Apprentice xp?!



I have already ordered the game and I'm really looking forward to start playing.

What I'm a bit worried about is the fact that you can only have one char per server. (not counting force sensitive slot)
This put together with the apprenticeship thing, which by the way is a really cool idea, could present a future problem I think.

Imagine when the game has been out for a while and everyone starts getting higher lvls on their chars. Maybe there won't be anyone left to train so you can get apprentice xp. Which would mean that you yourself can't train any mastery.

I guess they are counting on people to start playing on other servers when they want to start with a new career but, I for one would sure like to play on the same server where I already know alot of people and have some good friends. (hopefully :))

I'm hoping someone can tell me something that would convince me that it's not really a problem.

I'll c u all in the game!

Jonah, future Squad Leader for the Rebellion


Doubt that will be a problem.

You only need 620 apprenticeship xp for a mastery level.

You get 20 for training a lvl 1 skill, 30 for lvl 2, 40 for lvl 3 etc..

I have over 1k and havent even been trying, dont worry about this :)


Also because you can respec anytime its likely people will change their character a few times thus allowing people to re-train them and gain the apprentice exp.

P.S. thanks alot for the training y'day jonah ;~)


I think the system does work well.. people will always be joining the game anyway. I've trained a lot of casual people in basic skills (e.g. like Survival 1), etc - without even soliciting.

I've got about 1240 Apprenticeship experience I think.


Thanks for the insight guys!

Hope to see you in the game.

PS. It wasn't I who trained you Ni'Tel. A bit of mixup with names on my behalf. Sorry DS.

Jonna Norwin - Scout/Marksman - Eclipse Server - Tatooine
Future Squad Leader


easy if you buddy up with a m8 and learn then detrain a skill,get some xp,learn then detrain(you get the idea) :)


Originally posted by punj
easy if you buddy up with a m8 and learn then detrain a skill,get some xp,learn then detrain(you get the idea) :)

Thats why you get 20 xp for a lvl 1 skill, 30 for lvl 2, 40 for lvl 3 and 50 for lvl 4.

You can do it that way, but its a bit of a cop-out really and altogether not necessary. If you cant get 620 by the time you are ready to master a profession you dont deserve to be a master.

If you have no other option of course and as a last resort i guess its ok.

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