nath said:I don't get it - surely you want to switch off your chip when you go on live - and if it's an official copy of Halo 2 you don't need the chip on, as such how would it get you?
Ono said:No, no. In the past, M$ would ban your LIVE account if you accidently logged onto LIVE with the switch on. If you had the switch off they couldn't detect you had a modded Brick. Even then, if you were banned for being forgetful you could just change the EEPROM on your banned Brick and play again.
Now they seem to be able to detect that you have modified your Brick in some way - either chipping it or even just changing the HDD to a bigger one and banning people regardless of whether or not they are booting the Brick up with the chip off.
The big question is HOW are they doing this? The main theory seems to be that if you logged onto LIVE in the past, then changed your HDD you are fucked as they have logged your HDD serial against your EEPROM/LIVE account and any changes in that combination mean chippage.
My Brick was modded 2 years ago and I've only just got onto LIVE so they have no trace of me changing HDD so hopefully it'll stay OK.
We'll see.