Are the NPC Keepguards Fecked or What ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
This isnt so much a QQ thread , because b4 i explain i just want to say Congratulations to the Nightshade that got me AFK in Bold today. I dont mean that sarcasticly either, but because to climb aboard a lvl 10 keep and try to kill someone who isnt a buffbott inside is either very ballsey or was watching me on Radar asleep there, u dont normally PA a Paladin in the middle of a keep but i digress :)

My point is this, I was stood just under the Archway inside the Keep INSIDE , now afetr my death i counted how many hits it took him to kill me. It was 10 <not counting poisens and i wasnt sitting>. Now in these 10 hits, not one NPC in the entire keep, npcs which wouldve been red/purp did attack the guy who killed me. Now correct me if im wrong but shuldnt they have all started pummeling him the second he unstealthed, it mustve took 10-12 seconds to kill me in there ?? . Ive also seen this whearas boneys and warlocks and vamps can run up to the doors at bold or towers and pwn people and the patrol guards outside just run past blissfully unaware of thier presience. Its not bug abusing imo, but it seems the keep guards these days are retarded.

Oh excpet ofc if > I < go near to a keep or tower, in which case all 300 of them charge me and fill me with arrows. Anyone else had problems with sleeping guards recently ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Maybe they don't like you :(

Or maybe they are NINJA PIRATE GUARDS :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
knighthood said:
Now correct me if im wrong but shuldnt they have all started pummeling him the second he unstealthed, it mustve took 10-12 seconds to kill me in there ?? .

same things happens in all 3 realms, and yes, guards are dumb sometimes

knighthood said:
Ive also seen this whearas boneys and warlocks and vamps can run up to the doors at bold or towers and pwn people and the patrol guards outside just run past blissfully unaware of thier presience. Its not bug abusing imo, but it seems the keep guards these days are retarded.

if u take the time and watch the guards' roaming pattern u can "sneak" and kill the peeps right outside keep doors

but imo ask horner about it... he's very skilled at killing hibs right outside Nged gates


Dec 22, 2003
If you are right up against the keep doors, of most keeps, the roaming guards won't bat an eyelid.
ofc you're in range of archers/npcs on walls, and oil, but the roamers wont get you.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 29, 2004
Can't be said enough, that keeps should always be set to stealth.
I don't think a stealther can get inside such a keep without aggroing a stealthed NPC.

But I might be wrong.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2005
i know a bug checked thats do guards dont attack u, is a pain do it so better dead vs they ;D
I dont say it cause i dont want see keeps fully of zergers st in 2days ;D


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Wela-Gusa said:
i know a bug checked thats do guards dont attack u, is a pain do it so better dead vs they ;D
I dont say it cause i dont want see keeps fully of zergers st in 2days ;D



Dec 22, 2003
Gremon said:
Can't be said enough, that keeps should always be set to stealth.
tbh, a stealther would have problems finding a stealthed keep, letalone getting into one!!


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Yep most guards are a bit stupid - I think they get stuck in the doors or something. BUT the old steather-guards in keeps are GREAT, picks us assassins off through the walls and everything! AND just as the roaming 4+ guards are circling the keep! :>

But it's ok we can vanish! yay! And then the shammy damage-add or the GoV proc that is ticking on a guard that has hit you, ticks again, and out of vanish we come as we get aggro'd again, and dead.

But yes, in a keep, you can be killed, and a favourite of mine is by the porting stone thing. You whack someone there, and you usually get 1 or 2 guards on you, but the person can't port as they are under attack I believe :> Same thing for at docks :> Drop a poisonspike or whack someone just before they jump on the boat and they can't get in it until they are out of combat.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Gremon said:
Can't be said enough, that keeps should always be set to stealth.

finding the climbpoint is already hard enough mate :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
Its not uncommon to whack someone in there keep and not get attacked by guards, i've done the same a good few times. Sometimes i just kill the scout/hunter up top of the tower i use for hiding in beforehand because its them that will usually attack if any.
Under the arch is a good place to lurk i cant remember last time i got hassled from guards, alwaays good to hide there, put poisenspike in the place where ppl zone from inner keep and hit them, thats fun i can tell you :)
Its a risk, but then most thing stealthers do relies on taking risks.
As for afk in the keep, learn the lesson and dont because they may be a stealther near you, watching,waiting.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
aye, watching the patrolling keep guards can be interesting, you can get a opening to do enything.

on my ranger i have critshoted god knows how meny nuubs who sit just outside of the keep door thinking they are safe...and not only nuubs a few rr10+ ppl have felt my arrows meny times.

i can say that mid keep (bled) is far safer than beno. on bled its really hard to find a point to shoot from. but beno is easy mode


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Its possible to camp the way from entrance of the keep to the keep door and the way in between, rangers/scouts/hunters _can_ aggro u, but usually they dont. The General dude is aggressive, but he is a quest/talk to (idunno) npc, so he doesnt attack u or anything, and how u resteealth, u can go a secret place ;) and restealth. Easy to camp, planting tanglesnare, PA ppl who comes in and out etc. Dunno if they did this so stealthers actually do have a chanse of camping keeps, imo its good, cause ppl CAN make keeps stealthers keeps, which makes it impossible..

cause the NS/Infils/SBs will uncover u when u run close to the door, or if ur unlucky when u climb the wall..

so its up to those who actually have the keep, to make it a range/melee/stealther keep...
Dec 31, 2003
knighthood said:
This isnt so much a QQ thread , because b4 i explain i just want to say Congratulations to the Nightshade that got me AFK in Bold today. I dont mean that sarcasticly either, but because to climb aboard a lvl 10 keep and try to kill someone who isnt a buffbott inside is either very ballsey or was watching me on Radar asleep there, u dont normally PA a Paladin in the middle of a keep but i digress :)

My point is this, I was stood just under the Archway inside the Keep INSIDE , now afetr my death i counted how many hits it took him to kill me. It was 10 <not counting poisens and i wasnt sitting>. Now in these 10 hits, not one NPC in the entire keep, npcs which wouldve been red/purp did attack the guy who killed me. Now correct me if im wrong but shuldnt they have all started pummeling him the second he unstealthed, it mustve took 10-12 seconds to kill me in there ?? . Ive also seen this whearas boneys and warlocks and vamps can run up to the doors at bold or towers and pwn people and the patrol guards outside just run past blissfully unaware of thier presience. Its not bug abusing imo, but it seems the keep guards these days are retarded.

Oh excpet ofc if > I < go near to a keep or tower, in which case all 300 of them charge me and fill me with arrows. Anyone else had problems with sleeping guards recently ?

It's not a anything special with it, i do it all the time on my shade, u can kill plp inside witout gaurd agroo 8/10 times and i can also PA ppl outside the gates and just walk away if u time it right - u will get archer/caster agroo but they dont follow you.
Dec 31, 2003
Wela-Gusa said:
i know a bug checked thats do guards dont attack u, is a pain do it so better dead vs they ;D
I dont say it cause i dont want see keeps fully of zergers st in 2days ;D

lol term, make less sense Xdd
Dec 31, 2003
Kaun_IA said:
aye, watching the patrolling keep guards can be interesting, you can get a opening to do enything.

on my ranger i have critshoted god knows how meny nuubs who sit just outside of the keep door thinking they are safe...and not only nuubs a few rr10+ ppl have felt my arrows meny times.

i can say that mid keep (bled) is far safer than beno. on bled its really hard to find a point to shoot from. but beno is easy mode

Imo a good aspect of the game, tbh their should only be gaurds inside the main keep tower where the lord hides - and they should be like REALLY hard.
All thats needed rest is just gamebreaking, imo :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
also, on the inner door you will often find guards get bugged on doors so its easy as a stealther with climb walls to take a ram inside and start ramming inner door without getting any guard agro, all depends if there are stealther guards


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Perf said:
Its not uncommon to whack someone in there keep and not get attacked by guards, i've done the same a good few times. Sometimes i just kill the scout/hunter up top of the tower i use for hiding in beforehand because its them that will usually attack if any.
Under the arch is a good place to lurk i cant remember last time i got hassled from guards, alwaays good to hide there, put poisenspike in the place where ppl zone from inner keep and hit them, thats fun i can tell you :)
Its a risk, but then most thing stealthers do relies on taking risks.
As for afk in the keep, learn the lesson and dont because they may be a stealther near you, watching,waiting.

And thats correct as you only have 2 guards "in combat los"
Wich will add (archers). its one of the oldest hangaround spots for stealthys (caoe ftw).
Thought it was common knowledge now :>


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
Just to let you know how hard it is for a stealther to kill someone inside beno ...


The only guard that will agro you in that keep is the armsman by the forge , its that simple :p
now next time your afk , stay inside the inner keep and away from the windows, cus i have been known to dd cast bb's to death with los there :x
P.S yes i know its a crap pictar , but live with it >.<

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