Anyone want a US account?



I've got just an empty account I would swap :p


you just like being a pain huh ? lol yeah yeah i sent you the info :p

old.Max Payne

Nice pictures on you'r site :) habba habby :whip:


;) thank you ... you didnt get scared of the vampire pics? lol


everytime i go in on the daoc thing i get a annoying error msg and explorer shuts down... this happening to anyone else?


I think it's purposeful so that you can't use third person client thingies to cheat. <hopes someone will fill in the <thingies>>

Uncle Sick(tm)

Poor Breydel... he will have a stroke now. A US player swapping her account to play on the Euro servers.

How much did GOA pay you, vampire girl? ;)

wolvon fury

Hi, am a ex-US player myself, by Vampire, do you mean Vampire the masquerade?; if you do, am also a ex-player of that..

Just wondering what server/realm you be playing on

SickofIt, she is the second the come back, i was the first to switch from US to Europe, but have both accounts still.


Yes Vtm... I played there for over two years and was guild leader of two clans. Same name on there.. Seeaira.
What was your name?

I have had the American game for awhile but dont play there much, I still have a few friends who would like to switch.
I play on Excal. :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

~Its not always easy being the American Princess, but someone has to do it~

... I am sure Tohotori would love to... har


webpages with sound are the work of satannnnn

wolvon fury

No, Homestead is the devil!

Hmm my days on VTM, i wasn't really populor with the 1.1 people,

As for about half my time there, i used to play 1.0 alot, then i moved to v1.1 (finally got it to work, damn w54 worm)

I used to be Called Distrupter (but this was like just after realise)

I came to see what was going on, about 1 months ago, joined good ol'newbies chat, found out that the game had been wreaked by utter ass holes, the l33t d00dz, lots of them, and stupid child clans, that spamed the boards so much, i quicky, uninstalled and never played again, p.s. Pink rocks!!

over all Vampire was cool, but to many mods came out, i couldent keep up; and people with there weapon mods, yikes, well all got spoilt by cheats/mods/hacks ect, tho i dident have some goods time there,

What realm on Exel you play?

btw, my friend looks more like harry potter than you can even think of :p


I'm looking for a attractive young woman with long natural hair. She must be sexy and elegant. Gentle and intelligent. For a longlasting romantic and sexual relationshi.......uhhhmm ohh isn't this the datingforum. Whooops sorry. Get mixed up sometimes. :sleeping:

Uncle Sick(tm)

You forgot to add 'inflatable', Cerverloc. Arf arf


Poor Breydel... he will have a stroke now. A US player swapping her account to play on the Euro servers.

How much did GOA pay you, vampire girl?

Yes I have a stroke now, I wanted that account for a buff bot! :) But seriously, if anyone else is interested in trading a US account for a Euro account I got a spare Euro account I wouldn't mind getting rid off. Still kept it here with the thought of perhaps returning someday but by now I know very well that will not happen. :) Screw u GOA! :)

I have a 42 skald on Prydwen (named Breydel) but he is stripped naked to the bone. In fact all my chars are, I gave every item and every penny I had to my former guild BoD. Other chars I have on Prydwen are lower, I think a 14 shadowblade and a 10 shaman or so. On Alb Excalibur I have a scout, I think level 12 or something with some fletching, also without items and cash.


Yes Vtm has been made into a game full of kids who have nothing better dto do then to make threats like "im going to hack you" so yes it got old and I left, along with many of the oldbies. I worked on many of the mods like the new one that replaced WTD3.5 it was called "The Dark Path". After they started working on 2.0 I just had enough with the hacking and slashing. The newbies lobby gets spamed so much ( by Luci mostly) that its no fun to even go in to say hi to my old friends. ::sigh::

I play on Albion, a lvl 42.5 Paladian and im in LoD. (Legion Of Darkness) You can find me at tanglers everytime you get on, i think i live there.... im sick of tanglers but its the fastes as of now and the tomb is to slow. soooo my bed is at the tanglers.

Sickofit, I see you made light of my quote... thank you for pointing it out because... its so hard to miss. Although I am 100% American I have allowed myself to be corrupted by the British. What does this mean you ask? Oh well lets see, Im cocky, arrogant, rude, stuck-up, crude, nasty and least we forget... a bitch.
This is why I can no longer play on the US servers ... they hate me now and its all your fault. (The British) Of course most of this is all because my boyfriend is British and so he gets to take most of the blame. Some say it has made me a better person, after all its been said that Americans are red neck trailer trash pussy people who hide behind guns.. hmmm I take the 5th on this. Anyway ... the most important thing is just that i AM THE American Princess and that's all that we should point out. :) (ignore me im just being myself, goofy)...ahem

Old. Landshark... I love my music... :p and so it will stay. And maybe you didnt take a look at everything but maybe it is the work of satan... after all hes all over the art page.. :p

And homestead the devil... hmm that might be true, but i got a reallllly good deal for two years on it, (20 dollars) and thats all that matterd to me. :p ;)

Ok I have talked enough so i better go... The Tanglers are calling my name..
Oh and I do still want another Euro account (Breydel ;) ) so let me know :)


because my boyfriend is British and so he gets to take most of the blame

Cheers hun i love you too :) and yeah i hated VTM was never ne thing to do and also was too many moids available a monkey could make a wqeapon pack and be UBER L337 yet its just cause hes made a pack and no one else has it, it was bs imho. one good thing tho on us servers is the lack of lag spikes but hey i got my friends her :p bah landshark so thats reason im here but serious ppl who are moaning about leaving i really advise waiting to see what you think of df and realm abilitys they realllly do change the game

Uncle Sick(tm)

Im cocky, arrogant, rude, stuck-up, crude, nasty and least we forget... a bitch. This is why I can no longer play on the US servers ... they hate me now and its all your fault. (The British)

God have mercy on us.

Oh... you might consider playing on Albion/Prydwen... Excalibur is 1337 d00d uberland. Toontown. Muppet Show. Dyslexic Paradise.

Heck wait... every server on Excalibur is. We lovingly call it the Kindergarden.

wolvon fury

Im cocky, arrogant, rude, stuck-up, crude, nasty and least we forget... a bitch,

Hmm i don't find myself none of this, and am a Brit,

Things i find myself:- a Lover of Beer,A lover of women, A lover of giveing great loven,A Party person, a Football fan (soccer to you baha)

Homestead, $20 for 2 years,

i got £5 for 2 years, with no .homestead, just .com/info :clap:

What i found about some amercians when i was on US servers.

A)They love them selves
B)If there ego's are about to explode
C)I can't stand being called a d00d,dude,d00dz
D)Names like HockeyDude Ownsyou, just make me sick
E)They can't take looseing like us Brits:cool:
F)Am just cool anyway, and i know how taaar paaaaaaaaaaartaaaaay

/end rant


(don't take offanse, i said some amercians)

-=Beer, Helping ugly men have sex since 1940=-

wolvon fury

Originally posted by sickofit...

God have mercy on us.

Oh... you might consider playing on Albion/Prydwen... Excalibur is 1337 d00d uberland. Toontown. Muppet Show. Dyslexic Paradise.

Heck wait... every server on Excalibur is. We lovingly call it the Kindergarden.

Sickofit, i couldent of put it better myself,


Wow... Vireb hun dear sweetie... when you are drunk and its late at night, dont post... you miss typed like a 5 year old. lol
Might wanna edit that. :p

Wolvon you said "What i found about some amercians when i was on US servers.

A)They love them selves
B)If there ego's are about to explode
C)I can't stand being called a d00d,dude,d00dz
D)Names like HockeyDude Ownsyou, just make me sick
E)They can't take looseing like us Brits
F)Am just cool anyway, and i know how taaar paaaaaaaaaaartaaaaay"

Are you kidding me? LMAO
A) Ok first of all, I think all kinds of people love them selves... not just Americans.
B) And imo Brits have a bigger ego... American men only have a ego about one thing, and im sure you brits do too ;)
C) You cant stand being called Dude or dood.... well I havent heard many Americans use this word, but I tell ya, you guys use M8, M8ty, and mate for EVERYTHING. If someone else calls me M8 im going to hurt them. I cant stand that.
D) I have never in my 25 years in the usa heard "HockeyDude Ownsyou" what is this? A name you saw? OMG have you seen the names on excal?? lmao so dont even start... people are just dumb and when you see a name like that you know its a 14 year old who is using mommy and daddys credit card to play the game.
E) Loose? you brits fly off the wall and go neck to neck, if you could PvP at that moment even your "m8's" in your group would go at it.
F) Have no idea what you mean by this one... lol so i wont add my two cents.

And all in all, Why do you think I play on here and not the american server? For all the reasons you listed that you dont like the American servers... because you guys have that and 100% more... and i like to watch you cuse eachother out lol, ooo ooo and i like being the AMERICAN princess... lmao.. then again .. Dreama is American too. :eek:

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