


Hiya peep's,

Anyone on here used to play Diaspora? i guess Apathy did! i remember the name! :p that and Xplore, not sure what he plays now (apart from him self!) so post below with your Diaspora game name and what server you play on in DAoC realm blah blah blah.

i used to be in heli hunter most of the time 'exping' with my mate Povad, anyone know what happened to him? my game name was AmdieJefrie and i was in Iron Shield :) some good times in that guild more so when all hell broke loose and most guild attacked us! lol, i remember being up till 4am fighting that day! :clap: would love to know what Microscope and gang is up to :confused: get in touch.

Questor Thews

Phoenix Legion.


Lol i thought you was talking about some kinds of diseases with that thread name.


Me was playing Diaspora too. I used to fly around with my helimoth.

Ingame name was Silent Bob, Leader of Prophecy.

I play at Excalibur Albion.



I was in The Empire and then started Endymion. Me and my band of fearless n00bs in our helimoths. All gone now...but we live on in DAoC.


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Mwahaha! I banned a lot of the Prophecy guild! j00 hax0rz! :p

~scratches head~ AmdieJefrie rings a bell...

I used to be ... ~cough~ Bloat...~cough~...zilla.

Ahh, what glorious days they were. Running around trying to moderate a game, being lied to by almost every single player in the game, hassled, nagged, pestered, whined at, guilt tripped, abused, insulted, back stabbed and err...getting fucked over by the company accountants and being forced to use shitty equipment.

If I ever need to recall what finally pushed me over the line from borderline misanthrope into a full blown 'I hope the human race dies a horrible and painful death' misanthrope I will be able to look back to my days at Altitude.

Microscope and his little bumchums probably play Rillaspora, the bastard son of Diaspora. www.rillaspora.tk is the site URL but its not the game you remember. Its full of teenyboppers and annoying retards mainly. They call eachother 'Willies' and find it highly amusing. ~rolls eyes~

Hmm...I'd give the above post a bitterness factor of 5! Tres piquant!

Oh yea, I am one of the Guild Masters in the Endymion guild on Excalibur along with Dada/Schmerz, another long time Diaspora player.

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