


Since the thread was closed and -since- i re-read my last post and seemed to have left a point unclear i will now offer a formal and a sincere apology to all who were offended by the thread(you know wich thread and no, i wasn't forced to this)

I am sorry for the things i said there, perhaps written in the heat of the moment, perhaps just wanting to be stupid but it was wrong. I admit this. I was wrong in doing that, even if my opinions are my own they should have stayed as such..my own. Lesson learned.

So another formal apology, in writing, white on green, to all who were offended, struck, shocked, nautiated or simply stunned(or mezzed.heh..) by my rude, immature, juvinile...let's see...vomitbucket comments.


think before act next time please
i like flaming every now and then but this was way out of line


You don't flame an apology - u thank the person for actually coming clean

LOL Windforce - why flame him again AFTER he apologised?

Im guessing he knew the error of his ways otherwise he wouldn't have apologised - why kick someone when they are already down ?


:clap: Tohtori

Only sensible thing to do (apologize that is).

I didn't know the guy but I could imamgine how I would've felt if I did, and then saw the stuff you had posted.

Good to see you woke up, apologized and most like won't let it happend again :)


Let's just say that if every person is allowed one mistake, let this be mine.

Surely...and i do mean...-surely- this won't happen again..ever.


Re: You don't flame an apology - u thank the person for actually coming clean

Originally posted by tripitaka
LOL Windforce - why flame him again AFTER he apologised?

Im guessing he knew the error of his ways otherwise he wouldn't have apologised - why kick someone when they are already down ?

Was not intended as a flame. If it looked like that i am sorry

In fact i think its good when ppl learn from mistakes and most important admit they are wrong

Like: it was wrong of me to use this thread to raise post count :p

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