Are We DAoC Players Only Here Under Sufferance?

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Having waded through all 4 pages of the "To Sar" thread, it seems as though the long-time residents of these BW forums only welcome us to "our" DAoC forum as long as we bow to their superiority and don't complain about the content of their posts.

Silly me .. I thought this section of the BW forums was for DAoC players. I think I'm having second thoughts about bothering to read them after some of the comments in the above mentioned thread.

Just out of interest, how many DAoC players have posted in other BW game forums and insulted those "communities" in the same way as we have been insulted here?


Nah, bow to noone.
This is a give and take situation. The former BWDaoc community didn't ask to have us here, we didn't ask to come here. But because of the circumstances we ended up here anyway. Noone is forcing anyone to stay here, and naturally there will be some friction in the beginning, but it will probably smooth out over time.
Already a few new good discussions are popping up. Just relax and it will be fine.


Woah - chill there !

Having been in the Sar thread it seems to me that Sar made a slightly misjudged joke and was flamed by the new ppl to the board. NOT the other way round. Only after many of the ppl from the GOA forums had made comments about how wrong Sar was did anyone get round to defending him. If you start flames they're gonna come back. Not from me but from some ppl. Us ppl who've been around on the board for a while aren't asking for special treatment but if we'd gone onto the GOA forums and taken offence at something and then decided that we were being persecuted by the regulars when they argued back you'd think we were strange.

Calm down. Don't take everything so seriously and don't have a persecution complex please. We're mostly nice chaps/chappettes and if we have a slighly different way of doing things then we should sort it out via discussion and humour not by flaming. That's what the Quake 2 forum is for :)



Of course were not here under sufferance. If we were would Trebz be going to all the lengths he's going to to try and make us feel at home?

We're just experiencing a little 'friction', if anything we're seeing less friction than on the old boards, just there it was squashed pretty quickly, here we have to moderate ourselves a bit more; and most of us are still a little disoriented and finding our feet.

Moving a whole community wasnt going to be a walk in the park.

I think the problem boils down to there not being enough people here yet for us to actively talk about DaoC much, so people are floundering looking for things to post about, the people here already have, I expect, the other game forums to keep them occupied. Our signal to noise ratio is a bit poor at the moment.
I've made up for it myself by going and 'lurking' in a couple of the other forums, yes the atmosphere is a bit different here - I dont think its wholy incompatible though.

Please Keri give it a chance - we can make this work!

I think im going to go create some signal. :)

Lafala Arifel

There's a bit of a transition occuring as people from the stricter official forums adapt to the less moderated BW forums and the long-time BW users get accustomed to the influx of an RPG community.

Granted, four pages of flames is not the best start, but hopefully it can just be put down to teething trouble! A few misunderstandings can go a long way when people are unsettled anyway :p


Originally posted by Keri
Having waded through all 4 pages of the "To Sar" thread, it seems as though the long-time residents of these BW forums only welcome us to "our" DAoC forum as long as we bow to their superiority and don't complain about the content of their posts.

Silly me .. I thought this section of the BW forums was for DAoC players. I think I'm having second thoughts about bothering to read them after some of the comments in the above mentioned thread.

Just out of interest, how many DAoC players have posted in other BW game forums and insulted those "communities" in the same way as we have been insulted here?
I wouldn't go to as far as saying that they all think that they are superior since they were here first and RPG games are new around here.
There were only a few individuals from other parts of this forum "harassing" us ;)
But I don't think it is necessary to go over to their boards and insult them because mainly the posts have been a joke, although some language used has been a bit harsh on the younger folk it seems, like was pointed out in that thread you speak of.
Soon enough the FPS gamers will realise that we have much more sophisticated and useful threads than they ;) ;) ;) j/k.... we have our useless threads aswell and our less sophisticated comments, hehe.


Agreed SFX, Lafala and Dozi. I've been around here ages and it's always nice to have new blood. If there are differences in opinions it's best to just discuss them nicely :)

Welcome aboard I say. :D


Just out of interest, are there any rules about info in people's profiles that show up here? I certainly have no interest in unzipping Wij's profile. Before I get flamed, I'm just asking, although I'm sure Wij will "rise to the challenge". :p


id quite like to know how you do that aswell :) aswell as the Unholy Spam God bit :D :)


My god,
people do start whining about everything.
Bad language?
Geez, it was a joke.
I hope this isn't gonna tun out the way it did on the GOa boards, very strict, with a lot of ruleS.
And a lot of whining


This kind of situation was bound to happen imo but that is not a bad thing. The next few weeks will be a settling in period as alot of new people have joined the boards. There will be a bit of friction as is to be expected. Personally I played the game for a couple of months and loved it, but after a time i became bored with it which is a shame, i wont go into detail as i've said what i needed to say on my guilds boards. If certain regulars to the forum arn't too happy and find things a little strange ala RPing then they should show a little respect and not post or belittle the people who enjoy RPing ( couldnt get the hang of it myself but there are people who seem to play their roles well). The same imo would apply to the new people who have just joined the boards, there is much more give and take within these boards which leads to a more relaxed atmosphere again imo its good. So let things settle down and everyone will find there own place within the community as a whole.

It's great to see new faces and people on the boards and such an influx is great to see. Have fun and happy posting :D



I love the way the newbies here seem to try and belittle the long term residents by using the veiled insult "FPS players".

Hate to tell ya folks, but personally, I've been an RPG-er for roughly 20 years. Only started playing FPS games about 6/7 years ago.

So ner.




can we lock this and also less trolling would be good idea :)


Locking this now, everyones said their piece, lets move on, shows over!
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