News Apple Patents 3D Holographic Displays


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
i dont like 3D tbh.

Ma eyes are getting tired easily with 3D. . .


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I wish I could be around in 300 years to see what the technology's gonna be like then


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2005
who know's. i think you'r still quite young to catch a new very huge discovery about the extension of our lifes.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
How the fuck can apple patent it? No working model exists, no technology exists to pull off all the tricks they are claiming. It is a landgrab to confuse the U.S. patent office and get the patent before anyone else does. I am sure all the companies who have invested BILLIONS of dollars in holographic research are going to be mighty pissed at this, Apple have seen a potential cash cow and tried to grab rights to the idea.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
because apple are massive tyrant ***** intent on monopolising and destroying computer technology !


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Meh, it's not just apple doing that. I.P patents for "ideas" have been all the rage for many years now. Hence companies suing each other left right and centre.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
who know's. i think you'r still quite young to catch a new very huge discovery about the extension of our lifes.

I can see cures for various types of cancer coming out in the next 50 years. I think they'll be a lot going on re stem cells. A lot less invasive surgery perhaps. Advanced weaponry for the armed services. Hugely powerful games console machines that still won't be able to give life-life game play (how long do we have to wait before game characters actually start looking seriously life-like instead of what we got now?). Gigapixel mobile phones probably. I think we're probably looking at 200 years before you'll get holographic phones that pop out from your wrist. And probably 700 years (at least) from having light-sabers & hand-held laser guns. I think it may take at last 150 yrs before we have a Unified Theory. Damn this mortal life span.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I can see cures for various types of cancer coming out in the next 50 years. I think they'll be a lot going on re stem cells. A lot less invasive surgery perhaps. Advanced weaponry for the armed services. Hugely powerful games console machines that still won't be able to give life-life game play (how long do we have to wait before game characters actually start looking seriously life-like instead of what we got now?). Gigapixel mobile phones probably. I think we're probably looking at 200 years before you'll get holographic phones that pop out from your wrist. And probably 700 years (at least) from having light-sabers & hand-held laser guns. I think it may take at last 150 yrs before we have a Unified Theory. Damn this mortal life span.

Gene therapy is where cancer cures/meds will come from.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
I'm surprised that the USPO allowed this because of "obviousness".
It is simply a progression of already patented autostereoscopic displays. The difference must be in the details of how the image is prepared and projected.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
How the fuck can apple patent it? No working model exists, no technology exists to pull off all the tricks they are claiming.

To be fair that is a bit of an assumption. Having read that article, the idea behind the actual screen isn't too far removed from the way nintendo's 3ds works, as for the ability to track movement (which presumably results in the "domes" on the surface of the screen changing slightly), it isn't really that far fetched, in fact it wouldn't suprise me if they have a prototype or two knocking around in a lab somewhere. I mean it isn't like they are short of an R&D budget is it? I suspect the claims in the article are a bit far fetched though - but I daresay that is down to the media rather than apple.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
To be fair that is a bit of an assumption. Having read that article, the idea behind the actual screen isn't too far removed from the way nintendo's 3ds works, as for the ability to track movement (which presumably results in the "domes" on the surface of the screen changing slightly), it isn't really that far fetched, in fact it wouldn't suprise me if they have a prototype or two knocking around in a lab somewhere. I mean it isn't like they are short of an R&D budget is it? I suspect the claims in the article are a bit far fetched though - but I daresay that is down to the media rather than apple.

Prior art. They are building on research done by IBM, Microsoft and a number of others for a start. They might figure out some clever implementation but they will be doing it using holographic and tracking techniques developed by others, don't be suprised when Apple try to claim it is all theirs though.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I'm surprised that the USPO allowed this because of "obviousness".
It is simply a progression of already patented autostereoscopic displays. The difference must be in the details of how the image is prepared and projected.

You said it far better than I could have. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I can see cures for various types of cancer coming out in the next 50 years. I think they'll be a lot going on re stem cells. A lot less invasive surgery perhaps. Advanced weaponry for the armed services. Hugely powerful games console machines that still won't be able to give life-life game play (how long do we have to wait before game characters actually start looking seriously life-like instead of what we got now?). Gigapixel mobile phones probably. I think we're probably looking at 200 years before you'll get holographic phones that pop out from your wrist. And probably 700 years (at least) from having light-sabers & hand-held laser guns. I think it may take at last 150 yrs before we have a Unified Theory. Damn this mortal life span.

I think you massively underestimate the exponential advance of technology/scientific understanding. I wouldn't be at all suprised that if someone were to end up in a coma and then wake up in 50 years time they'd find the world around them very very different, if not to the point of being unimaginable.

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