Are some just stupid.



Last nite i was playing my Wizard. I drew aggro from 4 yellow con pop's. And had a few red con albs standing next to me. I managed to yell for help 5 times before goin down. I released, and 5 min later i got a send from one of the chars ohhh did you need help? And i answerd him No i'm a cloth wearing avalonian wizard tank, and i only had the wrong hot bar up thats why i yelled for help.. And he then answerd ohhhh didt know there was a wizard tank class. This time i was laughing like hell, about 15 min later i got back and saw one of them goin down to a purp mob, and yelling for help. And he started cursing me for not helping to kill this lvl 20-25 mob. I casted a few spells but my bolts missed and my ordinary spells failed due to resist, and i died. Then he said wtf are you playing this game for a wizard tank that even cant kill a mob with your stick. Doh.


And whats scary its not the first time this has happend.


wtg :) You should visit Hibernia my friend.
Our Mages are allways eager to tank "purple thingys".
Ask Giriam (Eld lvl50 now) or few others, they sure know how to tank as a cloth wearer.
Sometimes i even have a good laugh at RvR, while tanking a lvl50 armsman with Warden/Druid buffs. It's like xxxx is attacking u - miss - miss - miss - hit is abosorbed my magical barrier - miss - miss .......
Don't wanna mention that armsman name :) poor sod may delete his char just for realising how gimped his char is ;)



I noticed it also that a lot of people are not watching the above chat info screen... (thought the standard yellow was rather easy to see..) It has cost me my life most of the times also.



Heheh Lisco, have once recently made that mistake, attacked mage elf with my new shiny 3.7 spd gladius...miss miss miss miss miss...Os eats dirt. No much use for 35% bonus with bubbles. :/

But well thats why we have these 2.2 - 2.5 spd weapons and dual wield. Bubbles what are those anyway? ;)


Hibernian mages have been tanking since day 1 of daoc.

I think it's all the iron in their diet and all the starch in their pants. Turns them into fightin' folk.

Oh, and you should have told the guy that *everyone* knows Wizard-tanks don't use their staff for damage. It's pointy-hat death charges all the way.

WAR! Slayn Out!


wandering down to the pikes when i saw this wiz pulling dunters. i saw he must have screwed up with his bolt so i stopped and asked if he need help. he didnt answer just kept trying to cast. then he got like 5%health left and he says: 'help me' of course he is dead before i can do anything about it :(

hate that when they wait until they dying before asking for help :(

moral is if you are 50-50 to lose: ask for help because you can always pull another mob but you can never get the xp back....


In response to the title (havent read the thread yet :m00: ) yes, some are just stupid.

edit: Many people on this server a) have a poor grasp of english, and b) have a poor grasp of class abilities. Use sarcasm with people you encounter at your own peril.

"i answerd him No i'm a cloth wearing avalonian wizard tank, and i only had the wrong hot bar up thats why i yelled for help.. And he then answerd ohhhh didt know there was a wizard tank class"


Bah, I know a VERY good Wizard Tank, his name is Zold... If you ask me for a wizard that can tank... I'd point to him...

He was almost as good at it as I was with my Armsman... Except for the dieing more then me part...

Zold never plays anymore :( , he switched to a Friar (called Vireb), probably wanted to be a robe-wearing, staff-wielding tank in the end...

Always was a good laugh being in a team with him...

(and btw, sarcasm is sometimes VERY bad recieved, especially on peeps that are bad in english)


Wizzy tank....hehe...cute ...

almost as cute as the Sorc buff bot, and no I don't mean the sorcs cleric on another account, I mean the sorc who, when running thru low lvl land, gets spammed with "buff plz".

I once got a send:

XX:buff plz
Dreama: sorcs don't buff
XX:I'm an armsman, not a sorc.
Dreama:No, I mean Sorcerers can't buff other people
XX:But it will just take a second
Dreama:Actually, for me to give you a buff worth having it would take about a day. I'd have to roll a class capable of buffing and lvl it to a nice lvl first.
XX:So then you're not going to buff me?
Dreama:*sigh*No, I'm a bitch, I'm not going to buff you.


haha thats so true :D i get that all the time when im playing my cabby


you can give them debuffs when /dual comes out ;p


To Fafnir

Sadly some people have less experience in the game than you do, you know! They see a mob, regardless of con and think they can kill it. So they think you can too. The incidents you have experienced is an anomaly, at early lvls this kind if thing can happen, since there is a constant flow of newbies. Don´t worry about that person who called you names or sweared at you, he will learn in time to play the game better and will most likely have forgotten you by now.

Good luck:)


Originally posted by medowind
you can give them debuffs when /dual comes out ;p

Except all negative effects are removed when the /duel ends :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I've resorted to telling people at PK bridge that wizards can't buff anymore. I know its mean but I get so annoyed with people spamming my screen for buffs!

"I'm not a wizard...I'm an infi in disguise!! GO AWAY! YOU ARE BLOWING MY COVER!!"

~rolls eyes~

In response to the earlier part of this thread, a couple of people have run past me on Telamon Road with a horde of Gobbos right behind them, yelling at me to help them. Are they completely stupid? Do they REALLY think I am going to get 5-6 gobbos aggroing on me just to save some guy who will probably die anyway and get me killed in the process?! Sometimes people need to accept the fact that they are going to die and not try and drag other people down with them. Some people can be soooo silly! :)


WHAT!!?? Wizzards cant tank??:rolleyes: Hmm this is why I get the mean looks at hulks when I demand the wizzy put up his fire and pull his staff out to help us tanks.. Ahem...

Well you guys can atleast buff and so you get spamed with the buff pms.. I get spamed as well with the buff pms only guess what noobs... TANKS DONT BUFF lol I always love to mess around with them once im asked to buff them. I tell them they have to join my group for a sec, then i do a chant and whaaalaaa! lol some run off yelling THANX M8!! and I just laugh as I see the noob taking on a red thinking his buffs kick ass now lol .. I know thats bad.... lmao :flame:

Wedge.. Zold used to tank?? lol no wonder he sucks so bad as zold.. lol Hes waiting for respec to come out I think, I know hes getitng Vireb to 50 first then working on Zold. Anyways...
Just had to share my 2 cents :D :D


The other day someone in Mag Mell asked my Ranger for buffs when they saw her buffing herself. Kindly pointed out this wasn't possible and I got a less than kindly response lol


Originally posted by -Dreama-

XX:So then you're not going to buff me?
Dreama:*sigh*No, I'm a bitch, I'm not going to buff you.


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