I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and an extremely vague recollection of playing RA3 when I came in from the pub last nite. I'd been on the sauce since 4 o'clock (Man Utd/Newcastle) and the whole thing developed from there with the Golf until we got kicked out of the pub at around 12.00 (just before the playoff). Anyway I was trying to play RA3 and consume a chinese takeaway at the same time. Its all a bit hazy but I seem to remember someone calling me a complete twat (which is nothing new) and someone there at lunchtime told me I sucked even worse than normal So to whoever had the misfortune of having me on their team I sheepishly apologise.
If its any consolation, the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was
If its any consolation, the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was