Aqua problems



I was at aqua yesterday, i'd camped it for about 3 and a half hours, then suddenly a grp shows up : Fragbait, Mezzi mezzalot, Adara BringOfLight, Xphyra, and claim it. First i was abit shoked even when i said i'd been there for a long time. They kept pulling saying it where theirs. They said i had died to many times and i was f 00l, it was time for me to get a break from daoc, ( i had died 3 times in 3 hours ). Then i got pissed and nuked on MY gobos. Now they started to get pissed and wouldn't speak to me =/. Now who had the right to the gobbos ?


Accordingly to the CoC: Both of you had, as long as it doesn't involve leeching.

Accordingly to common etiquette, and what you've written: You.

However, I doubt you're telling the whole truth, having played quite a bit with one of the involved persons - and that's definately not how he'd behave, even if in a sour mood.


I was at the Aquaduct for a part of yesterday with sweets
and qux , pulling from the Tree ( Tree had maybe 3-4 grps on )
so it was getting kinda slow ...
Anyway we were close enough to the aquaduct to see that there
was no one pulling from it ( close as in I could see the gobbos )

So we decided that inbetween pulls we would pull from aquaduct
to speed things up and keep us busy ( we also had this tangler
rotation thing between us and the theur in the grp beside us )
Pretty standard sfuff realy

So anyway while we were pulling from the aquaduct ( maybe 3/4
times we have done this now ) We pull , all come together
I start killing , and bang fireball goes off beside me and gobbo
runs in weird direction, take no notice , must kill all before 75%
before first mezz runs out . Then out of no where


While im standing there killing them. Maybe you though I needed
help so grp says , its ok we are fine here , to which you promptly

"What we were here first ?? Sometimes we go away for a while
but we come back later , Its our spot."

At that stage we just slowly backed away from the crazy man .

In answer to your question
More than likely They did .


The Aquaduct is MINE :D :clap:

But seriously, the aquaduct is a strange place... But unlike the tree's or the beach, its not a place where more then 1 group can pull from...

So far I havent got it that other groups started pulling from there... Although we did have an incident not long ago, where there was no one at the aquaduct, we get ready to pull (but spawn was 'bugged'), so we're waiting for a spawn, and suddenly a group comes along and sits next to us...

Claiming they where there before... Now either I'm getting this wrong, but if your group leaves to sell, YOU GIVE UP YOUR SPOT! :D

The only way you can 'still' keep the spot is when at least a large part of your group stays...

Oohwell, anyways, spawn was bugged anyhow (5-10 minutes no goblins), so we left...

Other then that, no real problems yet... We often pull from the back of the arches (you get a nicer, closer pack of goblins)... So often a group 'overlooks' us, well I walk to the front then, tell them where we are camping the arches from the other side...

No problems that way yet...

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