded armor. And my experience is that is was hell of alot easier to swing a sword in the chainmail, than in the platemail.
You need to have a word with your employers about their dress code.


by your logic my wizard should be able to duck and dodge a lot of attacks then with her 130dex? and shes wearing cloth armour so she should be able to run about like a minstrel! ;)


My interpretation of misses due to Armor in games where better armor decreases chance of being hit is that the blow simply didn't hit true, was brushed off the armor, just made a harmless scratch. Whereas in this game, heavy armor types in this game only has the effect of dampening the blows that hit true. Hardly a very accurate way of going about armor, I'm not a very big fan of armor quality decreased chance to be hit (THAC0 as it's called from AD&D) system. But then again no system is perfect and the final point is that good armor has positive effects :)

What will be humouring though is that when armor resists are changed, Albion tanks may be better off wearing Chain vs Mid, until the major respec happens.


They do seem to have at least thought about this.

Those mellee classes with lighter armour tend to have higher evade skill, since they should be less hindered by their armour.

Im guessing it would be a pain to implement, and would go against the 'class' system, to have evade/parry skills based on your armour type as well as everything else; especially for those people wearing mismatched armour.


when the game is figuring out your armor factor it takes the absorb rating into factor (among other things). ie the more absorb you have on your armor, the more armor factor you will have. so an albion armsman in plate has the most AF in the game as long as he's on top with gear.


Originally posted by Fafnir
I have in reallife used both fullplate armor, chain and studded armor. And my experience is that is was hell of alot easier to swing a sword in the chainmail, than in the platemail.

I keep trying to summon pets in rl but i think I got the hand movements wrong or something, because nothing happens :(

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