Arg! Delayed!



1.52 Version

It's no secret, the next version for the the European servers will be the 1.52. At first announced for mid October, it will not be available until the end of the month. This delay is due to an estimation a bit too optimistic regarding the amount of work for these two versions (1.51 + 1.52), for both the translation and the binaries. The 1.52 version should be on the Gorre test server next week. The usual three weeks of test will then start.

PvP server

As a logical consequence of the delayed 1.52 version, the installation of the PvP server will be delayed too. The current estimation is a PvP sever available mid November. The server will be in English, with a customer support in English. For the moment, we do not consider opening a second PvP server.

- Wasn't everything going according to plan last week?


10 euro * x waiting customers = $$$

gg goa


Bet they started to translate last night and found out how hard it was to translate english to english :p


well, they don't want you to be running more than one client - so that means they need everyone running 1.52

then they have to dedicate some people to setting up and testing the new server, making sure all the hardware works and all the software works too (also that it works with the german/french clients) so it'll be a couple of weeks after 1.52 is live.

1.51 and 1.52 have added in about 30 new quests per realm remember, they're not just balance tweaks :) so lots to translate.

ho hum 3 weeks till I can test my new earth wizzie spells on Gorre :) then one more week till I can put them into practice.


Bah...was looking forward to some PvP craziness in a couple of weeks. Guess I have to spend another month playing around with the catacombs charbuilder planning my uber char



Oh no! It'll take 2 more weeks than was originally planned! How will I survive?!?! :p

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by bigsir
Oh no! It'll take 2 more weeks than was originally planned! How will I survive?!?! :p
You won't! haha! <lops head off>

Didn't anyone notice the bit where they said:

Our now more experienced Customer Support team is trying day after day to reduce the waiting period and improve the quality of the answers provided.

Makes me want to go out and post a Rightnow complaint and see the response I get...

Odds on a "We will investigate and do what needs to be done." response?




So I'll have time to do some useful comparisons between mercenary and DW-specced inf? Woot, n1 GOA



did anyone expect anything else though?


Excellent, few new MMORPG's will be out by then hopefully.

Oh wait, european release of E & B was delayed to, because its so bugged and got no content :D

*Shivers and looks back to the good ole AO days*

Buuuuuuut, EQ are comming Europe. LOL


<heads off playing EVE beta for another month>

Obviously GOA don't intend to keep their estiminates, that should be obvious by now. It's been what, nearly 8 months with EU retail now - how many of their initial deadlines have they kept? Good work, GOA.

I'd love to work for them tho with those kinda deadlines..

"You're not done translating that patch yet?"
"No, sorry boss"
"Oh well, just add another month to the deadline then and try to have it done by then"


old.The McScrooges

Well I'm only waiting for the aggro taunt for my Paladin, who's kind of shelved at the moment anyway. Plus I'm off for 2 weeks holiday so I don't really care either way.

Why does everyone get frustrated over patch delays, it's kind of amusing to see everyone wanting the nerfs to hurry up.

Oh you want PvP...


Originally posted by Fingoniel
well, they don't want you to be running more than one client - so that means they need everyone running 1.52

For the English clients in about 2 months, yes, only one client install.

But for those wanting French and German clients, and also wanting to play on the PvP server, they will require 2 client installs, as the client for PvP is apparently going to be in English (would quote the DAoC-Europe homepage but can't get to it through firewall :) )



I reeeeeally want 1.52!!! I need a nerf bad, im just so uber :(

Actually, think ill role a Shaman, they are Eldritches with shields and better armor :D Maybe the Shaman TL should move over to Eldritch TL, they obviously got mixed up and gave a healing class a Bolt, DOH!

But i still need a nerf :(


GReat delays. PvP server I can wait for but not sure about the patch.

Anyone who hates a GM go that thing in Paris :)
You can see all the team there live :eek:


what annoys me about the PVP server delay is there is NO translating to do . if the pvp is gonna be english then no translation needed . all they would have to do is set up the server and stick the code straight from mythic onto it . maybe only thing they would have to do on pvp server that may slow it down a little is take out features usa have that we dont "ie ONLINE Customer service"

i think the guy above got it right when he said more delays = more people will hang around for pvp server = more cash in subscriptions for them . LOTS of people are sticking with daoc JUST to check out the pvp server and because maybe Goa dont think they will satisfy the customers who are sticking around for it they may wanna milk another months sub or two out of them :) before they leave and cancel subs

thats just my opinion anyway :)


LOL, now some are sobbing/whining (delete what isn't appropriate) about the patch being delayed and when it comes out some will be sobbing/whining (same) because their char has been nerfed.

The world is round! YAY


its just the normal typical goa bullshit.... The fact that everything they do is always delayed with the same wank excuses just doesnt wash ne-more

Wouldnt it be nice for once if they actually did something on time, or perish the thought maybe even early. Sure, that would envolve them actually working reasonably hard, instead of arsing around all day....

I would guess Mid december on PvP server is probably more accurate...

roll on Shadowbane and SWG.......

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