Arken still into cheating business?



Oki I'm at our stairs inside Crim, havent been to the wall for 30 seconds, and not in a position where enemy archers could fire at me for a minute or so, seeing that Albs were driven away by guards + some charging hibs, I decide I'll go take a look outside too, so from the stairs at left side from Crim door, I walk to the Gatekeeper, halfway there, in the middle of the courtyard, "Arken shoots you for 550". How the FUCK did he shoot me from inside the keep? This is not the case of LoS bug which simply works so if you nock before target is out of sight, you can shoot him *once* He COULD not have seen me for a minute or so, so how the fuck did he shoot me?


Lag Ghost

I get shot from you all the time even if you can't have direct LoS to me.

Sometimes i see lag ghosts from hibs coming through the Milegatewalls or Keepdoors and i can DD shout em.


Blue Ix

#1 For how long do you see a lag ghost?
#2 What is Arken's draw time? Mind you his bow doesn't fire at instant speed like your dds.

Lag ghosts could be it, but I doubt it. ;/~


I cannot DD ghosts ( i tried a few times in forts:cool: No i dont shoot from inside walls), cast time being 2seconds.

By the way i wonder another thing about Arken - are all other alb scouts seriously gimped or is this guy bugged or something? He shot me for 975damage through my shields yesterday - no other archer from any realm has been anywhere _near_ those numbers since i was level30 or so, and i wasnt oneshotted by an archer for weeks.

Zana, Lliad Ddraig




Dunno what happened, i just targeted u at Dun Crim wall and fired an arrow... 30 segundos away from wall ? u must be joking..
U dont know what hapened so stop acusing me without knowing

Maybe a little hole in the wall ? rofl
I also see odd things happen and i dont come here acusing ppl

Arken lvl 50 scout


erm lol ?

if Arken could shoot thro walls dont you think he might have a few hundred thousand rps by now ?

i know i would :E


Hehe lag ghost sucks
I released from emain one night and from my bind point started walking to the town healer only to be shot by a scout as i walked in the door to go get rid of ress sickness. lucky after release i was back at full health :) git shot me twice before it stoped.


I've seen lag ghosts come running over the hills and warp right through the APK before, they can last a fair while.


There has to be done something about the lag indeed. In most cases it ain't the connection or the pc. Maybe a little increase in the bandwidth of the game? (Not the bandwidth max I mean but the one of the game itself, I believe the game has a stream of about 5 kb/s, so maybe a little increase in that?)


Originally posted by Arken

U dont know what hapened so stop acusing me without knowing
Úh I dont know when I get shot? About lag ghosts, there are two different types of lag ghosts, the one is a "few seconds", happens VERY often at keep raids and then you can dd / shoot / hit those ghosts, I saw Ambi getting hit by an polearmsman inside Crim once =) The other type is the "LD" ghost or when you lag very very much (I didnt lag at all at the time btw) when the ghost runs and runs and runs like a Duracell bunny, but you CAN NOT shoot these, I've seen a shitload of these and tried to shoot as they look like normal non lagging people and guess what? (Target is out of range). Every experienced player should know this by now too.


Originally posted by Khalen
There has to be done something about the lag indeed. In most cases it ain't the connection or the pc. Maybe a little increase in the bandwidth of the game? (Not the bandwidth max I mean but the one of the game itself, I believe the game has a stream of about 5 kb/s, so maybe a little increase in that?)

It's less than 5kb/s...
Lets say it's 5kb/s, 30,000 people playing, that's 150mb/s which is more than goa's current bandwidth (they have a 1 gigabit (ie. 125mb/s) link).
Also you can play two people off a single 56k modem which has a total bandwidth of 5kb/s.
As for increasing it, seems unlikely - that'd require mythic to change things I expect.


That was exactly the point I didn't want to point at. (not quantity but quality) I think the game has so much info to send to a user that the stream where it all has to go through of less 5 kb/s isn't enough containing all the important info and then generate this on time on your pc. What I'm wondering is how is it on the US servers? Do people lag there as well with a lot in combat?



it's a combination of both network lag and card lag, these machine have serious problems dealing with the amount of polys in a certain area. In a big war scenario with 100 people, they are going to suffer harshly.

Everyone taking off their emblems and turning sfx off will help.


Does GOA only have one 1 gigabit line?

If so that sux


Re: lag

Originally posted by Nol
Everyone taking off their emblems and turning sfx off will help.

That has never helped me, it's still laggy as hell in big RvR scenarios. Hence if someone yells "Take off your cloaks", I don't - besides, I'm not about to lose the +stealth & +dex from it.

Back to topic... The current version of the server sends you all the text, etc you're in range of, it's been changed in one of the later patches to not send any of the disabled-from-chat/text-box text to the client. Should help atleast some with bandwidth lag.

Also, the current game engine draws even the farthest away player/mob models with full polys... Any current graphics card can't do that adequately when there's 100+ people all with different colors, models, textures, animation-frames... Hopefully the forthcoming new engine reduces the amount of polygons drawn enough, but god knows when we get it.


Got to laugh as all the hibs shoot us through the walls and doors of Dun Crimm every night.


this is the lag ghost issue that causes me to be shot on keepwalls running half way to the inner sanctum, the arrows that hit me still being aimed at my ghost above the front gate. it happens.

i got hit by a granit giant outlooker (EZ mob) once while buying a ticket at castle sauvage, 15seconds after releasing from epic zone. (distance across albion) it s a lag phenomenon, works for an against you. can t really do anything about it, i hate it as well.



That was quite some distance Finster ;)


seems like mighty eleasias is frustrated

hail Arken :clap:

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