Appeal for "prime time" Raids!



Posted in all 3 realms! This is not an attack on one realm just an appeal to save one of the last Great challenges left in DAoC.

A Relic Raid USED to be one of the major challenges a realm had left in game (much like each Realms Dragon). Bringing the majority of a Realm together, in secret and staging an attack involved a lot of skill and in some case a little luck. Planning, marshalling, communication, leadership, timing and speed of execution all totally necessary for even a small chance of success.

To be part of a raid USED to be highly exciting and fully adrenal pumping experience. Just like the first week or so of RvR. Whether successful or not, it WAS a thing of pride for each realm to attack and try their skills against their enemy. For the defenders it also was a thing of pride to counter attack and try and defend against. When a Relic Raid is in progress, the alliance chat is filled with commands and reports, groups drop everything and suddenly the game comes alive for a few hours. A sense of loss if you fail or jubilation if you succeed, Fantastic stuff!

NOW it seems to me some people are trying to make one of the last great things of this game insignificant. There is no honour, skill, challenge or pride to set your alarm clock to 6am and attack a sleeping enemy. To justify it with weak replies of its 24/7 game or its WAR. Are passable excuses but even in WAR people are asked to act with decency and respect. Yes you can attack at 6am as it is a 24/7 game. But expect laughs and mild amusement at your pathetic attempt, highlighting the weakness of your realm and the lack of pride you have in it.

Relic’s are trophies that a realm can hold with pride, for meeting what WAS a significant challenge and a great form of FUN. Please don’t degrade it into an another insignificant and meaningless part of the game, as so much else has become. I what challenges to remain in the game, otherwise there is no point in playing.


primetime scenario :
take 400 mids , 400 albs and 400 mids all level 40+ are online at primetime.
- Mids attack albion : 400 envaders & 400 defenders = massive lag + 50 % zonecrash
- 250 hibs trying to find out where the rest is and also comes to albion = ungodly lag + 100% chance of a zonecrash

whats the fun in this then I say?

DAOC is an 24/7 online game , if ya look strategicly you won't gonna do a relic raid that a) is in ungodly lag and b) has 2% chance of success

aldoh I work and I don't have any means to be online at night, non primetime relic raids are more advisable. That doesn't exclude that raids can be organized in primetime. If ya don't wanna loose your precious relic , make them fixed to the relic keep and sell tickets for visiting it :p

ps nice ideology doh , but on the other hand i don't lve in a fairy tale :p

Madonion Slicer

Bringing the majority of a Realm together, in secret and staging an attack involved a lot of skill and in some case a little luck. Planning, marshalling, communication, leadership, timing and speed of execution all totally necessary for even a small chance of success.

All that and then some little shit spams on mIRC about it and it was all for nothing.

Other than that nicely said :clap:



No such arrangements CAN or SHOULD be made as not everyone in every realm can agree on them of different reasons, fx. being of another opinion about telling people when it's okay to take a relic or people not reading this forum.

Maybe you should take a look at the real world and see how different people behave. It's the same thing in a game, people do exactly as they should, they play their way, do different things, have different opinions, etc.

If you can't accept this being a 24/7 game, then leave or get GOA to lock down servers between 4 CET and 16 CET (that's when i get home from work, so before that time it's not acceptable anyone can put their hands on relics). :m00: :m00:

About, honour, pride and skill.
I guess you get the honour you want first from realmmates, who has hungered for relics for a long time (i'm an alb, so don't blame me). I kind of expect my enemy to loat me.

Pride, who are you to tell when people feel pride or not Novo, what's making you such an expert ?
I remember first time taking an undefended keep with guild only, felt pride, because it was a PERSONAL achievement, to me and the other people being there.

Skill, To me it seems like they had skill enough to take all your keeps, gank remaining guards, knock down doors and lift hibs for 2 relics.

In fact as some people allready pointed out, many "primetime" events ends up in Lag-feast, with zonecrashes and LDs. That's where the "NO SKILL NEEDED" function is best as noone really can see what they hit or what's hitting them.


ghar ghar
stop wankin if u lost ur relic while u wer sleeping or at work
think its really nice to see 60+ putting their allarmclocks are spendin the night with toothpicks in their eye carcasses
i mean how more motivated can u be for your realm

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