argh, friar spec help please :p



I'm not sure how i want to spec my friar.

I've heard 48enh,39st,15rejuv,16p is nice, but what about 47enh,44s,7rejuv,12p ?

Or is it a good thing to go for 15rejuv? and why?

I can't decide where to go :p

p.s. i really hate the fact, 47enh,44staff, 15rejuv in not possible :/ only 12 points short! :/


just go for 48 enhance, 15 rejuv, 39 staff and 16 parry :)

and i think having at least 15 rejuv is a must ,better ress helps a lot , people can actually move after rezzing them

if you dont mind parry much and/or like to heal a bit you could go for 46 enhance (only miss the last cold buff and haste), 39 staff, 25 rejuv (stable 295 HP is nice :) no more stupid baseline heals that heal for something in between 70-250 HP) and 8 parry


I was just looking at the friar's possible specs... it seems very comparable with a warden, only a friar gets no group bubble and gets a lot better staff damage instead. Other big difference is the high evade but crap armor (but with armor buf), but still the two are both healer/fighter hybrids with many similarties....

after studying some specs, I'd leave rejuv at 15 (better res, and baseline heals outweigh specline heals unless you take em to 32 rejuv - or at least, with a warden this is the case at 33 regrowth-), focus on that uber staff -take it to at least 2/3 of your level, so 33/34... I'd take it to 39- and keep nurture high. Most wardens have 49 nurture for all the best resist buffs, which are well worth the specpoints. If you don't care for the resists, you could lower it so you have more parry.

BUT I've also heard a lot of albs complain about the lack of healing classes in Albion, so you might want to consider doing your realm a favor and spec more in healing ( ;


Friar rejuv line is really, really uninteresting though. I've got 18 myself but the specline only contains one (slow) line of heals, the 15%hp rezz, and the 2 cures...
lvl42 baseline heal outstrips all but the 33 and 42rejuv spec heals, also, as well as casting faster, afaik :|

46enhance/18rejuv/39staff/rest parry, perhaps?
47 or 48 enhance are also good...


25 spec heal outheals the baseline (231 - 235)


Originally posted by ReaLX
p.s. i really hate the fact, 47enh,44staff, 15rejuv in not possible :/ only 12 points short! :/

I'm 47 enh, 44 staff, 15 rejuv :)


i am specced 39 staff 47 enh 18 rejuv and 16 parry

18 rejuv gives me a nice heal specline for 215 hp its not a lot but its costs very little mana and ok soppl will say it heals less than the 42 baseline well yes at times no at others base line heal at my spec can drop to 190 or go upto 270 more often that not its about 220 - 240 but it uses about 3 times as much mana as my spec heal,

39 staff , i tested a spec on goore of 44 staff 47 enh 7juv and 8 parry well after testing irealised geez i hit 3 more dmg per hit , and maybe i wont miss as much on level 130 monsters who knows? seems you gain a little for 210 points, as the stun move is near impossible to pull off in rvr all it takes is an evade parry or something and thats your only chance gone.

47 enh, before i respecced my old spec was 25 rej 39 staff 45 enh 12 parry. I liked the heal as at 25 rejuv it would be about 290 on spec heal so was very nice but i tried out the last haste on goore and its amazing. I would advise any friar to have last haste it means you can swing a 5spd stick at like 3.5 spd and thats sick :) plus you get the nice heat resist buff.

16 parry, as parry is pure dex modified its nice to have as with all your self buffs a friar has nice dex 270-290 (evade is dex and qui) i used to parry quite alot with 12 parry but i have noticed the difference with 16 and it is nice.I'd also advise to have pretty good parry with the forthcoming patches when it gets 'fixed' in rvr.

to be honest though i have seen alot of friar specs around i think arezina has 32 rejuv she does ok, and it may be a good spec for the future with si coming, as the self abs buff look like it wont stack with the new grp one that comes with si ( i forget which class gets it)
as for speccing 50 staff i knew 2 people who done that and well they lvld to 50 and rarely played there friars again (enarion and starion) they were 2 of the first lvl 50 friars, although i have been seeing starion about recently.

tbh spec it how you want and most of all enjoy your friar ithink it is hard to find someone who doesnt though :)


i was 44staff now 39staff, bugger all difference, except a useless style at 44.

39staff 48enhance 18reju 13parry

works for me :D

with spell crafting alot of US friars are looking at 33reju specs: because u can boost your staff easy and the last useful style is at 29staff (boon)

personally i love my spec: uber buffs, great damage, reasonable healing and respectable parry.

higher staff doesnt do anything except give you like 10-20 more damage per hit, a crap trade for the healing/buffs you lose.

i'm now of the opinion that the 47spec haste is the best thing a friar has, allows me to solo red succubus quite easy.


heh vireb posted same time as me, not much to add to what he said, we both have similar specs :p

on the missing thing your staff spec wont make you miss any more or less this is purely based on the bonus of your weapon, your opponents AF and the +to hit of the style you use.


Another common spec is 44 Staff 45 Enhance 15 Rejuv 12 Parry
Very common spec (I know of at least one lvl 50 apart from myself who has it and a several on the US servers) and is a nice balanced spec.

Anyway works ok for me :)

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