Are MMORPGs the gamer's soap opera?


old.Trine Aquavit

Most games could be likened to films - you get a complete experience 'out of the box'. The production values are high and the entertainment is finite. The more successful ones spawn a sequel and the best ones are worth a second viewing.

MMORPGs aren't like that. They generally have lower production values and their content is delivered in highly-anticipated episodes (patches). They have no end. The content rarely lives up to the level of anticipation generated by the cliff-hangers, and they have a peculiarly obsessive following amongst a small group of people.

MMORPGS are soap operas. Shrouded Isles is "Who Shot J.R." repackaged.




Yes they are. But they do have an edge on typical soap operas because they are interactive and basically not scripted in the traditional sense. The players have to make the "drama" (and oh boy are we good at drama :) )


Well, i would like to say that this isn`t a soap opera, but more of a psychological thriller. This is in the way the the things that are shown on the screens are only a small bit of the film, the real experience is inside you.

Lets take an excample, how many times have you grouped, and you have been discussing different issue. Allways there is someone, or many people who makes extremely phunny coments, that you acctually sit in front of yout computer laughing(no wonder some people(read. idiots) think it`s pathetic). And the hole time in that group you allways have a certain fear inside you, will we make the next mob, Will the tank LD in middle of fight(probably). And as these fears are running through your head your subconciusness is allways trying to figure out how these people are in real life. So the real magic of mmorpg isn`t whats on the screen, it what goes on inside your head


"Nope i`m not dead, i`m a geologist, really interesting this soil here." - Hibernian Archer



"Nope i`m not dead, i`m a geologist, really interesting this soil here." - Hibernian Archer [/B]

This is the best signature i've seen sofar on this forum

Thank you for the laugh :)


sounds like you jimli @ the lair.. maybe you should pick up shovel crafting, so you can dig your own grave.. J/K.. ;)

MMORPG = soap opera? well... more like a talkshow where people whinge about their boring lives and we "normal" people watch it and think to ourselves, "gosh, they're boring"..

It's the kind of show where you eventually find out that your mate is a backstabbing b*strd.. or something like that. I really just wanted to comment on Jimli.. Sorry Jimli, see you around.


More like a twisted gameshow with no end, where everyone is all nice to each other on the outside. But on the inside they are seething with rage and the desire to WIN!.. DESTROY TEHWORLD!!!!1 BMAUAAGGHAHAH!!

:rolleyes: Something like that..


MMORPGs are like those (very expensive to attend) gatherings some (mostly men) attend in the woods during the weekend.
They dance halfnaked around the campfire, screaming and crying, letting all their frustration out while "connecting" to nature and their "ancient roots as hunters".
Then after 2 days they put on the tie again and head for the office.

We lurk around the forums, yell at each other, exp kill, flame, taunt, insult, get frustrated, flame some more.
Then we shut down the computer, go back to the kitchen to have dinner with the family and become our normal selves again.


erm... you seem to know quite a bit about these weekends. Anything you want to tell us? :p


MMORPG = soap opera
forums = talkshow ;)

Jeerryy! etc. :D


Originally posted by Cadire
erm... you seem to know quite a bit about these weekends. Anything you want to tell us? :p

My Tribal Master have said we are not allowed to divulge any more info than I have already given.
These experiences can be harmful for your psyche if not guided by someone experienced, sorry.
But do come along in 2 weeks, I think it will do you good.


Originally posted by Gohlanchdir
Well, i would like to say that this isn`t a soap opera, but more of a psychological thriller. This is in the way the the things that are shown on the screens are only a small bit of the film, the real experience is inside you.

Lets take an excample, how many times have you grouped, and you have been discussing different issue. Allways there is someone, or many people who makes extremely phunny coments, that you acctually sit in front of yout computer laughing(no wonder some people(read. idiots) think it`s pathetic). And the hole time in that group you allways have a certain fear inside you, will we make the next mob, Will the tank LD in middle of fight(probably). And as these fears are running through your head your subconciusness is allways trying to figure out how these people are in real life. So the real magic of mmorpg isn`t whats on the screen, it what goes on inside your head


"Nope i`m not dead, i`m a geologist, really interesting this soil here." - Hibernian Archer

I thought this one of the best posts I've read in I don't know how long, not to mention his great, absolutely great, signiture. I too often sit there wondering the same sort of things about the people I'm playing with, mostly, what are they like rl, (usually I figure pretty much like they are in game). Anyway, nice post.


Well thanx alot guys, didn`t know it was that for the weekends, i`m in when and where is it??

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