Apparantly I'm a h4xx0r!11

  • Thread starter BlitheringIdiot
  • Start date


I’ve got this problem that keep occurring and I was wondering if anyone could explain how it might be happening.

This only ever happens in Thid, whilst playing my ickle hunter, misfire, whenever a full group of enemies came into range I would lag, not really odd but sometimes I would then see a snapshot of a stealther, as if they had a stealth of 1 and weren’t moving, I could see them at miles away.

At first I thought it was just someone with crap stealth, but then it happened with stealthers that Id met before and new they had very good stealth. Also if I stood perfectly still, they wouldn’t move but would always disappear after about 5secs. If I moved over to where I saw this snapshot, sure enough they would jump me.

I’ve played misfire and capped him twice now and in that short time it has occurred 5 times. Then last night when I ran my shaman to thid because I was bored, I ran straight into an alb group, got trampled but sure enough when I looked around at who killed me a stealthed figure standing some way away from me was easily visible. Then about 3 seconds later they appeared unstealthed about 3secs walking distance from the stealthed figure I could see, but that stealthed figure remained standing perfectly still for a few more seconds before disappearing.

Now I can understand this obviously has something to do with lag, only ever occurs when I’m lagging but the way I understood it was that the game mechanics where such that my computer did not know where other stealthers were until I could see them, so how could this occur?

Your thoughts please.

Elric IA

I have seen something similar in that i saw an alb stealther in the water between their tk and the central keep island. He was too far away to see any tet above his head but it looked like a stealthed outline.


my lil bro has the same kinda thing happening to him, but its not as severe as yours, if an enemy (stealthed or not) is entering clip or just outside it his comp HD buzzes as its loads something, presumable to swap space...he doesnt have a top notch comp but

i'm assuming the server sends the message to your comp so that it can load the graphics for said enemy, since they are stealthed nothing loads, but in your case you see then if even for a fraction of a second.

i think it is down to the speed of HD and or swap file stuff, not sure about the technica details, but me and my brother both run pretty much the same comp, ram, graphics proccessor etc.

except his HD is allot smaller than mine (what can i say i need to compensate somewhere :D ) anyways, both in rvr and he will nearly always have forwarning of incomming enemy in the immediate vacinity (sp?) and the only thing i can think it is, is the smaller HD / swap file


I have a stealth finder also.

Everytime someone enters my FOV(field of view) my comp does this little "hrrclickshww" sound as it loads the figure. Even if the person is behind me. So, even if this person is stealthed, my computer makes the little sound, almost like saying "Hmm, i think someone's around."

I couldn't tell where that person is in that 2500 radius in all directions but i knew someone was there.

Ain't lag a wonderful thing? :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Everytime someone enters my FOV(field of view) my comp does this little "hrrclickshww" sound as it loads the figure. Even if the person is behind me. So, even if this person is stealthed, my computer makes the little sound, almost like saying "Hmm, i think someone's around."

afaik ur not sent the packets for stealthers if there in stealth, so ur comp shouldnt lag because u havent been sent any info at all on the ppl in stealth.

Its one of the great things about stealthers, all them dam radar users cant see us :)


Originally posted by Krissy
afaik ur not sent the packets for stealthers if there in stealth, so ur comp shouldnt lag because u havent been sent any info at all on the ppl in stealth.

Its one of the great things about stealthers, all them dam radar users cant see us :)

sadly this isnt true, otherwise stealthers wouldnt know wether they can or cant stealth as if there is a stealthed enemy nearby, you cant stealth.
Also heard that there were 3 different radar progs and the most powerful one could see stealthers (but it only runs on linux). However this is just heresay and could be horribly wrong :)


There has been Teh 6th sense of DAoC since day 1.

All Teh 1337 pharmers know this.

Computer lags whenever enemy enters the bubble. Not just FOV, even if it's outside your view it still lags. Of course less with better machines.

I had the same thing once, saw a L50 scout miles away with my hero. Tried to go closer but he dissappeared.


The stealthers you see from clip range are just ghosts. Handy knowing a stealther was there tho.


Originally posted by driwen
sadly this isnt true, otherwise stealthers wouldnt know wether they can or cant stealth as if there is a stealthed enemy nearby, you cant stealth.

Hopefully its the server that tells your client you cant stealth, not the client knowing itself because its been given the location of stealthed enemies.

Repent Reloaded

Originally posted by BlitheringIdiot
I’ve got this problem that keep occurring and I was wondering if anyone could explain how it might be happening.

This only ever happens in Thid, whilst playing my ickle hunter, misfire, whenever a full group of enemies came into range I would lag, not really odd but sometimes I would then see a snapshot of a stealther, as if they had a stealth of 1 and weren’t moving, I could see them at miles away.

At first I thought it was just someone with crap stealth, but then it happened with stealthers that Id met before and new they had very good stealth. Also if I stood perfectly still, they wouldn’t move but would always disappear after about 5secs. If I moved over to where I saw this snapshot, sure enough they would jump me.

I’ve played misfire and capped him twice now and in that short time it has occurred 5 times. Then last night when I ran my shaman to thid because I was bored, I ran straight into an alb group, got trampled but sure enough when I looked around at who killed me a stealthed figure standing some way away from me was easily visible. Then about 3 seconds later they appeared unstealthed about 3secs walking distance from the stealthed figure I could see, but that stealthed figure remained standing perfectly still for a few more seconds before disappearing.

Now I can understand this obviously has something to do with lag, only ever occurs when I’m lagging but the way I understood it was that the game mechanics where such that my computer did not know where other stealthers were until I could see them, so how could this occur?

Your thoughts please.

happens to me too, when anyone enters my clip view i lag for 00.1th of a second so i know when to stealth, but i havent had the see stealther thing.


Im relieved it happens to plenty of others but 5-10 secs is a bit extreme isnt it?

Also I sort of 'forgot' to mention this before as it could be deemed bug abusing but for the 'good of experiment' I fired an arrow at the stealthed lag ghost snapshot type thingy and sure enough in hit and unstealthed the player who had since moved away from where the lag ghost was. The target was still in range but Im almost certain it would still have hit had he moved out of range.

Id be a pretty uber hunter if I could shoot stealthed assasins who are even out of range now wouldnt I.


Also my computer has been in the same sorry state since I bought this game, Ive never ever come across anything like this, and even know during the laggiest of laggy realic raids I never see stealth ghosts, only in BG.

I think I'm Broken :(


Originally posted by BlitheringIdiot
Also my computer has been in the same sorry state since I bought this game, Ive never ever come across anything like this, and even know during the laggiest of laggy realic raids I never see stealth ghosts, only in BG.

I think I'm Broken :(

You should try SWG then to see the true meaning of lag. In the mornings it's ok, by the evenings when all the americans come on, you can hardly move in the cities and all the terminals stop working. I haven't dared look at what it's like at 3am when it's the american primetime.


Re: Re: Apparantly I'm a h4xx0r!11

Originally posted by Repent Reloaded
happens to me too, when anyone enters my clip view i lag for 00.1th of a second so i know when to stealth, but i havent had the see stealther thing.

that might be the root of it - whatever causes lag ghosts in the first place is doing the same with yours, but you've stealthed and moved off so the lag ghost is a shade?

bit strange that you can target someone off of their lag ghost...


I once saw a lag ghost while a stealther lded.... lasted about 5 seconds and then they lded and appeared normally with the normal 0 hp


swap files 4 teh win :) must take out 768mb of ram i think, need auto stealth alarm :)


happened to me, when ported to alb, i could see two hunters near the forest to the left of apk, stealthed, and walked nearer, and sure enough, i managed to find and kill them


I was almost 100% positive that your PC didnt know a stealther was there until it could see it, thats why this made no sense, if I lagged they shouldnt show up. Am I missing something?

Anyway new graphics card and extra RAM should arrive on sunday :)

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